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Everything posted by Alvega

  1. Beautiful plane, the detail is amazing. The wheels, the wings, the interior, the engines, very nice. Does anyone know who is the developer?
  2. Lol, they just showed the BeyondATC video in FSExpo and immediately lots of people stormed their Discord server asking to be beta testers. The automod bot even announced a "Possible raid detected" and that the server was in raid protection mode. Apparently none of these folks use AVSIM, because that same video was posted here Monday and they seen it today for the first time.
  3. Looks like you haven't been on the official forum lately. They already acknowledge the issue and tried to fix it, but only managed to fix it partially. They are on it to release a full fix.
  4. I get the white frame too around the PMS50 GTN sometimes. The white dot I just see if I pan the view with the Xbox controller, which rarely happens because I mostly use it to control the drone.
  5. Did you try this? https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/sound-no-longer-working-during-flights-12-23-2020/339594/20
  6. If anyone wants to start up with the PMS50 GTN750 add this in the end of your runway.flt AND your apron.flt files: [LocalVars.0] CARENADO_GNS430530_HIDDEN=1 CARENADO_GTN750_HIDDEN=0 CARENADO_GTN750XI_HIDDEN=1 CARENADO_GTN750_ENABLED_BUTTON=1 CARENADO_GNS_GTN_VIS=1 AS530_1_HIDDEN=0 AS430_HIDDEN=0 GTN750_INT_HIDDEN=0 GTN750XI_INT_HIDDEN=1 GTN750_INT_1_HIDDEN=0
  7. Oh, we have an Asobo or Microsoft employee here that we didn't know about. Can we PM you our requests for the next update?
  8. They were recommended before, the message was different. They now recommend to use the latest driver it seems.
  9. Very nice, but it would be good if it was compatible with Sileo's scenery of the island: https://flightsim.to/file/4828/maupiti-island-french-polynesia When used together there are some trees missing and the wall at the end of the pier is a couple feet above the ground.
  10. Like @ShawnG, I and I believe most who say they don't need this, also backed the request for it on the official forums. You seem to think everyone who say they don't need it are against the feature being implemented, which definitely is not the case. Many of us are fighting for you, be happy.
  11. I don't see any hate, I see some saying they don't need it and others saying they need it. If anything I see some of those who need it having some trouble accepting the opinion of those who don't need it, but no hate.
  12. I haven't see anything like that too, but I rarely fly airliners. Perhaps that is only seen from high altitudes.
  13. For me it did. Since I got it I use frames uncapped and no stutters.
  14. Now we have to ask, which addon are you talking about?
  15. Yes, this was a thread about BeyondATC but people turned it into a thread about VoxATC.
  16. So, of all the folks posting in this thread, 2 won't be buying. Guess the devs don't need to be concerned. Count me in too in the buyers.
  17. I couldn't care less about opening doors. Some people talk about this as if it is one of the most important aspects in a flight sim. This is about flying the aircraft, not being on the ground opening and closing doors. It may be important for youtubers and other streamers, but saying an aircraft developer gave up because the aircraft doesn't have opening doors is a bit too much. Black Square are probably the best GA aircraft in the sim and they don't have opening doors.
  18. I asked them earlier about this and this is what they said:
  19. Jus tested it. Love it, very well done. Good job, Navigraph!
  20. This one looks promising, hope we can get it soon.
  21. Read what I posted again. Where did I say his frametime or stutters are normal? I just said the first video you posted was useless as a comparison.
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