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Everything posted by Republic3D

  1. I know a recently retired A350 Training Captain who knows the A350 very well, but also the full motion simulators they're using. I think I'll mention to him that Inibuilds are looking for people like that.
  2. So this "mod" also gives "FG" for AMD cards? I'm really tempted to try AMD next time around.
  3. Is any kind of Frame Generation already available for AMD GPU users in MSFS? Is that what this mod turns into FG for Nvidia users? I'm asking because after Nvidia hiding this possibility from us for two years, I'm tempted to try AMD next time. And I don't know much about their GPUs.
  4. I was one of the people who basically ordered an RTX 4000 series card only because of Frame Generation. And FG is really impressive. Now I'm glad everyone gets to participate in that experience. Nvidia, why do you do this? Previous generation cards clearly can handle it. Meaning your only reason to hold back is to sell the latest model. I think I'll try an AMD GPU next time around.
  5. Yes I believe so. But I'll test out some stuff.
  6. I'm on ASUS ROG Strix X570-F Gaming with BIOS 4408. Think there are two newer BIOS versions, but I don't like updating it if not necessary.
  7. I have an ASUS motherboard, wonder if it's possible to do the same. Did you need to update BIOS to enable it on the MSI board? I see that the latest BIOS updates include a ComboV2PI AGESA version.
  8. That's what I do as well. Works reliably. The only few times I've had any bug or snag with TrackIR, it has been on the simulator side after an update. Like the one in December 2021 that Microsoft/Asobo didn't bother fixing until February 2022.
  9. A350 or A380 would be fantastic. Very impressed with the Inibuilds A310.
  10. The argument that the sim will use whatever VRAM is there is a bit flawed, because then nobody would ever have enough VRAM. In my experience, the sim is using around 14-15GB VRAM at the absolute most. And that was the case with my previous 3090 as well as my current 4080. As a sidenote, maybe this will be alleviated in the FS2024 version. Or at least I hope so. They were talking about that the system will download whatever textures you need, and purge the rest quicker. But FS2020 also does that. When they introduced it we had the issue where you would turn around and it looked like a nuke went off with things popping in and out of view. Sorry for the digression.
  11. I haven't had that exact problem, but I had problems with transactions not going through. The issue was that I was running the sim in Administrator mode. When I run it normally that problem went away.
  12. Just bumping up this solution for people who haven't seen it. Worked for me. I had to stop the sim from running with Task Manager between each.
  13. Mine is stuck at 32/69 - Decompressing fs-base-genericairports-0.1.48.fspackage. Says 100% and 3.70 GB. I took the chance to update since it has been 7 or 8 hours since the issues were reported and they responded saying they were investigating.
  14. There were a lot of threads about this about 6 months ago when the cards were new. I have an RTX 4080, and the performance in MSFS with Frame Generation is about 70-80% higher than with my RTX 3090. The 16GB of VRAM on the 4080 is very useful, I would not buy a card with 8 GB these days. The sim will fill up the 16 GB very quickly. Even if you plan on keeping a card for about a year, I would buy a good card now and sell it when it's time to upgrade again. For benchmark numbers, there are plenty of videos on Youtube on that topic.
  15. I think the best option is to ask a third party developer to make it for you. Lots of talented and skilled people on flightsim dot to you could ask.
  16. For me the wide view magnifies the immersion, the depth and speed perception is much greater when you see the terrain or objects fly by in the corner of your eye. That being said, I almost only fly GA or small turboprops, and always with a TrackIR so I can look around. I think a common misunderstanding is that people think the ultra wide view monitors just takes a slice of the picture you see in front of you and cuts out the above and below. But that's not how it works, it just adds extra view on the sides that you can't see with a regular monitor. Of course this all can be adjusted, but so far I've not been able to recreate the immersion other than in VR goggles, which is far superior on the immersion scale, but not sharp enough for me so far. Maybe one day.
  17. I don't know honestly, I think it has a higher refresh rate. Not sure if it has the same panel. But I believe the one I got was definitely old stock sold new. I got it at a very reasonable price. I have not heard about this issue on the Neo G9. And if you end up getting a bad one, worst case scenario is that you have to disassemble and put it back in the box and return it. It's a hassle but not too bad. I'm sure 99% of them are fine. It was amazing for the 30 minutes it lasted. 😅
  18. About a year ago I bought a new G9, but the previous version, not the Neo. Within 30 minutes of using it, I had 27 dead pixels and 1 sleeping pixel. They appeared while I was adjusting the settings of the monitor to my liking. Needless to say I returned it the day after. I know this was an issue on some early models, but I thought they had ironed it out. And I was prepared for 1 or 2 dead pixels on a gigantic monitor, but not 27.
  19. I think I saw that woman with the curly hair on the left on the new TV show H/JACK, you should stay away from that one.
  20. The A2A Comanche for FSX was absolutely amazeballs. After installing it, I set a random number of hours on the airframe, I think it ended up at around 1500. That changed the characteristics for the aircraft, it became unique. It felt like a real airplane. I always flew my Comanche from the same airport I landed at. I always did the walk-around checks. I always did the runup. Except one day I decided to ignore the engine running a bit rough on the ground. I had checked the fuel, there was no water in it. Shortly after takeoff, the engine started sputtering and then quit. In seconds, I frantically tried everything, throttle, RPM, mixture. But nothing helped. I turned the aircraft sharply to the left towards the field, but didn't have enough altitude, and ended up in a ditch, front first. That felt like the loss of a real aircraft, and shame on me for ignoring the engine running rough. I crashed that plane. That's what Accu-Sim does to a simulator addon aircraft. It lifts it out of the computer and makes it unique and come alive. Can hardly wait for the MSFS version.
  21. The A300-600R/F was the last and most modern version of the A300, the last one rolled off the production line as late as 2007. It has the same 2-pilot cockpit as the A310-300. If Inibuilds are making a A300-600 they can reuse the cockpit. The A300B4 however had an older 3-crew cockpit. (video looks taken down for me too)
  22. I don't mind paying another $100 for 2024 - if they fixed the core issues and kept 95% of addons working. Marketplace addons will probably work mostly fine, third party addons might not. Either way it will be a tremendous task to update everything. We still are missing core features in 2020. Like functioning ATC, weather radar and seasons. Stating that they will keep updating 2020 past launch of 2024 could literally mean stopping all support two days later. There is no incentive for Microsoft to support 2020 going forward, because it undermines the entire reason for 2024. They want people to spend money on a new product.
  23. I'm saying they look arcade like. Are they complicated, in depth missions requiring a lot of skill and devotion and function in a physically realistic manner? Or will they be pop-up scores, on-screen tips, sound triggers, in-game credit scores, designed to be fun and addictive for a kid with an Xbox? Have you played them?
  24. As someone pointed out earlier, FS2024 needs to work flawlessly within the current XBox hardware limits. This is both good and bad, the good thing is that it likely won't change too much and FS2020 addons might not need that much work to function. The bad thing is .. what changes to the game can we expect? I'm quite certain there won't be much change within visual fidelity. The trailer does show some nice scenery and details, but all of those could be attained in in FS2020 as well. What does that leave? The arcade like missions and a few new aircraft? There are quite a lot of bugs and functions still to be fixed in the current FS2020, such as ATC, replay functionality and so on. However I doubt these things will be sorted with FS2024.
  25. Prediction: ATC is going to be fully borked in MSFS2024, just like in MSFS2020. Weather radar will likely also be semi borked, just like in MSFS2020. Replay function will not be implemented past developer mode, just like in MSFS2020. At least half the products on the Marketplace are going to need serious upgrades, and those who don't will disappear. Third party addons will need to redo a lot of work, and some will have to start from scratch. Some third party addons like from PMDG and Aerosoft will require re-purchase or upgrade fees. I hope I'm wrong about these things, but I don't think I am.
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