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The Dungeon
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Everything posted by Q_flyer

  1. The main theme coming through in all these P3D threads is an angst because a lot of people still view their FS hobby as "one or the other" in terms of platform, for some reason. I saw this is in the PMDG forum today; people in distress at having to 'leave the NGX behind' when they move to P3D. Are people's hard drives really so small that they can't keep both sims installed, and use the best of both? :smile:
  2. Love 'em all...... fly 'em all ...... No need to have a monogomous relationship with your PMDG fleet .......... be promiscuous and fly them all! :lol:
  3. Cool, amazing that they did this update for free :cool:
  4. Hi Jimmi, Lovely pics ......... so what is this favourite region of yours? :smile:
  5. Well, your "we" definitely does not represent all simmers or users of this aircraft. RealAir make perfect providios for RXP integration in their aircraft, and the RXP units in turn, perform flawlessly, including in areas like terrain awareness, that the Mindstar units don't offer. Talk about why fix it, if it ain't broke.....
  6. Ryanair Virtual lol!...... wonder if they charge simmers EUR 1 to use their toilet at home during a flight. :lol: ....and perhaps they make simmers actually sim from the house next door to their own (bit more cryptic that one!) Joking apart though, it's a good question Chris because it would involve flying the PMDG 738, and into some interesting airfields. I found this on Google:- http://varyanair.webs.com/
  7. Perfectly reasonable things, that customers would expect...... but I'm surprised a notification that the product would be released onFriday was sanctioned, if those things weren't created and ready to roll. I doubt I will go for these. I see nothing that RXP doesn't already give me (that appeals to me). The point about RXP (lack of) support is also pretty moot, as the gauges "just work" for the vast, vast majority. I use them everyday and have never required support. The Mindstar product not having the Terrain feature; which is a fundamental part of these units (and works so well in the RXP units) is a showstopper for me. Also, continually battering the point that "it's not RXP, it's the Garmin Trainer" is completely irrelevent - the fact is, RXP got it working in a gauge in FS..... no mean feat.... and it works exceptionally well. I'm not keen on the Mindstar approach to PR / website / posts and communication style in some posts, so will pass on this.
  8. Yeah, I've got AeroflyFS and for pure bombing around looking at the Swiss scenery, it's cool, but the aircraft literally just have flight surfaces, landing gear (where applicable) and flaps. There are no systems. You can't start/stop engines. It's a while since I've flown it - I can't remember whether you can even control lights (don't think you can!). There is also no navigation capability (VORs etc), other than a visual map to look at. It's really just a VFR raw flying around the scenery tool. But......... they are developing more features and functions, so exciting to see what comes next. :smile:
  9. As well as those already covered (eg.. Alternate Air etc), I believe the pressurization system is effectively non-functional as far as I can see. There are some controls for it, but as far as I can see, it's not functional. The stuff that is there though, is really good - I can not put this plane down..... it's a long time since I said that about a Carenado!
  10. I wonder how functional they'll be. Default AeroFlyFS aircraft have no systems (can't even stop the engine), so I wonder if these will be better and have some basic cockpit functionality.
  11. Just found this today guys; I know the Airline2sim guys have been on the forum here, but as no-one seems to have spotted this, thought I'd post it :- http://youtu.be/y8rh-fAT7sA The professionalism and instruction by real pilots that this offers looks like it could be in a different league to Angle Of Attack. Very excited to see more of this. :cool:
  12. EDIT: Have tried the new 146 models out. Well the new 146 additions for FSX sure are pretty, but I'm so disappointed that FSUIPC Mouse Macros don't work at all for some of the key autopilot controls; Heading Bug, Course Bug, Altitude Bug. On the Avros models, absolutely every AP control was assignable using FSUIPC Mouse Macros, meaning that things like the Heading Bug etc can be assigned to keys like '[' and ']', to save fiddly movements with the mouse. (And also to allow hardware assignability). With the 146 models, only the MIP buttons such as LNAV, HDG, VS, IAS, etc are assignable. Sadly, after the looooong wait, I won't be using these models, :( unless QualityWings can provide a LUA script for all of the AP functions. But to those happy with mouse clicks, I'm sure you'll enjoy the new additions!
  13. Sorry to sound a bit camp but, YIPEE! Can't wait to try out the analogue 146s!
  14. Nah I don't like them at all ................ only joking, they're awesome shots!
  15. Hi, Yes, there are optional EXEs for every conceivable configuration of RXP units; Eg.... RXP 430 with Carenado 530, RXP 530 with Carenado 430, RXP 430 and 530, etc, etc. These optional EXEs remove the 3D knobs from the model and give a perfect RXP integration. I have been flying the PA46-350P for 3 days solid now and can't get enough of it. It has overtaken the original Carenado 208B as my favourite ever aircraft from them. It really is very good. Even the sounds which initially are a bit perplexing; after a while you realise that they simulated noise cancelling headphones being on. And it really is a very convincing portrayal of that; eg even other sounds like the ground roll and touchdown are also slight muted to give the headphone effect. The flight model seems perfect to me, and since the SP all systems are working well. I have the RXP 430 in and it is just a delightful, high end, luxury / business piston single. I flew across the North sea from Northern England to Bergen in Norway last night...... at FL250 in a piston single, in pressurized comfort. Had some wind behind me, and a groundspeed of 255kts.... not bad for a piston single. It's the best all round, solid, convincing plane that Carenado have ever released IMHO. It is lightyears better than the PA-46T...... it's just nicer to fly, more immersive, more convincing and a lot more economical!
  16. I agree. :smile: But whichever way round people's preferences are (glass v gauge), it's still a lot of money to pay to get the 'other' fitment (and some leather seats). I think if CAR had offerred this as an add-on to their original C208, for say $14.95, it would probably have sold well, but offering it as a separate product at full rate is going a bit too far in the pursuit of revenue IMHO........
  17. Isn't this just common or garden capitalism?
  18. Avoid this rubbish at all costs. It's not new at all; I bought it months ago, and boy was it a waste! Their bump effect is so jerky and notchy, compared to Opus and Ezdok - it just looks like your monitor is on the blink!
  19. I bought their DA-20 about 3 years ago. I would say that they are in the space between freeware and good quality payware. But to be fair, the prices reflect this. As long as your expectations are right (a basic little model and ok'ing VC textures), they're alright for some high frame rate basic flying. Not so keen on their PA46 Meridian (default FSX G1000) :-
  20. Crash Detection....Schmash Schmetection. It has no place in a flight simulator IMHO. If you have encountered a situation that would have led to a crash, I'm sure you'd always know about it.
  21. I think people are perhaps getting disillushined with the "Carenado Factory". The amount of products they release, with it seems an increasing amount of silly bugs that should not have made it past a basic QA check, and the failure to fully update or resolve issues. Sure the texturing is nice but there are many weak areas. For me, I actually love the original Carenado C208; I think that and their C340 are the best planes they've made. But putting their awful G1000 in it ? .... nah! For me, it's as desirable as taking a BMW 530i and replacing the dashboard with one from a Fiat Punto......
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