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Everything posted by ShawnG

  1. I have a 43 inch 4K monitor. I am happily using it at 2k. Not to say that it doesn’t look sharper/better at 4k, it does, but given that my gpu is in constant leaf blower mode when I have it on 4k and the frames are less, happy to make the choice to 2k. Looks perfectly acceptable/wonderful. On a smaller monitor, I would question even using 4k locked at 30fps, only an occasional stutter.
  2. at this point I'm not even actually sure what you are disagreeing with me about.
  3. I'm not sure how that relates to anything I said or my point in this thread. My issues, such as they are, with Robert and PMDG have little to do with statements that he has made, and more to do with actions and behavior (and not just of Robert) Yes, there are many people on this forum who over analyze public statements to a weird degree. I'm not aware of having done that. And I'm still a customer. and am going to buy the product, we don't all have to kiss his word not allowed constantly do we? he still gets my money.
  4. No it’s not like that at all. The car is real, the plane is not. Nobody will die of a sim crash. also, you have been driving automobiles your entire life, and every single one of them has had a non-zero chance of having a catastrophic incident. Just saying…
  5. On the internet, anonymously, yes, the negative reigns supreme. In person, or if you aren’t anonymous the opposite is true. Robert isn’t anonymous. I don’t think it’s insincere, he probably likes the Leonardo guys and their product, and wants them to do well with it. I was responding to someone who was indicating that him making that nice comment invalidates anyone who has ever said anything bad about him or his company, which is in any sort of logical sense ridiculous, there have been mass murderers who love puppies, to use an extreme example. Robert said some nice things about Leonardo, and he makes good products. He also charged users 140 dollars for a slightly modified installer a few years back. Yin. Yang.
  6. It's a bad bug, but rare, and apparently got through pmdg's error testing regimen and other streamer flights without anybody encountering it. I'd be cool if they fixed it post release. Also, it wouldn't be the first time I would have had a software bug spoil a flight. So what? this is a hobby. (cue up the indignant replies of 'it's more than a hobby to me!!!'. Get over yourselves.) Get mad a few minutes if you want, and then realize that what we are doing is a frigging miracle even with a couple rough spots to be had. people are so precious about word not allowed like this sometimes, honestly. I would def. buy this thing in that state. By all means, I want it to be FINISHED. but I don't need it to be perfect or bug free, because, even when it is deemed that by PMDG and y'all, it'll still have bugs.
  7. this. The problem is, whether the majority of simmers expect and can deal with bugs is immaterial, because the minority who seem to have some sort of belief that anything less than 100 percent utility is an insult to their being will fill the forums with flames at the slightest, most insignificant bug, let alone anything bigger. But I agree with you, if the thing isn't going to blue screen my PC, I'm happy to deal with it, if it means I can fly sooner. The oft repeated mantra of : "I hope they take all the time they need to iron out every bug" is an OPINION, one I don't share, and at the end of the day there's gonna be bugs in it anyway, it's software. "Early access" on steam is derided by some, but it's very popular...
  8. People are complex, not simple. I have given PMDG praise and criticism over the years. Randazzo amuses me sometimes, and I think he has a genuine passion for aviation and this hobby, he’s not the spawn of satan, but at the exact same time, there is and has been criticism that is WELL earned. People don’t generally just fit into hard good/evil camps as easy as that would be to want to do.
  9. Anytime you load a complex plane with wasm modules for the first time in msfs it takes that long, subsequent loads should be quick. Will happen when it gets updated as well.
  10. Laugh if you like, and it may seem a ridiculous reaction if you think of dealing with one product only, but I am kinda in his camp on this one. My last pc build happened a month or two prior to msfs being released, and after the sheer hell of trying to install all my P3D addons again, I gave up and swore I would never buy addons again, that didn’t use a unified installer like Orbx central or Marketplace. (And I won’t install p3d again either) it’s not because I can’t handle one challenge/response scenario, it’s because when you add up all of them that go into what we use on the sim, all with different procedures, serials kept on multiple websites and in multiple saved emails, it becomes a chore, and a nightmare to manage. Now at the moment, msfs is a bit better, because it (for me) requires less addons for enjoyment than fsx/p3d, and there are more developers that see the light of using install managers, and it’s not like I won’t buy the odd product that does it’s own thing, but I will severely limit those purchases. Roll your condescending eyes if you must, it’s a real thing. tl:dr It’s not that one older style installer is bad, but the problem adds up over many addons.
  11. It's an old airplane without VNAV. It doesn't calculate a TOD, so I wouldn't imagine there's an option for pause at TOD. certainly can't find any option for that in the manual, or on the one circuit I flew with it.
  12. Is it? let’s be frank, once you do the few things necessary to grok the operation of these things, it’s not really that hard. It’s a simulated mechanical device. Unless you just love the internal combustion engine, it pales in magnificence next to being able to view the glory of the natural world seen from on high, especially when it’s rendered this well. Mankind did not quest for the skies because they loved dials and switches. I’ve at this point learned to manually start all manner of sim planes, from the easy to the ridiculous. That’s not my buzz, simulating flight is.
  13. Accessing files from distant servers is common, whether you realize you are doing it or not. While there are a lot of instances where the net effect of this is irrelevant, if the application is very ping dependant as gaming definitely tends to be, server location is very important, both as far as physical distance, and the number of hops and network routers that it passes through on the way is increased, increasing the net effect of any latency induced on any particular hop. Added to that, with most isp’s the path that each individual packet takes may be different, which can lead to packets arriving out of order (Jitter) which means that the operation has to wait for them all to be in sequence. All this happens in a number of milliseconds, but in gaming applications this can be significant to the operation. if you know the ip address of the server you can use the traceroute and pathping commands in windows to see where the bottlenecks might be, but unless it is within the first couple (your pc to your isp) or the last couple hops (Microsoft’s servers). It’s unlikely that anything can/will be done.
  14. IF the problem is fixed by deleting and allowing content.xml to rebuild, it's not a FT issue, or something they need to respond to. that's the sort of thing where the culprit is just the chaos of the sim managing many content addons from 1,432 different sources that all dip their toes into the same bucket.
  15. The last two days, AVSIM has been unusable for this reason if I log in on my iPad or iPhone. On my PC its fine. but on the mobile devices, instant scam ad popup hell.
  16. There are all sorts of boring, valid business related reasons that some really interesting aircraft weren't successful in the real world. But that's what's great about flight sim, the bean counters don't determine what you can fly. A 146 interests me way more than a lot of modern, highly computerized fuel efficient tubes with wings. Had a lot of fun with the QW Avro versions in sims past, hopefully they will be forthcoming as well.
  17. They haven't said anything at all about pricing structure, other than a few vague statements. everything we have been discussing is conjecture. And you are correct about that pricing structure making sense, unless you are PMDG and you have to manage that across a bunch of different vendors selling the product, and the support requests thereof. Which isn't impossible, but it is something to consider, Also, they have never been anything other than a high-end developer in quality or price. mostly deserved except a few incidents. They will do what they will do. But I'm highly skeptical about anything I've heard here about them having seen the light about high volume sales and lower pricing unless I see it. I believe the previous poster will ultimately be correct. 70-90 average per variant. it'll be expensive as hell. it'll be broken up over a number of months which will make it seem less so, and if you only want a partial experience, you might do ok, but still...
  18. well if his estimate at 70-90 per variant ends up being true, you're still in the 140-180 range... I also maintain a healthy degree of certainty that the number of people on this forum who are going to buy MORE than one or two variants is far greater than the number of people on this forum who are SAYING they are only buying one or two variants to make a forum point. And those two groups will have a lot of overlap.
  19. Which would make the PMDG 737 the most expensive add on in mainstream consumer sim history. once you add up the variants. The P3D version adds up to 185 dollars with all packs. This will surely be more expensive, and even the p3d pricing, despite the fact I paid it, is too much. Now, the caveats. They could price this thing at an average of 30-50 per variant, and it'll come in a bit less. (Not counting on it, but they could) You can save money by not buying what you don't want, which is a bonus (I won't be getting the 900) And I will happily complain about the pricing, and take every opportunity to remind folks of the monumental screw job that was the initial FSX-P3D rollout, where we paid a 140% premium for a new installer. That doesn't mean it still won't be worth it to buy. They make good stuff. But IF this thing comes in as you suggest, I'm not sure this is "positive pricing news" Do the math.
  20. ETOPS isn’t applicable to the bae. It has four engines.
  21. You can turn those settings off. I do. Anything that has depth of field anything, or any sort of “realistic” head shake which isn’t really realistic when you realize your neck and eyes compensate for it in real life. im a sucker for a good lens flare tho, I leave that one on.
  22. That’s possibly because they all spend time and resources modeling the inside of terminals and other word not allowed they didn’t used to. Wish there was an installer method of turning that stuff off. It’s not a passenger simulator.
  23. Most of the aviation world uses feet for altitude, and knots (nautical miles per hour) for speeds, even in areas that use the metric system for non aviation purposes. Although, having said that, there are a few aircraft in the sim whose gauges show speed in km/hr.
  24. Do not disable ipv6. It’s purpose, however is only slightly related to bandwidth. It’s only there to simplify network routing, and allow for more device addresses, not speed. Your home modem/router likely still addresses your home network computers/devices with ipv4, while it connects with the world with ipv6. Not a big deal.
  25. in March, ORBX was waiving their shop fees for their Ukrainian Devs, not sure if that's still active.
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