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About irocx

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    Minnesota, USA

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  1. I can't sing the praises of AL and @Bad_T enough - use it daily. One of the best freeware addons ever for flight sim. Many thanks!.
  2. I think the OP should change the title to "Xbox OutRage" We all hope for improved traffic, ATC, flight dynamics etc in the new 2024 - maybe better servers should be of the highest priority. Why would they? They're being compensated quite handsomely from this association.
  3. Sorry for your woes, but hang in there Andy. Hopefully there's something here that helps. How-to-fix-a-black-loading-screen How-to-fix-loading-issues-after-clicking-Play msfs+launches+and+then+goes+to+a+smaller,+all+black+window
  4. So many people had this system time issue very early after release back in 2021, I suggested to @Bert Pieketo make a post to the Tips sub-forum here at Avsim.... the post is buried in there somewhere. Funny to see mods on official forum finally recognizing this problem and offering better assistance than a complete "re-install". Amazing that in 2024. Microsoft can't even sync system time correctly, even though a user has elected to do so in in the time settings. Can't blame Asobio on this one.
  5. I'm far from competent using the convoluted camera system, but I think you'll have to create and assign a custom exterior view for what you want to accomplish.
  6. The patch will be released later this year (hopefully). MSFS2024.
  7. It possible with Arno's ModelConverterX. Forum for assistance Hope it helps.
  8. Martin, sorry for your woes. Just to clarify, are you booting the sim in safe mode or are you trying the sim while in Windows safe mode (or both)?
  9. Yep, unsure why they can't seem to resolve this problem. They did implement faster speeds for AI entering the runway along with rolling takeoffs now, which should help slightly with incursions/go-arounds, but I still wished they would give us AFD guys the ability to move the runway start positions like we could do in all other sims - that would help immensely.
  10. Thanks B. Do you use the Toggle Reverse Thrust binding or do you have detents on your throttle?
  11. Anyone else with reverser issues on the Longitude? Just landed and couldn't get the buckets to pop using the Toggle Reverse Thrust binding. No changes to my controller settings. Great that they added the additional Taws alerts, but no reverse thrust will be a problem.
  12. You have avid simmers who want to help inform and promote the MSFS platform on the world's preeminent flight simulation website by simply copying and pasting the info they release ......and this is their lame response. Nothing more than a feeble attempt at controlling the narrative, unfortunately at the expense every bit of passion and goodwill demonstrated by the community. SMH - What a bunch of fools.
  13. Hi Jessica. I think your machine will likely run the sim, albeit at very low settings. You didn't mention hard drive type/ space as that will also be a consideration. I would recommend trying the Microsoft Game Pass trial for $1.00 for the first month and you can see for yourself. Game Pass Good luck and welcome to Avsim.
  14. Yeah, somehow this never made it into all the marketing hoopla......
  15. Well, we already had one update that was supposedly dedicated to such items, but while the intent was greatly appreciated, in all honesty, it's focus left much to be desired. Indeed, there are so many small, simple things that could (should) be added, fixed or improved that regurgitating my personal wish list proves futile, especially considering the efficacy of the current "voting" system. I'm not trying to bash MS/Asobo. The sim is still a great achievement and a joy. But, I too feel there are much smaller, easy low hanging fruit(s)to tidy up and remove some of that "half-baked'ness". And that is where the freeware developers have really stepped up (as always) and filled the void and why it troubles me when things get broken and the attitude of the main developer seems to be "we'll investigate and get this corrected in 3 months (hopefully).
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