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Everything posted by Spook

  1. IGS RWY 25 @ lsgs, sion, switzerland. Its has a 6° approach starting @ 16,000, decending into a valley surrounded by mountains at 10,000ft +. In order to keep your speed down on decent you'll need full flap, gear down before starting decent. At 5,5 DME you'll go manual, get a visual on the hospital ( on your left) making a slight left turn to pass the hospital with it on your right.
  2. lol that was pretty funny
  3. F11 key ok? not sticking? Is it a panel state from default or 1 you made yourself?
  4. SP1!? OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7 (latest service packs), Flight Simulator X with SP2 or Acceleration installed.
  5. The other day when something was being changed, all the adverts plastered everywhere on every page was gone. Load times for me at that time were extreamly fast. Not that i give a rats &@($* how long it takes to load...but the adds could be less intrusive and in your face on every page, and just remain on front pages. And anyway...What the adds advertise is a long way a way from anything new...seen the same adds since i became a member here. #Tedeiuse Slightly.
  6. wow, what a helpless response...! Sorry to hear that pants reply.
  7. You should change your sig to read ''the manual in full !!'' :lol:
  8. Thanks Kyle / Kevin All makes sence..seems obviose really ^_^ Thanks Ryan, i shall use it to calculate my fuel myself as fuelplanner.com seems off for the 700. Again thanks all for clearing that up for me.
  9. Thanks Kyle, makes perfect sence. But.. It still seems illogical to tell me im useing reserve fuel, when actually im not.(based on the 7.2 remaining) I understand its telling me that the rest of the flight will use more than 2.2 and start eating into the reserve eventually, but why doesnt it tell im useing reserves untill i actually am ( fuel guage reading 5.0) ?
  10. I flew the NGX from EGGD to LEAL. The flight plan fuel : Fuel used : 10569 lbs Reserve fuel : 5709 Total: 16277 Based on the reserve fuel, i entered 5.0 as reserve. Heres where the confusion lies : Why has the ''useing res fuel'' warning came up if i have 7.2 in the tank?
  11. http://files.protu-154.net/ Russian panel so i was unable to fly it, but i managed to get 1 engine going. But if you can read russian ull have a blast with that one. Real nice VC too, and engineers panel also with a great deal of detail in the systems...from cold and dark to shutdown just llike the real thing PMDG style. Free ware
  12. Ro, click the upper top ;left icono to go onti bbcode or somthing mode and they';ll pop back. Above the 'B' for bold typing.
  13. ill go halfs with you on that Gary. No excuse for DD...none. I hope you loose your licence...whitch stops you getting to work, whitch kills your income and livelyhood. Small price to pay if you had hit someone...did that cross your mind as ur hurtling alone at 50mph, in a 2 tonn+ car?? (Read weapon) ....and all because you couldnt call a cab. Silly boy.
  14. ''#####'' tag not required... Before = Turn your global resolution to far right - left in pic to represent your settings And have high res 3D vurtual cockpit checked too : With the correct setting....... All explained in the Manual.Try reading it.
  15. Lets think outside the box. If there wer a loop of say, 12 passengers....or even 6.. As they wer walking down the stairs and on to the bus, as they get inside the bus ( you no longer see them) they dissapear, and respawn back inside the plane, so then all you have is 12 (or6) passengers on a constant loop...shouldnt hurt FPS that way. Not in the way GSX works though. ( Animated people on the ramp ect) It does it through video, not actual people in the sim. Disclaimer: No support is offered by the developers of the above pictured add-on.
  16. http://bit.ly/Waw0R9 Check it out ( 1st at top)
  17. Personaly i dont get the whole save a flight thing...Land at nearest airport and continue from there, easy. What proceedures are you practicing?...what ever they are why cant you re-do them without restarting? And its an FMS/FMC... pdu?..cdu?? :nea:
  18. Well we both learnt something here today Charles Have fun.
  19. I have my yoke controlled directly by FSX - button assigned in fsx, and it controls trim. Restarting the sim after changing your control mapping might help.
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