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  1. I'm getting a "Please insert the Microsoft Flight Simulator Game Disc" message. 🙂 EDIT: Fixed it by signing in to my XBox and Microsoft Store accounts. A 1.8 GB update briefly flashed on the screen but didn't download, then the game loaded as per usual. My community folder seems to be intact.
  2. I have been very tempted to buy this plane but the €40 price tag had been a great dissuader. I was about to buy it, but the problems reported here have made me reconsider. Hopefully they'll get it fixed soon.
  3. My experience with FS Passengers was quite different. The idea was great but I found that when I used it, FSX and P3D crashed about every 3 or 4 flights. The developer was MIA most of the time so nothing ever got fixed.
  4. And my daddy could beat up your daddy, so there!! 🙂
  5. Why shouldn't there be two or even three? Having a choice is great for consumers.
  6. Here you go: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 FAQ - Microsoft Flight Simulator Where it says this: "We will continue to deliver our Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) Roadmap which has content ranging from Aircraft and Avionics Updates, Sim Updates, City and World Updates, and also the free Dune DLC. We will continue to support Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) post the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 launch."
  7. Yes. The hysterics that have followed the announcement of 2024 are simply hilarious. 🙂
  8. To fly the aircraft you want in Newsky: Create an airline or join the Newsky Academy (instantaneous acceptance) If you created your own airline, lease the aircraft you want to fly (there's a drop down list) Click "Book flight" Choose the "Free Flight" option Choose Passenger or Cargo (you need a cargo plane for cargo)🙂 Then choose the Airline you want to fly for. Type in your departure and arrival airports and choose the plane you want to fly. Click on the "Start flight" Icon and off you go. Once you land your flight will be given a mark out of 10 with an explanation of what you did wrong, or right. No you cannot turn off any of the things you will be rated on. It's much easier to actually do than it is to try to explain it in writing... If you want more information about Newsky go here: FAQ | Newsky Wiki Newsky is still under development and the developer is very active. It has a fairly simple economy model which takes into account Fare revenue and costs such as handling fees, fuel etc. It's free to use so the only thing it will cost you is a little time to see if you like it. In OnAir you can get bank loans based on the value of your Company. It's quite a long haul to earn enough money to buy an A320, even on the easiest server. In OnAir you will have to do flying tests for each license type: Single engine multi engines etc. Another Airline Sim type "application" I use is FS Airlines, which I'm surprised doesn't get more attention. It's a fair bit more complicated than Newsky with an aircraft marketplace, passengers, cargo, schedules etc. You can read more about it here: fsairlines.net/en/home It's a Virtual Airline manager, but you can set up a one man airline and fly any aircraft you like to anywhere using schedules you set up. The economic model is much more complicated than Newsky and at the beginning there's a "multiplication factor" (which you can adjust) regarding revenues so you don't have to fly a million miles before you can fly your first airliner. There is a free version and a subscription version which costs about 30 euros a year for the top level. It's well worth a look.
  9. Have a look at Newsky Home . It's a free app which allows you to lease and fly any of the large number of planes it has in its database. You can request other planes if they are not included. You can set up your own airline or join someone else's. You can set up scheduled flights for your own airline or do free flights from airports or your choosing. It has passenger and cargo flights and you are paid for each flight. There is a good rating system. I've been using it for the past couple of week and am enjoying myself immensely.
  10. I love flying this plane, it's like a big version of the FBW 320. I "flew" it from Atlanta to KLAX yesterday with no problems whatsoever. My only gripe is that on my system the TOD indicator constantly flashes on and off. That said the TOD is accurate and once reached, the aircraft correctly follows the VNAV flight path down to the runway.
  11. I flew the Aerosoft Airbuses for hundreds of hours in P3D and never once fell out of the sky due to framerate drops. They all have some issues but, in my case, falling out of the sky wasn't one of them. I'll be buying the A330 as soon as it goes on sale.
  12. Windows 11 and MSFS always worked very well on my old Nvidia 1070 machine and they continue to work even better on the 3090 machine I bought myself for Christmas.
  13. Mine went well. Since Windows 8 I've been using a little programme called Start 8,10, and Now 11. https://www.stardock.com/products/start11/ It more or less reverts the interface back to that of Windows 7, the one I liked 🙂
  14. PMDG 777 (years away) or Aerosoft 330 (maybe only weeks or months away)
  15. Like many I mostly use MSFS, but I often come back to P3D V5.3 to fly my PMDG heavies. Qualitywings for the 787 and the Aerosoft 330 (which I particularly enjoy). I also fly using FS Economy so I'll use P3D to swap between my large collection of much maligned, (unfairly so in my opinion) , Carenados. I've tried X-Plane but just can't it get on with for some reason. I don't see these planes arriving in MSFS anytime soon (the 330 perhaps shortly) so I'll be jumping back and fore between P3D and MSFS for the foreseeable future.
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