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Everything posted by joby33y

  1. If you find yourself up in the northern part of the state, don't miss the easter egg / wildlife at PAOM / Nome Airport. I've been there twice for VA tours, and each time I see it puts a smile on my face.
  2. The logic is really easy to understand. If Q400 runs fine without FSPS, but crashes with it, then those of us who are having this same problem are following the logic to try and nail down the culprit. Since you dont own the Q400, and you’re quoting P3D 4.5 (which has nothing to do with this thread), what I dont understand is your logic.
  3. Thx! ok, so does the logbook restore itself after the sim is re-installed ?
  4. I use it in VR and agree, it is a great experience. Did a night flight in Alaska last week and the immersion was fantastic. Need a way to be able to dim the G3000 displays at night, waaay too bright.
  5. thanks! is there a folder that contains the logbook that could also be backed up ?
  6. Had an unexpected reinstall of 1.12.13 due to some changes I made on my system. All 110 GB re-downloaded. Anyone know how to recover Pilot Profile and / or Logbook ? Both are reset to zero. If they're gone, then fine....But does anyone know where those files are located for future reference / backup ? In its current state, I fully expect this to happen again, especially with all the beta software and VR in use at the moment. BTW, this is a Steam setup, with Steam and FS2020 on a drive other than 'c:\' . I'm familiar with where the directories & files are located, and I would have thought the logbook to be located at /users/me/appdata/roaming/Microsoft Flight Simulator ....but no joy. In that directory, I do see userCfg.opt, rollingcache, flightsimulator.cfg among others, and even one called GrantedRewards.bin. AND, I still have achievements and previous hours present and visible on the Steam front end, since that is all cloud based. thanks,
  7. I’m noticing a loss of the flightplan when following this flow: - setup flight in Simbrief; start MSFS & use FlyByWre A320, init / import flight plan into FMGC ; start VR, depart airport. I notice a moment after departing that the FMGC no longer shows any waypoints, like the flightplan just got wiped out.
  8. I did the update to 20H2 and suddenly P3D 4.5 is crashing with .net errors and nttdll.dll errors. I’m rolling back soon. Arrgghhh.....
  9. ...and its repeatable here. I can set the alt, heading mode / nav mode etc, but then Switching the A/P 'on' causes FS2020 to immediately CTD , while in VR. I'm on Oculus Rift CV1. Anyone else experiencing this , please advise. thanks,
  10. Thanks for the tip! That fixed it. My other frustration was trying to get the cockpit view centered behind the yoke ("Camera Reset" was putting me next to the wheel fairing outside the cockpit!) - solution : use the Oculus home 'reset view in app' function. Now, it works great. I am blown away. I just flew the C172 out of KTIW for a quick test flight around the Puget Sound. Smooth as silk. No stutters whatsoever. using Rift CV1.
  11. Yes, Its working, but I am seeing a strange black outline / artifact that is interfering with the view. I cant yet figure out how to get rid of it. I'm on Oculus CV1.
  12. Anyone using VR in P3D5.1 HF1? How’s the performance so far?
  13. They are saying 'turn OFF ' AI tracking in LNM to solve the stutters. I'm installing now, will report back.... Thanks all for the replies.
  14. Greetings, couple questions : 1. Does this new sim support 'broadcast GPS data to newtwork' or similar , like P3D and XPlane both do ? I want my Foreflight ! 2. Has anyone successfully linked the new sim to communicate with LittleNavMap ? thanks all,
  15. Can you elaborate ? How did you determine correct clock setting? thx
  16. The folks that are not seeing the crashes - please share your Win version, graphics mfr & driver. There are soo many variants / builds of Win10 out there currently, and I read about all these warnings & problems with them. Is your machine set to ‘auto update’ Windows? Mine was not, & I was still on ver 1809. With P3D v5 in ‘beta’, some but not all addons ready, & Windows ‘issues’ = really tough scenario to nail down the problem. Food for thought! Cheers.
  17. Absolutely yes. I normally use PTA for my shaders, and I’ve tried many different presets, then I tried reverting to stock, unmod’d shaders. Nothing helps. The sky & any clouds that are present look horrible. I’m resigned to the fact that to do a truly immersive night flight, use X-Plane11.
  18. No, its not fixed, and if it was, I wouldn't have created this post. thanks for the guess tho. Hamilton, thanks - that's exactly what I was looking for. I do use the 'transparency' fix, but then when I actually _do_ need a 2D panel (outside of VR, for configuring w&b or aircraft setup etc), I forget that the transparency is max'd out, causing some windows to not appear at all. What a pain. I will incorporate the change into the panel.cfg today. I am going to do it for the 777 and the 737u. cheers & thanks
  19. Did this bug ever get fixed or did I miss something ? this is when you go into PMDG virtual cockpit in VR, and you see this large, blank white 2D panel smack in the middle of your view. The workaround was/is setting '2D transparency" to 100%. But having just completed a 4.5 HF3 fresh start install, this bug is still there ? Can anyone comment ? I am surprised it's never been addressed....its been around since early 4.x cant even remember when. I use Oculus VR. cheers.
  20. For you GSX users, also give these a try with VR / avatar mode: -request ‘deboarding’ then avatar-outside , stand under the wing & watch the deboarding. Do this while parked with no gate. The pax (zombies) walk down the stairs to the bus. - On you next flight, start your pushback, then start one engine, then switch (while in VR) to “custom view > pushback driver 1st person”. Its another fun view & really neat to see the plane from that perspective while hearing the engine spool up. Then, the tug will disconnect & return to its origin, you get some great views of your plane & other ground vehicles. cheers.
  21. Same here. 1.Navigraph for up to date charts worldwide -in one place. 2. ForeFlight on iPad - realworld tool / navigation / EFB / situational awareness w/ moving map ; and 3. LittleNavMap - to see traffic, ships, and just great looking maps.
  22. I am seeing the same thing. I just finished rebuilding P3D45HF3. Full, clean reinstall with no cfg leftovers, etc. I just reinstalled from scratch the FSDreamTeam KIAH airport. Double entry shows up in AOM 154b03. Also, the 'Exclude" component is stubbornly showing as violet / incorrect path. The XML is placed in %documents%add ons, (by the FSDT native installer), and it correctly points to a path on another drive. I had to manually correct. Not sure what I am doing wrong. cheers,
  23. +1 and I have had that 'feeling' for years - that algo is bugged. Without some type of addon mgr, its hopeless....
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