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Everything posted by joby33y

  1. (P3D 4.5_HF3) I do notice that load times can increase when XML add-ons are changed / added to / reconfigured. But anything more than say 3 or 4 minutes and I would start to look for another strategy. Lorby add on manager ? SimStarter? ie, something to be able to select add-ons for a particular flight ( and disable the other hundred or so that aren't needed ). Agree with you that when, for example all of my MegaEarth add ons were enabled (think tens of thousands of BGL's), it takes a ridiculously long time to load. But I definitely do not see AIG AIM as the cause, and I have major airlines around the world & their associated flightplans. (AIG is set up via XML method, outside the sim root folder). cheers,
  2. Thanks Matt. Appreciate the update since I just completed a fresh 4.5HF3 reinstall. It was time to just start fresh. And PTA takes it from bland to WOW with a couple clicks. Your preset is all thats needed to get to great visuals. This ver of the sim is most likely where I stay until something better comes along.... v5 is just not ready for primetime, no matter what the diehards say. Huge disappointment and I submitted for refund. I want to fly, not fix. Personally I think this is the end of the line for my investment in Prepar3d, given the competitive landscape (now and forthcoming) in simulators. I can only imagine what it must be like to develop for something like this....a moving target of sorts with endless more ‘hotfixes’ on the horizon. Your supporting us in 4.x over the years has been just great. Thank you for your work. 😀 cheers mate.
  3. I thought for sure he was either going to hit the 'wall' OR one of those long stutters / pauses would not stop & it would freeze / CTD. thx for posting, I appreciated watching those.
  4. Honestly flying in or out of FB's KSFO overlaid on MegaScenery Cali is soooo immersive. One of the best P3D experiences for me. cheers,
  5. Is anyone seeing a hang upon exiting the program ? All of a sudden, it hangs and will not exit (getting the spinning blue windows cursor) unless I alt-tab into task mgr and kill it manually.
  6. On its own, its not great. But there's an easy workaround - set up 'oversampling' using the 'Oculus Tray Tool' (freebie) or the Oculus debug tool which is included in the standard Oculus setup. This also applies to the Rift S. (the 'cv1' is the older model). Set the pixel override to 1.5 or so, and everything is readable in the virtual cockpit. I can read the instruments and FMC's no problem. I think most people prefer and recommend the newer Rift S if you're going to go Oculus, but others have reported great results with the HP Reverb headset (v2, newer model). I use the older CV1 because I peek out the nose bridge in order to see my iPad / Foreflight EFB. :-) Works for me. FB is selling refurb'd CV1's for $299. https://www.oculus.com/rift/ cheers,
  7. I'm having good success with b6 so far, flying over ORBX True Florida in VR (Oculus Rift CV1) and it is absolutely stunning. I'm buying more ORBX scenery this weekend for XP. nVidia driver 445.87. Need ActiveSky ! cheers,
  8. Agreed. Now, go and check out the wavy roads and inconsistency around KFLL. Those visuals, plus the fact that VR does not work correctly, caused me to go for a refund. It looks a mess.
  9. That is good info Dan! I *just recently moved to the new Orbx Central (from the old FTX Central) so I want to ensure my understanding is correct. So just to be clear : - choosing 'install directly into Simulator" will use the legacy method ; - choosing 'install into main library" will use XML package method. correct ? cheers,
  10. No, it doesn't. Save truesky, it 'looks' exactly like yet another version of P3D, and it shouldn't cost full price to migrate to this version. The 'looks' haven't changed at all.
  11. Good for you and seriously, I wish you the best of luck getting through this crazy time. Stay the course - it only gets better from here. Think about how pleased you will be when you get to smoother frames and a faster PC! Something to look forward to. I admire your courage and dedication. And don't let the trolls discourage you. cheers,
  12. Yes indeed... Thanks John. It’s running beautifully, fantastic performance on my rig.
  13. I got 11.50 b4 up and running. Thank you for your help. If anyone knows of issues while (still) running Win10 Pro ver 1809, please let me know.
  14. Guys - I'm coming back to XP now after another unPrepar3d experience. Eager to try out the Vulkan stuff - q: what beta version do you recommend at this point ? I'd like decent VR and probably will purchase ActiveSky too. cheers,
  15. Fresh install of V5 here. At KFLL, I do not see the ‘craters’. However, the airport sits on a plateau, BUT the roadways surrounding are such a mess. There are highways that follow the wavy hillside and just look ridiculous. It is completely unacceptable.
  16. I think that you are 'spot on'. I just cannot believe how messy this whole v5 package is overall. The VR (patched twice and still does not work), the roads, the mesh, everything is a mess. Hugely disappointed. And I've been simming since subLogic on the Commodore64. But I've never seen such a poorly tested product. Today, I am going to (a) get a refund ; (b) enjoy some flights in 4.5 ; (c) dabble with other sims when I have time ; (d) wash my hands for 20 seconds of this whole v5 mess.
  17. Thanks for your post. Right now I have P3D 4.5 , and just got P3D 5 up and running, and always chasing better visuals and less shimmers. The VR in v5 is a mess right now. They've already issued 2 patches and the water still does not look correct. And I do a lot of 'over ocean' flying in the Caribbean, so I am not happy at the moment.... So, I was going to go update my XPlane to try out the 11.5b3, but after reading your post, I am having 2nd thoughts.
  18. MSI afterburner is fine, and so is the EVGA tool, and the ASUS 'GPU Tweak" tool. I have used them all, here is my advice : - Try to get your CPU overclocked as a first step. At least get it over 4GHz, shoot for 4.5 to 4.8 would be even better. I didnt see your CPU clock rate listed in your post. Get that done as step 1 and ensure that the system runs stable, no crashes, no Windows blue screen, etc. - THEN use one of the GPU tools to OC your graphics card. I didnt see who is the mfr of your 1080Ti but I like to stick with the mfrs package - in other words, right now I have an ASUS card, so I use the ASUS OC utility, not MSI. On another machine, we have an MSI MB and video card, so we use MSI utilities on that one. Just a personal preference. I have the card overclocked to about 1700MHz on avg. Even with all that, you'll only see incremental improvements in performance. Turn down any traffic, try MSAA on a lower setting, and reduce Autogen a bit. Those will also help your VR experience. best,
  19. Definitely not yet. 1. P3D v5 has some serious issues at the moment, not the least of which is their VR implementation. Just like last year, they release the software but the VR (among other things) has to be patched etc. It still has issues - and I too am using Oculus CV1. 2. You are not going to be happy with the performance based on the fact that you are used to FlyInside (which has excellent VR interfacing) AND the fact that, the reality is you need a faster PC to make it on par with what you are used to. I'd hang out for awhile and wait.
  20. I've owned this scenery for quite some time and I highly recommend it! Absolutely gorgeous, job very well done. I fly there frequently. Enjoy !! cheers,
  21. Here you go. Highly entertaining. Skip ahead to 2:40 to get to the point.
  22. Here's a post from the LM forum on this: https://prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6312&t=137103 ...and LM's response: "The new data has lane sizes changing frequently and so the texture is changing when the lane is in the data. Unfortunately the color difference and width makes it look not so good there! We'll look at a couple ways to fix that in the future." This is a showstopper for me. I was flying around one of the Bahama's islands this morning, just loving the performance but expecting to see better ground textures now that I have installed Orbx Global and NA base etc etc. The roads haphazardly cover various aspects of the ground textures and it looks absolutely ridiculous. Wonder if my old copy of UTX would fix this. Or if I can figure out how to delete shut off their roads.
  23. https://prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6312&t=136992 ...and there is a second one just released ,but it only applies to WMR.
  24. Got it - but what IS new is that it looks much worse than it ever did in 4.x.
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