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Everything posted by Dave CBFS

  1. They'll be listed under Boeing, not PMDG.
  2. No idea if they're needed, just pointing out that there are files in one patch that aren't in the second.
  3. Hotfix 12943 contained Particle.fxh & ParticleCS.fx in the ShadersHLSL folder, but HF 12944 does not.
  4. Tried this yesterday. I found it does work but I need to have the "blackout desktop" checkbox ticked (I run 2 monitors, but the second is used for extra programs rather than P3d itself). The display did look better, but suffered from stutters, although the frame rate was fine. Maybe my 760 wasn't quite up to the task. When the correcct desktop drivers are released, I'll give it another go, but for now I'm back on 344.11.
  5. I wonder if this is the same issue I noticed with some afterburner effects that were rendered at approx half size? P3d V2.3: P3d V2.4: I copied over the "ParticeDraw.fx" file in the ShadersHLSL folder from my 2.3 backup and the fx went back to the correct size.
  6. Thanks for the info Rob. BTW, Pete Dowson is away again at the moment, so FSUIPC won't get updated until sometime after his return on the 7th October.
  7. Can't see anything wrong in the picture you've linked to, apart from general anti-aliasing. Looks exactly like it does in Google Earth.
  8. It appears LM have made some changes to the XML parser which has made it more strict on the syntax. If you add the line: GaugeDevDebug=1 to the [panels] section in the Prepar3D.cfg it will throw up an alert if it finds a gauge or embedded XML that has incorrect syntax. Try that and load up the 146 & it spits out error after error!
  9. The wheels being embedded in the ground is because the gear suspension isn't working properly (or at all!), not due to the contact points. If you load up the 146 in P3dV2.1 and then FSX and compare the relative positions of the wheels to the gear doors you can see this.
  10. I tried enabling VC shadows for the NGX but it didn't didn't work properly. The shadows only showed up on some parts of the side consoles. Maybe the way PMDG has set up their materials?
  11. Yep, big "thank you" from me too, to Steve, Paul, and all those involved in DX10 Fixer, and supporting DX10 in general. :drinks:
  12. The Fixer can enable VC shadows on FSX native aircraft that don't have it originally enabled. I've tried a couple and it works a treat. B)
  13. Well, I think I've got all of Steve's fx files installed, but I only called up the ballast one on the 172. BTW, it's Ricks Chippie, not mine, but I'll be glad to get it back in the sim when the DX10 Fixer gets released!
  14. Hi Paul, I added: light.1 =1, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, ballast directly before the 2 VC light entries, and renumbered those to light.2 and light.3 respectively. Looking at it now, I suppose it should have been light.0 first, but it's working, so I'm not going to fiddle. :smile:
  15. re. the non-working beacon, I had this too, then I added in the "ballast" light fix found in Steves DX10 shader fixes which seems to have sorted the problem. Additionally, the nav lights now have a glow around them which was missing before. :smile:
  16. I've flown out of St Marys quite a bit recently in the new Twotter without any problems. I'm still using the 3.2.1 patch at the moment, haven't tried it with 3.2.2 though.
  17. I'm sure I read on the Aerosoft forums that the soundpack is a tweaked version of the original Twotter soundpack. A brand new soundpack is coming with the additional models.
  18. VC shadows have to be enabled by the original modeller at design time, and cannot be added afterwards. Having said that, I believe the up coming DX10 fixer util by Steve may be able add VC shadowing although I don't know if there are any limitations involved with this.
  19. Have a look in the post by NickN here: http://www.simforums.com/Forums/fsx-texture-checking-tools_topic46215.html I think that's the tool you're after.
  20. Those rings look like you didn't have any texture filtering enabled. You need at least bi-linear filtering or you'll see the effect you've described.
  21. Have a look here: http://www.microsoft.com/Products/Games/FSInsider/freeflight/Pages/CustomizingShift-Z.aspx (surprised the page is still up actually!)
  22. Steve's work is amazing. Looking forward to the release. Quick question, is this a just shader mod like the previous versions or something that runs in the background like Addon ConverterX, or a combination of the two?
  23. I tried this last night, and like Paul, couldn't get it to work. Then I remembered I use DX10, so swapped back to DX9 and it worked fine. Good program, and agreat idea. Any chance of DX10 compatability?
  24. Hi Kelvin, the link was to a private message. If you click on the envelope icon at the very top of this page you should see a message from me titled "IOS grass"
  25. Hi Kelvin, I used the latest development release of Model Converter X (MCX) by Arno Gerretsen, which can be downloaded from http://www.scenerydesign.org/development-releases/. You'll also need the FSK SDK installed to write the bgl. Download & install MCX and set it up according to the manual (http://www.fsdeveloper.com/wiki/index.php?title=ModelConverterX) Find your "Earth Simulations\ES-3D\Scenery" folder. Your location will vary depending on where you originally installed the scenery. Make a backup of the "ES-Vegetation.bgl" file. Open MCX, & click the "import" button. Load the ES-Vegetation.bgl Once loaded, click the "export scenery" button. Make sure the file type is set to "FSX BGL file" and click "save" MCX will then save all the objects as separate MDL and XML files before combining them into a single BGL The MDL files will then be automatically removed, but the XML files will remain. You can safely delete these if you wish. That's it! Hopefully it will work for you as well as it did for me, just make sure you back up the file first in case anything goes wrong!
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