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Everything posted by joby33y

  1. Guys, I had the exact same thing happening on my end - on a new rig 11700 CPU & nV3080 - with Oculus Rift. Exiting VR would bring the machine to its knees. Make sure FS is set to DX11 (not 12). Turn off Windows HAGS (important). Run FS in fullscreen (not windowed). See if it helps.
  2. Guys - this sums it up. If you’re capable & intelligent enough to fly & navigate with an aircraft, then you can surely figure out how to install & configure something such as AIG - Especially with all the great tutorials out there. The question to ask is ‘how much time do you want to spend’ setting it up. I’ve used AIG in P3D for years, and its a fine way to achieve realworld traffic. But you’re going to invest time & effort getting it set up. Payware competitors such as AS simple offer a much easier & quicker path. I agree the models are better in AIG. It all comes down to a decision of time (& money) invested.
  3. What are you using for rudder & brake control ? Do you have toe brakes w pedals? Etc….Please ensure the axis assignment is set up correctly. ‘Left brake’ & ‘right brake’ axis must be at their full ‘off’ position in controls setup when brakes released. They can easily end up set halfway ‘on’, causing the plane to stop on takeoff roll after parking brakes released.
  4. Can we get pax that drink too much & then assault the flight attendant ? Then it’s “as real as it gets”….US air travel 2021.
  5. If that’s Orbx’s decision, then fair enough. Regardless….hopefully one - or both - of these scenarios will occur : 1. LM release P3D v6, bringing update graphics & the TE / satellite sceneries to the sim, while preserving add-ons, or 2. MSFS gets enough study level complex aircraft, flight models & etc that it becomes _____ (You fill in the blank). Either way, we as flight simmers win. I’m personally hoping for #1 above. I’d appreciate the ability to focus & maintain just one simulator for all things IFR, VFR sightseeing, and aircraft & procedural complexity rather than bouncing between two as we are doing now. regards,
  6. Dear Orbx: Please release TE USA, and or TE UK for P3D. I’ll respond in kind with an instant purchase, regardless of price. 😁
  7. Highly recommended. I run TE all up the West coast using TE WA, OR, N CA, S CA….& truly enjoy flights in this region. I’ve got it running nicely on P3D v4.5 with no issues. It looks fantastic IMO. However, P3D v5.3 can time out with device-hung errors with TE, PMDG & EA when exiting out of VR. So if you’re on v5, be ready to make compromises in settings to avoid problems.
  8. I notice that AIG traffic sometimes lands & departs in the opposite direction from what ActiveSky is reporting as”runways in use” and/or the logical runway selection based on RW winds as reported at my destination. Is there a setting that corrects this, forcing AI to land or depart into the wind ?
  9. Same here, I have a newer rig (specs below) and v5.3 will crash every time when switching out of VR. Not so with 4.5 or other sims. But I have read that DX12 in general is not good for VR (yet)…
  10. No Device-Hung errors then ? Anyone on Win 11?
  11. Suggestions: Check that Windows did not auto enable HAGS, or ‘Game Mode’. That happened on mine and it really impacted performance. Perhaps use ProcMon and fire up P3D and see what else might be hogging your resources. Consider rolling back that latest Win update, since it’s easy to do. If all was good 3 months ago, then I”d be taking a hard look at what Windows update might have changed on your system.
  12. This latest version of MSFS allows you to pick either DX11 or 12(beta). I cant seem to get VR to work when DX12 is selected. It'll run for a while, then eventually CTD and say "The application is blocked from accessing the graphics hardware) (Windows 11) . I've tried both Rift and Quest 2 (linked) with same results. Not stable. any other suggestions / experiences welcome. thx,
  13. Hello, I recently set up a new rig (11900k, Gigabyte RTX 3080, 32MG DRAM) and installed Prepar3d 5.3 and my Oculus Rift VR. Every time I disable (exit) VR (from within P3D menu) it crashes with DXGI_DEVICE_HUNG. Every single time. I'm not overclocked, no Enh Atmos, No HDR. Still crashes. I also tried it with the Quest 2 headset via Link cable (which works fine otherwise), same result. Crash when exiting VR. I am monitoring the state of the GPU (a not cheap RTX 3080 card) with task manager performance tab, and I see a huge spike in GPU usage when the exit VR command is given. this is always with a PMDG bird of some type, so far either 737NGXu or a 777. thats really all I fly in P3D. Any suggestions ? I'm lowering settings but this feels ridiculous with this much compute power.
  14. Just landed at PAKT: with Oculus VR, at dawn, high resolution ground textures, driver 471.96, no overclocks. As soon as I click 'disable Virtual Reality', it crashes with DEVICE_HUNG, just like before. What's really frustrating.. poking around on the 'Net, reading about many other games & apps that suffer from this bug, and the corresponding suggestions of reinstalling DirectX, or corrupt graphics drivers, or repairing the .Net framework. The frustration ? I'm working on a brand new windows 11 PC, so I doubt that anything is corrupted or in need of repair. But I'll try it anyway. Testing continuing today.
  15. OK I just set up P3D 53 this week, on a brand new i9 11900 with a 3080. My former machine was a 8700k with a 2080Ti, and I've experienced the error on that machine as well. Today, I got the DEVICE_HUNG error after landing at CYVR (Dreamteam add-on scenery). This is after doing the reg mods pinned above. But I was on the newer 496 driver, and I use a lot of TrueEarth, and Oculus VR so I'm banging the graphics fairly hard. I am reverting to the 471 driver and will experiment further.
  16. (P3D 5.3) I don't currently have Envtex installed, BUT I do use ASCA. While I prefer their cloud textures, I've never really liked their sky colors. After reading this thread, I went ahead and turned EA back on, and Volumetric slider off. I am definitely seeing the ASCA textures, but now with a much brighter, more realistic sky color which absolutely overrides ASCA's bland sky colors. So, I have EA on, ASCA cloud textures, and a great looking sky color. All the best of all worlds, starting to get back to PTA quality visuals / colors we had in P3D 4.5. I do appreciate the information in this thread....P3D 5.3 now looks great.
  17. Here is the fix for the spinning clouds in VR : 1. In your base Prepar3D directory, locate the FOLDER : ShadersHLSL. In that directory, find the file called "Cloud.fx". (Optional, make a backup of this file...) 2. Open Cloud.fx, do a search for the word 'blend'. You are looking for the line that says 'float BlendDistance = 3000' . Change that from 3000 down to 500. Save the file and exit your editor. 3. Find your P3D.cfg. Optional, make a backup. Search for "CLOUD_FACING_MODE=0 and change the 0 to 1. Save and exit. This will greatly reduce the spinning clouds in VR.
  18. Friendly reminder, You can fix the spinning clouds in VR with a simple mod to a variable in ShadersHLSL. I’ll post it here if needed. I apply it every time I rebuild or update P3D. Using EA, ASCA, Rex etc is a matter of personal preference, but the spinning cloud fix is independent of which texture set you prefer.
  19. The title says it all... I can replicate a ctd every time I click in the 777-ER EFB. Yeah, my shiny new 777 'expansion'. Does NOT happen in any other PMDG airframe. NGXu, and the 77L run just fine. Brand new Win11 rig running P3D 5.3 with no other errors / CTD's. Anyone else ? I'd appreciate hearing from other 772 Captains. I want to understand if this is a Win11 thing, or some other issue other than the EFB in the 772. thanks,,
  20. Fixed ! Re-enabled FSUIPC back into the community folder, re-calibrate control surface axes, and (most importantly) delete those same axes from the built in MS control assignments. Upon recalibrating 'toe brakes' on these pedals, it works fine. What happens here for those that might have these T-Pendular pedals : without calibration, the brakes are stuck 'on' at a halfway of travel. Once you calibrate and set the 'zero' or off position, they work fine. Exactly like P3D. Thank you all and yeah, I will for sure watch the tug disconnect from now on. cheers,
  21. Good suggestions! thank you, but none of those have gone unchecked. This has something to do with FSUIPC being installed, then removed while testing the A320. This is a new rig. The A320 was locking / freezing up, so I emptied everything out of the Community folder to check for conflicts as FBW suggests. Now the bird runs, just wont move after pushback .
  22. Hi, Whats the secret on setting up T-Pend rudder pedals / toe brakes to get the bird to move ? Pushback was successful, parking brakes off, and she just wont move. Latest build 0.7.3 on latest MSFS. Somethings's changed since last I tried this bird cuz it used to work great. And these pedals work fantastic with PMDG and FSL in the other sim.
  23. Hi, would you please provide a link for that reg mod? Thanks,
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