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Everything posted by KL Oo

  1. The level of self entitlement amongst some people is amazing. FSDT release a huge free update that no doubt took a significant amount of time to produce, and instead of simply saying "thanks" some people start banging on about sceneries or asking "is that it?" as if somehow they've been horrendously let down by this free update. Hey @verbal, what meaningful contribution have you made to the sim community? Anyway - @virtual I for one appreciate the free update. I'm sure it will improve over time as will the list of support aircraft. Good work and thanks!
  2. Mate, instead of coming in here and banging on yet again about your inability to use GSX, how about you pop on over to their official forums and actually ask nicely for some support and assistance.
  3. So Mathijs said they're going to FSWeekend and will announce their 'secret project'. Then they cancel the appearance. Now RSR claims there is no secret project. Really doesn't sound like the Marketing Division (as Mathijs calls himself) is insync with the rest of the company...
  4. Yep - The usual suspects with the usual trolling behavior. Mods might as well just shut it down now and save us all another dust bin fire set alight by the usual arsonists.
  5. Whilst I wouldn't be surprised if it does release that late in the year, I would have thought releasing a a product with '2024' in the title dates it pretty early when two months later its 2025. Would have thought they'd have called it 2025 ... as they did with FS9 (FS2004) that released in 2003.
  6. It is, to a varying level of success. As I said up threat, RT and PSXT are an option, but the quality of RT data over the past six - twelve months has dropped significantly. I've been a professional subscriber for years but won't renew in July unless things drastically improve. Anyway, back to Active Sky...
  7. Would be interesting to know if they'd consider "historical Live AI Traffic" to go alongside the historical weather. I know it wouldn't be "live" if it was historical, but it would be good if you could sync with the time of day. So if for example I'm taking off 12 hours ago the live traffic beind displayed was also from that time. I'm guessing since its taken four years for them to understand the point of historical weather, and then implement a 24 hour verison, it will be at least another four years before we get historical live AI!! Yes - I know you can do this with PSXT + RT - But the coverage is getting pretty bad.
  8. On the surface I know they'll say they don't. But the RSR is a business man and as a business man I'd suggest he'd rather not have competition to deal with
  9. Agreed for now - Preset F and DLSS DLAA isn't perfect but the fruit machine effect is reduced. I'm not sure about performance (I'm more interested in visual quality) as I limit my frames via V-SYNC to 30 FPS across my three monitors. My objective is to maintain the 30 FPS as opposed to achieving higher FPS on a single screen.
  10. Actually - On further review, I will say that Preset F does improve the ghosting/fruit machine effect. I tried turning on Frame Generation with DLSS DLAA Preset F and got some horrible blurry effects on the scenery...not sure if others are reporting that.
  11. hey mate, Its the ghosting or the 'fruit machine' effect that kills the immerson for me. Doesn't matter what preset I select (E or F) I get the ghosting numbers. This is what makes DLSS DLAA a show stopper for me.
  12. Thats great - one of the good aspects of DLSS. But it blurs my glass displays.
  13. I'd suggest posting on their dedicated forum as a starting point.... https://www.avsim.com/forums/forum/819-psxseecontraffic-for-fsx-p3d-msfs/
  14. word not allowed I hope they make some improvements here...at the very least allow FG to work on all windows not just the main one..... But I also don't hold out much hope
  15. All good mate - Yeah I (like a lot of people I think) get blurry glass cockpit displays when using DLSS DLAA - On the speedtape, altitude etc. Doesn't happen with TAA but DLSS DLAA gives a better image externally...
  16. Does this new version do anything to improve blurry glass cockpit displays when using DLSS DLAA?
  17. Thanks for the update mate - Good to know. Dev seems a little stubborn. But, it is his trainset so I guess he can move the trains anyway he likes
  18. Thanks for the quick reply. Seems like a nice function to add. I'll see if I can find an email address for the Dev (I can't see any support forum or Discord??) and suggest it.
  19. I'll try bumping this thread rather than creating a new one.... Does anybody know if its possible to only generate a schedule based on airports that you can input? I.e, I own 50 or so airport sceneries in North America and want to generate a schedule that only includes those, and not defaults? I can't see if its possible. I'd ask the developer if its something he might consider adding as an option, but I can't see an email or point of contact for him/her.
  20. I purchased 6000 CL30 for my 7950X3D system about a year ago. Given RAM is reaasonably cheap at the moment, I'd get the fastest and tightest timings you can. Never had an issue with this on my ASUS ROG X670E
  21. Yeah this is what I get whenever I use DLSS DLAA. Everything outside looks great but the glass displays become a blury mess. Fingers crossed Asobo fix it soon.
  22. My biggest issue with FG, and the reason I don't use it, is that with my non Gysnc TVs you can't prevent tearing as VSYNC doesn't work. That, and the fact that FG only works on the main MSFS window and not access multi monitors means the main screen gets a nice FPS bump from FG but the side monitors don't. Fingers crossed 2024 fixes some of these issues.
  23. I'm hoping it's the DLSS/DLAA issue of blurred glass cockpit displays. During the last dev update Martial indicated he thought it was fixed and was surprised it wasn't pushed out by his team. Jorg indicated on camera that this needed to be dealt with promptly... I'm hoping that this delay might allow them time to get a fix in place noting we don't know when we might see a SU16....
  24. I'm the same as you @Crabby - I had THROTTLE_REVERSE_THRuST_HOLD working for the FENIX and succesfully replicating the MSFS Event HOLD REVERSE THRUST however its stopped working with the lastest version of the Fenix. To get the reversers working in Fenix Block 2 I've had to map internally to MSFS. Which is annoying, because that has consequences for other aircraft....
  25. Can anybody tell me if the pilot seat is hideable (like the PMDG) or slideable (like the Fenix)?
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