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Everything posted by airernie

  1. There is KORD - Chicago O'Hare International in the library by John Boater that has an added date of April, 2016. It is probably as close as you'll find at this time. Ernie
  2. I've ran into the error on install a few times with Flight1 programs. My solution was to add .backup to the production dll.xml and/or exe.xml files and let the app I was installing recreate the xml files with just the entry for the program. I then copied the single entry to the production xml, deleted the new one, and removed the .backup suffix from the production xml. No issues after that. However, I'm not sure what you would do on one that you've been running.
  3. During install or normal operation? Sometimes it's just matter of moving the entry to a different location.
  4. There does appear to be some issues by personal experience and some messages on the FTX forums. I have FSX and FSX:SE installed concurrently and it doesn't find FSX:SE. However, on a second machine I have FSX:SE as a 'never had FSX installed' and it works just great. I think it has problems with the whole FSX_SE path thing. You might try the Orbx registry fix tool on their site to verify that the correct paths are present.
  5. True, but there have been discussions about possibly extending into London...
  6. It's possible that you hadn't underwent the migration process, in which case you would have still had the ability to enable/disable regions in v2. It wasn't forced as it is in v3.
  7. No, but you couldn't disable regions once you had undergone the migration in FTX Central v2. On the upside, region uninstall is very quick. region install not so much. You'll need to either uncheck the region is the scenery library, or use an external app such as SceneryConfigEditor or SIMstarter NG. Ernie
  8. I've used the legacy SPAD and Saitek FSX Plugins with great success in both FSX and FSX:SE. Both are free, as is the version of SPAD.neXt that Michael pointed you to. Ernie
  9. I doubt that anyone has been successful at applying the changes to MT6 since the the Sors navaid updates appear to only be looking at the default BGL files.. I would try unchecking the 'MyTraffic Professional' entry in the Scenery Library if the updated nav data is more important than the extra parking slots that MT6 provides. You can always recheck it.. Ernie
  10. Just a few things off the top of my head; Define the purpose/mission of your VA; Emulate major carrier, passenger, freight, GA, regional, continental, global, etc. Why should a pilot choose your VA, or are there already multiple, possibly better choices.? What about schedules; emulate real world, let user create their own, VA supplied, etc. Web site? Tracking flights; yes or no. If yes, how, etc. I would start by looking at other VAs and see what their requirements and features are and decide if it's worth the effort to create and continue to support. Ernie
  11. Yep.. Once again the REX hype leaves me with unfulfilled expectations..
  12. Except the US is still in DST until November 6th, so we don't currently refer to est, cst, mst, or pst. I would have thought the use of 1900z would have put everyone on the same time, but apparently it got REX and AirDailyX confused. :smile:
  13. Given that they are both free I would recommend downloading and installing both. You needs will dictate which you find most useful. I used Plan-G for years with FSX but have recently switched to Little NavMap. Mainly because I use the programs across a network and Plan-G crashes at least once every flight. As for a comparison, I haven't used Little NavMap enough to make an honest one.. Ernie
  14. What amazes me is that with all of those ships I haven't seen my FPS taking any hits.
  15. Thanks.. I don't have either aircraft you mentioned, but was able to use SPAD with the A2A Cessna 172. I recall some small issues, but no longer have the 172 installed and can't remember what they were. :smile:
  16. The free version SPAD or SPAD.neXt or the paid version of SPAD.neXt? Thanks..
  17. It enables/disables the Nagle packet optimization algorithms. As you noted, mine is set to True, but should probably be changed to False, since it's purpose is to reduce small packet transmission. Apparently, that's not necessarily a good thing with real time applications. Theoretically that's true for all of the applications on the second machine. They could all use the same port. The practice of assigning each application a different port is to reduce the possibility of conflicts. True, the effectiveness is impossible to prove without some type of port monitoring, but doing so falls into the category of "better safe, than sorry". :smile:
  18. Most of the ones I have looked at require you to 'bid' on a flight. I don't know of any that automatically assign you a flight. There is also usually some type of progression, meaning that you start at a rank with specific aircraft and are promoted as you gain hours to other ranks and therefore other aircraft. One way around that is if you have accumulated hours though other VAs or VATSIM. At one time I flew with Virtual United and they meet most and possibly all of your requirements. Take a look at their timetable page for schedule info.
  19. Thanks Steve, HiFi Tech recommends port 500 in their ASN/AS16 docs. I've not had any issues, but if there is a potential for problems then it is probably best for me to change it. Ernie
  20. A new version of UT would be nice, but the question I have is; will the developer abandon it after release like they did with UT2? Despite criticisms about model quality, accuracy of flight schedules and paths, Burkhard has a proven history of maintaining and updating MyTraffic. So, while I own both; my recommendation is for MyTraffic 6.
  21. No, you only need to create one simconnect.xml file, but it should contain entries for all of the simconnect.cfg files; Below is an example of what is on my two computers; I realize that it's for FSX, but it should be similar for P3D. ---------------------------------- simconnect.cfg files on second computer; In AS16 application directory; [simConnect] Protocol=IPv4 Address= Port=500 MaxReceiveSize=8192 DisableNagle=1 In Plan-G application directory; [simConnect] Protocol=IPv4 Address= Port=4506 MaxReceiveSize=8192 DisableNagle=1 simconnect.xml file on FSX computer in AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX; (You directory will probably be \P3D or similar) NOTE: This is not all of the entries in my simconnect.xml file, but the others are just variants with different ports.. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?> <SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0"> <Descr>SimConnect</Descr> <Filename>SimConnect.xml</Filename> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <SimConnect.Comm> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Protocol>IPv4</Protocol> <Scope>global</Scope> <Address></Address> <MaxClients>64</MaxClients> <Port>500</Port> <MaxRecvSize>8192</MaxRecvSize> <DisableNagle>True</DisableNagle> </SimConnect.Comm> <SimConnect.Comm> <Disabled>False</Disabled> <Protocol>IPv4</Protocol> <Scope>global</Scope> <Address></Address> <MaxClients>64</MaxClients> <Port>4506</Port> <MaxRecvSize>8192</MaxRecvSize> <DisableNagle>True</DisableNagle> </SimConnect.Comm> </SimBase.Document> Alternately, I could have consolidated the two simconnect.cfg files and placed the single file in my second computer's My Documents folder, by adding a number to the second and subsequent [simConnect]. [simConnect] Protocol=IPv4 Address= Port=500 MaxReceiveSize=8192 DisableNagle=1 [simConnect.1] Protocol=IPv4 Address= Port=4506 MaxReceiveSize=8192 DisableNagle=1
  22. Yes, I have several apps on my second computer, each with their own simconnect.cfg in the application's directory. I find it much easier to manage that way. You will need to consolidate all the multiple port information into the simconnect.xml file on the simulator computer. Ernie
  23. Looks less like an error and more like the program wasn't set to True in the <Launch.Manual Load> tag in .EXE.XML. Next time you get the message, answer Yes and you should be fine.
  24. Out of curiosity, what OS are you running and how much RAM do you have installed?
  25. I haven't purchased it, but.. the page for Ultimate Traffic 2 Summer/Fall 2016 Schedule reads "The update includes a snapshot of daily/weekly air traffic for the Summer/Fall 2016 Season, effective August 2016. " Are you saying that the air traffic file isn't the same as the flight plans? Thanks, Ernie
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