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The Dungeon
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Everything posted by devgrp

  1. Attention seeking drama queens. I swear, misery loves company smh
  2. The option to turn it off has been there from the beginning since the beta last July. Maybe you guys need to pay attention more.
  3. There has always been an option to turn off icing
  4. Why don't you go back and watch the video frame by frame and make a comparison video of the sim now. Problem solved
  5. The only way it will get overridden is if you keep switching presets in the settings
  6. I spent 3800 last summer to build my pc and I think I've spent close to 1k on addons. If ab addon is broken I can wait until it's patched. No sense getting frustrated over things I can't control
  7. Really? Are you guys for real? The way how the sim does lighting you’ll never get it to look the same just buy changing time of day not to mention using 2 completely different screen shots. And you won't see any shadows when it's an overcast
  8. It's early access, everything doesn't work yet
  9. Screen tearing has always been there before SU5, unless you are using vsync or a gsync monitor
  10. So you guys are frustrated with addons thats not compatible which might be causing CTD? I've been running the sim vanilla and havent had any ctd in SU5 yet
  11. Usually when I get sound jitters a ctd always follows
  12. Always install into a custom folder, just in case you have issues you can uninstall but it will only remove the launcher. You then reinstall which should install the launcher first and when you get in game point the installer to your custom folder and it should fix everything without installing the entire game again
  13. I don't think it can be done without the Geforce experience app
  14. It might. I think it modify them at the driver level, not sure though. But every time I update drivers I always make sure Nvidia optimization is off
  15. Make sure it's not Nvidia optimizing the sim with its own settings. I had that happen a few times
  16. Those don't look washed out on my screen. They actually look very good
  17. He's the same way on FB. Attacking and insulting the people trying to help him smh
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