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Everything posted by VeryBumpy

  1. Nice sale for sure. No big planes so not really interested.
  2. Its not uncommon for many reports (and my personal experience) of official forums being rude, inactive or ultimately unhelpful. I come here for help first and am very glad these unofficial forums exist.
  3. There is an excellent thread with someone measuring loading times with different hard drives, it may be of help.
  4. I'm starting to find DCS not for me either, Not really interested in learning about all the weapon stuff. Even more not interested in trying to memorize all the key board controls. I also miss the whole Earth for scenery. It's free and a fun diversion but I'm keeping FSX as my main flyer for now.
  5. Would love to see a large multi-engine plane in this game. Like an Antonov An-70 or Tupolev Tu-95. Is there anything planned or coming out?
  6. Excellent but brrrrrrrrrrr...don't want snow....do not want.
  7. Sounds interesting but I don't get that channel. :( Not about to pay $2 for each show streaming either.
  8. I never worry about vsync as tearing is very rarely an issue for me in a game now and then. So no vsync issue for me in fsx.
  9. Jeez, that video you posted looks outstanding.
  10. Are the interior (cockpit) textures redone too? And I assume this is for default FSX DC3? Outsides look very nice!!
  11. Looks like some starting film scene to a Christmas movie. Very nice.
  12. For me stutter occur if I have frame rate limit set too high. I usually use a setting of 20-24fps, still plenty smooth for me to enjoy a FSX.
  13. Do a forum search for 'top 5 addons' or 'best addons' the like. There are dozens of threads like this in here. Try this site too. http://fsxgetstarted.com/
  14. No. You will have worse frame rates on your laptop due to its slower processor speed.
  15. OT a bunch but here, it will some day happen.
  16. Hmm..tried all sorts of numbers, didn't see any difference?? Not sure what gives.
  17. I tried it for a little while. Works only so-so. It reads your eyes and face. Wearing glasses caused to work less well. Also zooming in tight to your head/face helps but then you are pretty much forced to not move around at all i.e. you have to keep your head in one exact spot. Try it, its free. Web cam can come in handy in other areas.
  18. No, its Miami X. Their site shows a similar pic but looks later in the day. Interesting, will have to try this, thanks.
  19. I'm getting this in late afternoon, which obviously looks wrong. Is there a way to delay the night textures? Looks very good at night of course.
  20. I understand where you are coming from, one man's problems is another man's envy sort of thing. So yeah, I'm feeling first world selfish at the moment and looking at all the jawdropping tech we have yet are unable to get or force something old (FSX) to go fast as we want. Heck, if my idea of Raiding CPUs could happen, perhaps we would have enough CPU power to help solve more disease, tissue or human physical issues. Oh don't even get me started on broadband and cell phone coverage. That's another whole huge peev of mine i.e. elitists in the urban area thing.
  21. In the majority of life's areas, if someone wants something, it's readily available or doable. It may be expensive or rare but it's available or there are good other options. Every time I fire up FSX I grumble to myself about the fact that there isn't a fast enough CPU in the world. I'm happy as heck with FSX but it runs just too darn slow. And NO, I will not lower my settings. Its 2014, I require/demand visuals of today. Problem is, there is not hardware 'today' to run it at today's visuals. :( Why can't someone smart figure out how to use today's available tech to force any program run way faster. You know like how Raid 0 works with hard drives.
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