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Bread Hammer

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Everything posted by Bread Hammer

  1. I agree. I've been using a 32" 1080p lcd and I have to use 32xs to get reasonable aa. I've been wondering how one of these would work? http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007617%20600030629&IsNodeId=1&name=30%22:)
  2. I just wanted to wish you both good luck.... we're all counting on you.
  3. My guess is we will actually have to pay for "virtual" fuel now! lol
  4. http://www.amazon.com/Asus-Premium-Acoustics-Powered-Sennheiser/dp/B0040YJNSW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1321330022&sr=8-1
  5. PMDG MD-11 I had just gotten into FSX and was scared that it would be too complicated. :( Glad I got it, and the multitude of others since then. :)
  6. Players can fly quick and exciting challenges that test their skills even if they only have a few minutes to play. Alternatively, players can fly “story-based” missions such as finding a missing person or playing a key role in an event. Another way to play is flying jobs such as carrying cargo or passengers from one location to another using piloting skills and knowledge to get them to the destination safely. Of course, players can always choose to fly freely without guidance in order to simply enjoy the beauty of the world, fiddle with the knobs and switches in the cockpit, or put an aircraft through its paces. Each of these experiences is different and enriches the game overall, providing short-term and longer-term gameplay. I think MS Flight will suprise many of you.
  7. Firefox with Clint Eastwood. You must think it Russian
  8. Airplane! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080339/ Dr. Rumack: Captain, these passengers don't have much time. How soon can we land? Capt. Oveur: I can't tell. Dr. Rumack: You can tell me, I'm a doctor. Capt. Oveur: What I mean is, I don't know. Dr. Rumack: Well can't you take a guess? Capt. Oveur:...Not for another two hours. Dr. Rumack: You can't take a guess for another two hours? Capt. Oveur: No what I'm saying is we can't land for another two hours. That is all you need.
  9. I was replying to comma's post about the lack of motion. Correct me if I'm wrong but that guy's setup doesn't appear to simulate motion. Wicked sick none the less.
  10. Did you guys not learn ANYTHING from the "Flight is cancelled" thread??? OMG
  11. http://www.flightsimstore.com/product_info.php?products_id=1894
  12. Just got it myself. A cool addon and the price is right :) Does what it advertises. I'm using it without problems with enb. Gonna have to tweak enb a tad now; I'm using nickn's settings and the cockpit gets a tad dark when facing the sun. Otherwise no fps hit, which is great, and the added depth it adds to terrain is very nice. I recommend this addon.
  13. I'm wondering how this works with UTX Alaska? I would like to get it but I'm wonding if I would have to disable all of UTX AK. Does it cover all of Anchorage?
  14. Just like anything else, its relative to all your other settings. I'm currently running UT2 and do get a decent hit on the fps at large hubs with 100% traffic. The models look pretty good and I like how it uses realistic flight plans. It has some cool features like being able to easily turn off traffic during approach when FSX atc brings you in on top of someone else. I also have MTX 5.3 but I'm not using it right now. I like the looks and more realistic way UT2 handles traffic better. MTX models don't look as good, but then they don't have as large of an fps impact so you can have more traffic with a little less of a hit. I also liked that it adds military planes to airforce bases which is way cool if you like to land at AFB's.
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