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Everything posted by TopGun33

  1. I love Maddogs. Actually, Leonardo Maddog is the one that brought me in the McDonnell Douglas world. I am literraly drooling on my keyboard for this one.
  2. TopGun33

    Fueling issue.

    Hi Richard, Have you recently updated your T7 ? If so, as per instructions, delete all saved panel states from previous versions and start from scratch, this should solve the problem.
  3. Looking good ! I very often fly to Taipei, really looking foward to this in P3DV4.
  4. Very nice rig ! I am wondering to do the jump from my current 3770K. Technically, nothing much, except for beeing very expensive and forcing you to rebuy another mobo.
  5. She looks beautiful ! Can't wait for her to show up in the library.
  6. Right when I am reinstalling everything from scratch ... thank you for all the efforts you put in FreeMeshX !
  7. Thank you for your quick and clear answer ! I will proceed with the buy. Once I got hands on my copy I will see if I have the same problem. However my setup is a bit different than yours though. I have a GTX1080 for my main display and a GTX1060 for two secondary displays, on to which I already put the undocked FMC for the various addons such as PMDG without issues so far.
  8. Hi ! Sorry for the little out of topic, but can you confirm the CDU II (i guess the one from VrInsight) works for P3V4, except for the stuttering problem ? If so, with what software ? I am in the process of buying one and VRInsight has not replied to my email regarding compatibility. Thanks in advance !
  9. It works well, both AS16 (although in Beta) and T7 have been updated. It is showing CBs on mine as of right now.
  10. No ETOPS required. Under 145 tons seems a bit low, IIRC it is best practice in the -400 to land with at least 15 tons in the tanks.
  11. So back on topic, I have just tried planning the flight. I think your profile might be wrong, because my PFPX came out with 150 tons of fuel sharp, 35.6 tons of payload and still a very big underload. The flight will last a bit more than 13 hrs. I am climbing and the FMC with weather data confirms every bit of PFPX planning.
  12. There are statements in the PMDG Forums regarding these. I suggest you read them first ;)
  13. Again, I urge you to check your profile I think it is wrong. Why not go 180 minutes ? If a T7 can do this, I am sure a 747 can too. You might need the use of the "Redispatch" function. I know this trick was used a lot at Air France in the Boeing 747 classics times. Basically, you take off with a dispatch for an airport that is enroute, because dispatching to the real destination does not work since ou are out of the numbers upon take-off. As fuel goes and you optimize your vertical path and fuel consumption, the pilots and navigator would recalculate figures and could then "legally" proceed to destination. I am not a real world flight dispatcher so I don't remember right now the exact trick but here is the principle.
  14. ETOPS does cover more than twin engines since 2016. Its name now means ExTended OPerationS The new FAA regulations states "All passenger-carrying airplanes with more than two engines and more than 180 minutes flying time from an adequate airport (at a one-engine-inoperative cruise speed under standard conditions in still air)." Basically it does not change much in real world, but it is wrong to assume quadjets are exempted from ETOPS regulations. Have you checked the weights are correct iin the PFPX profile ? It can't be that your MTOW is exceeded with 0 payload and full fuel.
  15. I think this with ChasePlane small head movements could give motion sickness. Are you positive this is only P3DV4 related ? Could also be need of rest, hungover or whatever. Otherwise, I urge you to consult with a doctor if you feel sick when using a software. There might be something else involved.
  16. 1 - Yes, as I said, just download again the installer found under your account. It is the correct, most up-to-date one. 2 - Yes. 3 - I don't know. I own the full version of FSUIPC anyway. I suggest you acutally take the time check with PMDG on the actual requirements for updating.
  17. Hi again, 1 - Update your operations center. 2 - Go to PMDG website 3 - Download the new 747 installer from your account. 4 - Launch the installer. 5 - Click Remove. 6 - Relaunch the installer 7 - Install. I hope you get it because I don't understand what you don't understand
  18. OK, I think I'll try to remember that next time I don't buy their scenery. Anybody tried to install the legacy sceneries in V4 ? I don't see why that wouldn't work.
  19. I am in the same situation as you. I have just removed the 747 and reinstalled using the new installer. If my memory serves, there is a note in the PMDG OPS Center that explains all the steps.
  20. If it does not exist you can simply create it and add it as a regular scenery. I did this and it works very well. Then you have to check if your mesh is compatible with P3DV4 (if it was compatible with FSX or P3D, then it is the case). You should however install your mesh as a separate scenery instead of the bin that Addon Scenery/Scenery becomes over the time.
  21. To create a link, you could create a small .bat file to run. To do this AT YOUR OWN RISK. THIS CAN POTENTIALLY RUIN YOUR P3D V3. Create on your desktop a raw text. Give it any name. Open with Notepad. Add the following text : mklink /j "c:\Users\"Your User Name"\Documents\Prepar3D v3 Files" "c:\Users\TopGun\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files" mklink /j "c:\Users\"Your User Name"\Documents\Prepar3D v3 Add-ons" "c:\Users\TopGun\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons" mklink /j "c:\Users\"Your User Name"\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3" "c:\Users\TopGun\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4" mklink /j "c:\Users\"Your User Name"\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3" "c:\Users\TopGun\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4" mklink /j "c:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3" "c:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4" mklink /j "D:\Prepar3D v3" "D:\Prepar3D v4" The last line should look like "Wherever your P3DV3 is located" then "Wherever your P3DV4 is located" Then close notepad, rename the extension into .bat instead of .cfg ; double click on the file and you should be good. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. THIS CAN POTENTIALLY RUIN YOUR P3D V3.
  22. I was not actually :P What I am interested in is the elevation correction feature. Could always remove manually the BGLs but so boring.
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