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About Kimo

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    I belong to both VATSIM & IVAO
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  1. I have been following this project for a while, it's looking great. Really looking forward to a more advanced business jet.
  2. Nice 55Gb of high res photoscenery.
  3. 224 spark plugs :wink: Nice shots.
  4. Yeah the q400 is really easy on the frames compared to PMDG aircraft. Definitely worth it.
  5. Anybody tried it in V3? Now with V3 released I hope they don't make me spend money to upgrade it for a 4th time.
  6. It's a "new partnership and product" so I think this will be it.
  7. A2A ALPHA Flight Sim in a Box. Complete package with computer, controls and software. fb.me/7q0RlJ6aL http://jetlinesystems.com/product/a2a-alpha-flight-sim-in-a-box/
  8. Looks pretty good, but will wait for a sale to pick this one up.
  9. Nice maybe gonna pick up soft clouds.
  10. Flown the aircraft for few hours I love it! Handles like a dream and a challenge to perfect your landing. Sounds and the vibration in the airframe are awesome.
  11. Another perfect plane by A2A nice!!
  12. Be cautious topic starter is using a free europe.com mail account does not sound legit at all.
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