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Everything posted by joby33y

  1. Same here, just finished setting up 5.3 on a new rig which came with Win 11. My friendly advice to those who are running a stable Win 10….avoid 11 for now unless you enjoy Microsoft-isms. Yeah, it runs fine, but its not without the usual strange cosmetic changes, and they’re already working on an update to fix an issue with file explorer. I’d hold off a while longer. Enjoy your flying, not windows-tweaking. Cheers,
  2. Taxiing and taking off is fine. But after a flight of say an hour or so, upon descending I get annoyingly long pauses. The spinning 'hourglass' wait icon and a real immersion-killer when looking right or left while in VR.... I am running Oculus Rift with the OpenXR runtime, latest nVidia drivers and my specs are below. The problem feels like that same stutter-fest we all saw after SU5 when moving the camera around. Although its gotten a lot better since SU6, I still get this problem after flying for awhile. I'm not a newbie to this hobby and I am fairly adept at troubleshooting, but I cant help but think that something in my setup is not optimal. Just doesn't feel right. What would cause the problem to appear after flying for a while, but not at the start ? Experts chime in ! cheers,
  3. Thanks for the info! I’m seriously considering picking up an ‘S’ and giving it a go with MSFS. Just cannot find Series X anywhere around here….none to be had. And restocks sell out almost instantly.
  4. I have the same question too. If anyone out there is running MSFS on Xbox series S, please comment on the performance. We already are aware that X’ is more powerful!
  5. I’m pleased that Control center is finally available. Hopefully it makes managing the FSL fleet, and all its variants & liveries, easier and seamless. Thanks for getting it done! Ray- sorry, but Is this thread about heralding the release of Control Center, or the lack of Concorde plan details? I for one appreciate accurate headline titles.
  6. Personally, I don’t recommend it just yet. The stability of 4.5, combined with the great looking atmosphere and shading provided by PTA & others, just can’t be beat in my book. I believe they’ll fix the issues upon next release- hope so. But I’ve experienced the device-hung error while using Orbx true earth (very first flight)…and no time at the present for tweaking and debugging. Just my 2c.
  7. this is my first time in this forum. I purchased the 777 program last year, and then a couple months ago, purchased the A320 program. I want to be able to d/l the videos for use while I travel (while not having online access). I'm stunned to see all the others also waiting for the download links to be made available. It's not that difficult to set it up with Vimeo and issue a password. Heading over to the credit card co. that I used for payment, and going to file a dispute. Life's too short to deal w/. this kind of BS.
  8. ….and I have had the same experience. V4.5HF3 rock solid. First time I ever saw a DXGI-Device Hung error was on my 2nd flight in v5HF2. I was in the NGXu, in spot (outside) camera mode, flying over Oregon - Orbx True Earth. Too much to ask of the system? Testing continues….
  9. If anyone discovers the cause of these 'ground pauses', please do share - I'm seeing the same behavior. No CTD, just the appearance of the 'hourglass' wait icon spinning. Please make it go away 😉
  10. Use the awesome (free) tool called LittleNavMap. Let it read your scenery database / config files. Then, search for the airport in question within LNM. Scroll to the bottom of that search window, past all the airport particulars, and you’ll see a listing of each scenery file that is being used, and their location on your disk. Rename or delete the airport files (usually the Orbx ones). That should solve it.
  11. Agree! The MOST annoying youtuber ever. Couldn’t explain an altimeter setting if he tried.
  12. I’ve just read about an upcoming hotfix and then WU6 (late August) which will address several issues, including the camera movement stuttering. I’m hopeful this restores the VR experience on Oculus.
  13. This problem is so bad for me, its rendered the sim basically unusable. I cant even classify them as stutters, they're outright pauses - they're sooo long. Moving my head either direction will cause the windows hourglass to appear and can take a few (very annoying) seconds to reset. This seems to be worse at lower altitudes (say 1500' AGL) and seems to dissipate with higher. Still testing, but this is a mess. This sim worked fine with my VR setup before SU5. I am on Oculus CV1, & PC specs are below. All suggestions are welcomed but I think its up to Asobo to fix this. Meanwhile, P3D in VR still works fine. I only mention this since the problem is so bad, I thought perhaps it might have been due to a problem with the PC itself or a windows update, nV driver problem, etc etc. Not so...
  14. I tried your suggestions, but no joy here either. Switched on Hyper threading like Lange did, still seeing very strange, frequent pauses (they're so long I dont call them stutters, I see a windows hourglass 'wait' icon in my headset) and none of this was present before 1.18.14. Something is definitely broken in this patch. I have had great success up until now.
  15. Same here …. eagerly waiting for a fix. Sound randomly drops down during flights.
  16. Is there a way to get the sim to remember the login credentials ? Lately, I have to sign in each time I start FS2020. Is this normal ? I'm using the Steam version. I don't recall it being this way prior to one of the updates....and I also notice my 'total hours' also got reset, coincident with either a FS update, Win10 update, or both. thanks,
  17. Thanks guys ! Appreciate your inputs. I've gone down the list and .... no more crashes. I believe it was related to the windowed vs full screen issue while in VR.
  18. R, Thanks. I’ll check the setting but I’m sure its set to ‘auto’. Appreciate the tip.
  19. I have a repeatable CTD when flying the TBM 9, while in VR , and pressing autopilot buttons such as master AP on/off, VS, or HDG select. I can roll the alt select knob just fine, or adjust VS wheel up/ down, but then pressing AP master or other BUTTONS on the AP panel, the sim crashes. It doesnt just freeze or go to home menu, rather, the sim completely stops running - hardcore CTD. Anyone else? I still use the Oculus rift CV1. And I’m posting because I’ve experienced this issue for several months and hoping w each update it gets fixed. But it persists...It just happened again yesterday on the latest MSFS version. Any suggestions or similar experiences please, thanks.
  20. Excellent video! I have the Q2 but haven’t tried it yet with FS ( still using Rift). Thx for posting.
  21. I agree with others here. I am (still) running the i7 - 8700k 6-core and have had HT turned 'off' to get the best performance from P3D.
  22. Yes! Waay too much slope...then the terrain sinkhole on the taxiway ‘A’ at KJAX off twy 26. Your plane will ‘fall in’ and not recoverable. Maybe that one at KJAX is an anomaly and I was just ‘lucky’ to find it, but the mesh needs serious attention in this sim. Terrain spikes on every flight.
  23. It has to be an ORBX thing ; that is the only add-on I have for AK other than PANC. I think its one of their 'enhanced' airports in global or FTX So_AK.
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