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Everything posted by JustanotherPilot

  1. I have YBWW (Wellcamp) installed in a Folder outside of my Prepar3d v4 installation simply Name "P3Dv4 Scenery" (E:\P3Dv4 Scenery/YBWW) I have the scenery and texture folders intact under YBWW. To install in Prepar3dv4 I simply use the Lorby-Si Addon organizer(freeware) as Jean_Claude has mentioned, to add the scenery under the preferred LM external .xml method. I use this tool for all of my scenery files that do not have their own installer, and have had no issues with scenery not installing correctly. The Organizer also has a utility to check scenery files, so this may help with your dilemma. steve s
  2. Courtesy of Mr Google http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php?topic=17163.0
  3. Thanks for the info, the link to the headset is showing a price of $272.99, the sale must have finished, or discount available in the US only.
  4. Hi Brian...Just what I was looking for, you are a gentleman and artist. I have put this in my freight hauler fleet. I thank you again.
  5. Well done Brian, if your looking for another paint, could you consider Qantas Freight. Thanks
  6. The PMDG 747 was my preferred choice in keeping with my already bought 737 and 777 from PMDG but with the lousy Aussie dollar exchange rate the 747 would have cost me $A185, way over my budget, whereas the ifly747 was a more reasonable $A80. I have to say I am really happy with it. In prepar3d v4.2 there is no system drain, the graphics and external texturing are quite good. The VC panel looks and functions without fault, as mentioned the free -8 upgrade is an added bonus and there are tons of airline liveries. IMHO you won't be disappointed, but hey it's no PMDG.
  7. Try setting your panel to the low res or low VAS in the aircraft.cfg ie panel=hires(NOT THIS ONE)......whatever the others are. (can't remember the other 2, not at my PC). QW have included 3 panel resoution settings for high/low end systems.
  8. I use both but would recommend Navigraph, although I don't like the Jeppesen format to the former Lido, they are still the best available, consider the Airac cycle update package if you choose Navigraph.
  9. Just curious, but have you got VSync enabled in the settings, I had no end of stuttering with P3DV4 so I methodically went through all my settings and found that at some stage I had VSnc OFF, and triple buffering unchecked, once I turned it on and ticked triple buffering, stutters gone. My screen res is 2560 x 1440 with a GTX1060.
  10. Head over to their website all is explained, their is no AI chaos, it is a very good program, I have been using it for years from P3dv3 to v4, they just had a major upgrade, anyway decide for yourself http://pointsoftware.de/
  11. Is that YBBN? - not familiar with YBNN
  12. Thanks IIya, I'm very happy with the 787, a few issues that need tidying up, but early days and QWings seems to be onboard with support.
  13. Are the VC gauges and labels noticeably sharper in this update (this was mentioned in the change log as fixed) but a user confirmation would be nice.
  14. Page 190 of the 787 Collection users manual shows correct position on the EICAS display, trim is set by the default keyboard keys/joystick or whatever assignments you have given it for FSX SE.
  15. Use Gtn750 VC installer exe in the Saab 340.The Gtn750 will become part of the VC panel and disable the default GPS. Pretty sure it was not designed as a pop up window in the Saab.
  16. Hi Bryan, Now with Prepar3d v4 released perhaps this might be given some serious consideration.
  17. John, Who are you directing your post to, is it PMDG? who I don't think will stop producing aircraft for FSX/Prepar3D and don't forget they also do X-Plane or is it we users who enjoy all Platforms but have more addons for one than another. I have had all versions of FS, FSX and SE, Prepar3D and also all versions of X-plane. Each platform has it's merits and annoyances. I prefer Prepar3d v4 for airliner flying and XP 11 for VFR GA flying. I accept both platforms as they are and use them accordingly. Sorry that you have given up on PMDG, which have been a game changer for aircraft realism at a fair price.
  18. I purchased from Week one of release and opted in for the Beta release. Since purchase I have flown it over 200 hours through my VA and found it now, a vast improvement on what it was at release. VNAV TOD calculation still needs work. The real glass feature in rain, shows droplets form then streak along the glass as airspeed washes then away, something to behold. Still waiting on the much promised Official Paint kit, but users have improvised and there are many liveries available. Won't be disappointed if you buy it.
  19. I had something similar and turned vsync and buffering ON in my display settings which fixed it straight away....might be worth a look
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