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Everything posted by Konterhalbe

  1. Super strange. I never use live daytime and I think the sim shouldn't change the ingame time, it should just add one minute every 60 seconds... 😄
  2. What does winter looks like in V2? In V1, there were quite a lot of green edges around the ramp, taxiways and RWY... Also, rabbit approach lights for RWY05 were missing. Have they been added in V2?
  3. Hey there, every 15-20 flights, MSFS resets the sim time by an indefinite amout of time. I have just departed LFLL at sim time 1245z (my local time 1645) and after half an hour (my time 1715), it's 1240z in the sim. A month ago, sim time has changed by 1-2 hours. Anyone else having this and anyone else got this issue? I'm wondering, if I am pressing some keys unintentionally or why this keeps happening? Cheers!
  4. Same! I tried PG and FPS dropped from 30-60 to like 10-15. This was months ago; don't know if PG has still such a significant impact on my sim.
  5. The Fokker 70s and 100s and the Boeing 757.
  6. I got an A20N performance file (for C:\Users\Public\Documents\PFPX Data\AircraftTypes) and an A20N aircraft template (C:\Users\Public\Documents\PFPX Data\AircraftTemplates) to share. Just write me a direct message with your e-mail and I'll share it with you if you want. I did a search but I know know anymore where I got it from.
  7. The scratchpad is another very valuable function of PFPX which SimBrief doesn't offer afaik... My flightplan template is 98% accurate and looks like this: There's everything in it I need. I just copy the whole thing into the scratchpad and modify it a bit to make it perfectly accurate (deleting unnecessary step climbs, paste company NOTAMS, real world NOTAMS and METAR etc.): Cool thing is, from the scratchpad, I can copy the IFR flightplan, paste it on https://my.vatsim.net/pilots/flightplan hit "file flightplan (FPL)" and I can start my flight on VATSIM. Super seamless. If you're interested in my OFP template, here it is: <&b><&Airline[1]> FLIGHTPLAN - IFR <&Airline><&FlightNr> <&Registration> <&From>-<&To> <&b> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALL WEIGHTS IN <&WU[1]> (<&WU>) <&#:65>STD <&DepartureDate[5]>/<&STD[1]>Z -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <&Remarks_Begin>******************************************************************************** <&Remarks:80> ******************************************************************************** <&Remarks_End> <&b><&CompanyFlightNr[1]><&Airline><&FlightNr><&b> <&#[2]:20><&Registration>/<&AircraftTypeShort> <&SELCAL> <&#[2]:58>ROUTE:<&RouteName:16/R> DEP: <&From[2]> <&DepRwy> ELEV <&FromElev:5> <&AU> <&IsCostIndex_Begin>COST INDEX: <&InitCruiseSpeed[1]:10> <&IsCostIndex_End><&IsMach_Begin>MACH: <&InitCruiseSpeed[1]:10> <&IsMach_End><&IsFixedSpeed_Begin>CRUISE: <&InitCruiseSpeed[1]:12><&IsFixedSpeed_End> <&#:58>TTL G/C DIST: <&GCDist:5> NM ARR: <&To[2]> <&DestRwy> ELEV <&ToElev:5> <&AU> INIT ALT: <&InitCruiseAlt:9> TTL F/P DIST: <&FPDist:5> NM DEP GATE FUEL BIAS: <&CruiseFuelBias:5/R>% TTL AIR DIST: <&AirDist:5> NM AVG WIND CMP: <&WindComp:5> KT <&Required_Alternate1_Begin>ALT: <&Altn1[2]> <&Altn1Rwy> ELEV <&Altn1Elev:5> <&AU> <&Altn1Dist> NM<&Required_Alternate1_End> <&Required_Alternate2_Begin>ALT: <&Altn2[2]> <&Altn2Rwy> ELEV <&Altn2Elev:5> <&AU> <&Altn2Dist> NM<&Required_Alternate2_End> <&TakeOffAlternate_Begin>T/O: <&TOAltn[2]> ELEV <&TOAltnElev:5> <&AU> <&TOAltnDist> NM<&TakeOffAlternate_End> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <&b>CONFIG DOW PAX CARGO TOTAL ULOAD LIM ZFW TOW LDW<&b> <&Configuration:8> <&DOW:6> <&TotalPax:3> <&Cargo:6> <&Payload:6> <&Underload:6> <&UnderloadLimit:3> <&b>MAX<&b> <&MZFW:6> <&MTOW:6> <&MLDW:6> <&b>PLN<&b> <&ZFW:6> <&TOW:6> <&LDW:6> <&b>ACT<&b> ...... ...... ...... <&ATCFlightplan> <&PerformanceSection_Begin> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <&TO_Data_Begin>** TAKE-OFF DATA <&From> <&TO_Runway> ** COND: <&TO_Weight> <&WU> // RWY <&TO_RunwayCond> // <&TO_Temperature>°C <&TO_Pressure> <&TO_Wind> // LMT: <&TO_LimitCode> CONFIG: <&TO_Flaps> // <&TO_ThrustSetting> // A/I <&TO_AntiIce> // A/C <&TO_AirCond> SPEEDS: V1=<&TO_V1> VR=<&TO_VR> V2=<&TO_V2> ENG OUT: <&TO_EOSID[9]:70> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <&TO_Data_End><&LDG_Data_Begin>** LANDING DATA <&To> <&LDG_Runway> ** COND: <&LDG_Weight> <&WU> // RWY <&LDG_RunwayCond> // <&LDG_Temperature>°C <&LDG_Pressure> <&LDG_Wind> // LMT: <&LDG_LimitCode> CONFIG: <&LDG_Flaps> // A/I <&LDG_AntiIce> // A/C <&LDG_AirCond> SPEEDS: VREF=<&LDG_VREF> VAPP=<&LDG_VAPP> ENG OUT: <&LDG_EOSID[9]:70> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------<&LDG_Data_End> <&PerformanceSection_End><&RedispatchSection_Begin> ****************************** <&b>RE-DISPATCH PLANNING<&b> **************************** INIT RELEASE <&From> TO <&RedispatchDestination> SUBJECT TO INFLT RE-DISPATCH ONTO <&To> OVER <&RedispatchFix> FUEL BURN FROM <&From:5> TO <&RedispatchFix:5> <&RedispatchBurnFromDepToFix:6> PLAN REMAINING OVER <&RedispatchFix:5> <&RedispatchFixFuelRemaining:6> ACT REMAINING OVER <&RedispatchFix> ........ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REQD OVER <&RedispatchFix:5> TO DEST <&To:5> <&RedispatchFuelRequiredFromFixToDestination:6> TO ALTN <&RedispatchDestination:5> <&RedispatchFuelRequiredFromFixToRedispatchApt:6> RD EXTRA FUEL <&RedispatchExtraFuel:6> ******************************************************************************** <&RedispatchSection_End> FUEL CORR ENDUR <&TripFuelCaption:12> <&TripFuel:6> ........ <&TripTime:5> <&ContingencyFuelSection_Begin><&ContingencyFuelCaption:12> <&ContingencyFuel:6> ........ <&ContingencyTime:5><&ContingencyFuelSection_End> <&AlternateFuelSection_Begin><&AlternateFuelCaption:12> <&AlternateFuel:6> ........ <&AlternateTime:5><&AlternateFuelSection_End> <&FinalReserveFuelSection_Begin><&FinalReserveFuelCaption:12> <&FinalReserveFuel:6> ........ <&FinalReserveTime:5><&FinalReserveFuelSection_End> <&HoldFuelSection_Begin><&HoldFuelCaption:12> <&HoldFuel:6> ........ <&HoldTime:5><&HoldFuelSection_End> <&AdditionalFuelSection_Begin><&AdditionalFuelCaption:12> <&AdditionalFuel:6> ........<&AdditionalFuelSection_End> <&MELCDLFuelSection_Begin><&MELCDLFuelCaption:12> <&MELCDLFuel:6> ........<&MELCDLFuelSection_End> <&BallastFuelSection_Begin><&BallastFuelCaption:12> <&BallastFuel:6> ........<&BallastFuelSection_End> <&EROPSFuelSection_Begin><&EROPSFuelCaption:12> <&EROPSFuel:6> ........<&EROPSFuelSection_End> <&MinTakeOffFuelCaption:12> <&MinTakeOffFuel:6> ........ <&MinTakeOffTime:5> ..................................... <&TankerFuelSection_Begin><&TankerFuelCaption:12> <&TankerFuel:6> ........<&TankerFuelSection_End> <&ExtraFuelCaption:12> <&ExtraFuel:6> ........ <&ExtraTime:5> CAPTAINS SIGNATURE (....) <&TaxiFuelCaption:12> <&TaxiOutFuel:6> ........ <&TaxiOutTime:5> <&ReleaseFuelCaption:12> <&ReleaseFuel:6> ........ <&ReleaseTime:5> I ACCEPT THIS OFP AND I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE PLANNED ROUTE AND AERODROMES METAR <&From> METAR <&To> NOTAM <&From> NOTAM <&To> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <&From:4> <&b>STD<&b> <&STD>Z/<&STDLocal>L <&b>ETD<&b> <&ETD>Z ACT OFBL .... <&b>EST T/O<&b> <&EstimatedTakeOffTime>Z MEZ OFBL .... <&To:4> <&b>STA<&b> <&STA>Z/<&STALocal>L <&b>ETA<&b> <&ETA>Z ACT ONBL .... <&b>EST LDG<&b> <&EstimatedLandingTime>Z MEZ ONBL .... <&b>SKD<&b> <&ScheduledEET> <&b>PLN<&b> <&PlannedEET> TTL BLCK .... <&b>EST FLT<&b> <&TripTime> TTL FLT .... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <&b>END FLIGHTPLAN <&FlightplanID[1]:5> <&Airline><&FlightNr> <&Registration> <&From>-<&To> <&DepartureDate><&b> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AWY WAYPOINT MT ALT WND/VEL TAS DIST FUEL REM / USED LEG ACC NAME TMP FREQ GS REM POSITION ETO / ATO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <&NavLog_Begin><&SpeedChange_Begin>--- CRUISE AT <&Speed:8/L>--------------------------------------------------------- <&SpeedChange_End> <&ETOPSEntry_Begin>--- ETOPS ENTRY <&NextLegDist[1]:4> NM BEFORE <&NextFixIdent:5> -------------------------------<&LegTime[8]:4/R> <&TimeEllapsed:5> <&Latitude[2]:7> <&Longitude[2]:8> ...../..... <&ETOPSEntry_End> <&Class2Entry_Begin>--- CLASS II ENTRY <&NextLegDist[1]:4> NM BEFORE <&NextFixIdent:5> ----------------------------<&LegTime[8]:4/R> <&TimeEllapsed:5> <&Latitude[2]:7> <&Longitude[2]:8> ...../..... <&Class2Entry_End> <&RedispatchFix_Begin>******************************** RE-DISPATCH FIX ******************************* <&RedispatchFix_End><&Awy:8> <&FixIdent:9> <&MT><&Altitude:7/R> <&Wind:7> <&TAS:3> <&LegDist:5> <&FuelRemaining[4]:6> /<&FuelUsed[4]:6> <&LegTime[8]:4/R> <&TimeEllapsed> <&FIRChange[1]:7> <&FixName:16> <&OAT:3> <&FixFreq:6> <&GS:3> <&DistRem:5> <&Latitude[2]:7> <&Longitude[2]:8> ...../..... <&RedispatchFix_Begin>********************************************************************************<&RedispatchFix_End> <&Class2Exit_Begin>--- CLASS II EXIT <&NextLegDist[1]:4> NM BEFORE <&NextFixIdent:5> ----------------------------<&LegTime[8]:4/R> <&TimeEllapsed:5> <&Latitude[2]:7> <&Longitude[2]:8> ...../..... <&Class2Exit_End> <&ETOPSExit_Begin>--- ETOPS EXIT <&NextLegDist[1]:4> NM BEFORE <&NextFixIdent:5> -------------------------------<&LegTime[8]:4/R> <&TimeEllapsed:5> <&Latitude[2]:7> <&Longitude[2]:8> ...../..... <&ETOPSExit_End> <&NavLog_End>
  8. I believe @sherv_BBS once said that Bluebird tries to achieve a targeted Q4/2024 release. I've been simming for 20 years now and every single addon that aimed a date x release was delayed and released on day y eventually. Never ever has an aircraft addon been released on a date or timeframe that was communicated more than half a year in advance. The 757 (along side with the Q400) is my most anticipated aircraft addon within the next 12 months and I'd bet a lot of money on a Q1/2025 release (or later) and I won't blame BBS for it. Sherv and his team should take their time to make an addon that can compete PMDG (panel state function, system depth).
  9. +1!! Would love to do ultra short shops like LOWS-LOWW, LOWI-EDDS or LOWI-LSZS or LSZA etc. It just doesn't feel right to fly 20 minute legs in a 737 or A320. 😄
  10. Anyone knows about if this will be a free update for existing customers? If not, I just stick to V1, which is one of the best sceneries in MSFS already.
  11. After reading the whole thread, I'll place my bet on a 787.
  12. What about the big snow exclusion problem underneath the airport? Is it still present in the latest version of FlyTampa EHAM? There's a big area "under" the airport location that doesn't accumulate snow. I guess no one noticed, because there ain't much snow in The Netherlands right?
  13. Really? Which Runways are missing in FlyTampas CYYZ?
  14. Haven't had this for quite some time now but I had this issue in my first year with MSFS on every update. I don't know what I did wrong back then. I don't think I do anything different now, but the only thing that's getting reset is from full screen mode to windowed. I just have to set full screen again and that's it. What I did at some point in the past was recording a video of my perfectly smooth settings quick and dirty using just my phone to have my settings on hand when they get reset again. Seems like MSFS noticed that I was recording them... it's all good since then.
  15. We shall not forget that these are the customers that bring in the big cash for MS. And just because there's such a large customer base, we've got so many developers creating more beautiful sceneries and aircraft for this sim than for any simulator before.
  16. Well, if this was the only inaccuracy... Depending on the runway, some PAPI lights are missing, rabbit lights on approach are missing, touchdown zone lighting is missing, completely wrong approach lighting system... it should look like this... ... but looks completely different in the iniBuilds scenery. Looks like they just inserted generic runways with generic lighting (also texturing wise..). Plenty of room for improvement.
  17. Since there's an 757 showing up on the horizon that I'll be going to use for transatlantic flights... what are your other four Top 5 Airports? 😉
  18. The 757 simply looks best without winglets. Would love to do Thomson ski charter OPS to LOWI and LOWS by DEC24 😄
  19. Agree on that. TFFS and MTCA are a little too short for the 737 I'm flying but MDPP, MKJS, TTCP, MUCL and MYEH are well done and have got a long enough runway. Of all MSFS World Updates, I use BIAR, CYDF, CYFB, EDJA, EDVK, EFIV, EHRD, LDRI, LFMN, LICJ, LIPB, LKKV, LPFR, LSZA, LSZH, LSZR, and now additionally MUCL, MYEH, MKJS, MDPP and TTCP. If I had to buy all those airports, I'd have spent well over 200 EUR. You surely can say a few negative things about the sim (bad snow coverage, sudden changes of sim time inflight, etc.) but it's impressive that we get handmade airports for free even four years after the release of the sim. What a time for our hobby. Just looked it up, I've spent close to 1000hrs in MSFS since NOV21. The next most played "game" was Battlefield 3 back in 2013/2014 with 700hrs. Says everything about MSFS imho...
  20. Can't find charts on chartfox.org for MUCL, MDPP, MKJS, TTCP, MYEH and TFFS. Do you know any freeware chart sources for those airports?
  21. I guess they are more likely offset due to the fact that you can just repaint the centerline markings from time to time without having to un- and reinstall or cover up the lights. Makes it much quicker and cheaper I think..
  22. Yeah... didn't take long... ordered the Cockpit Master CS 737X CDU earlier this morning 😌
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