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Glenn Fitzpatrick

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Everything posted by Glenn Fitzpatrick

  1. Where some of them have ended up. http://www.goodall.com.au/warbirds-directory-v6/de-havilland-canada.pdf
  2. https://www.radschool.org.au/magazines/Vol69/pdf/Caribou in Vietnam.pdf
  3. One addon to consider is Little Nav Map. Also Addon Linker is a popular way of managing your addons once you get too many.
  4. If you are happy with the standard fair that come with the game, more the power for you, as you are going to save a fortune over time. I personally only fly one or two un-modded default aircraft on any sort of regular basis. One is the Pipistrel Virus, something of a hidden gem that came with the Premium Deluxe pack. Another is the default Deluxe pack G58 Baron. Now I do happen to fly the c152 and Steam c172 occasionally but both are modded versions. In terms of what I really fly all the time ... well lately it is the Sting S4, the C310, the Kodiak and the Ant's Tiger Moth. I suspect out of 1000 odd hours I have in sim no more than 200 of those at the absolute most would be in default aircraft, probably less..
  5. Not quite the same. The Beech Baron update will include the B58P which was pressurized with two turbocharged TSIO-520-WB producing a total of 650 HP giving, in the real life version, a typical cruise of 228 kts and maximum cruise up around 240 kts and a service ceiling of 25,000 feet. Faster than a Navajo, in the same class as the Aerostar (255 kt cruise) and not far short of the turbo prop Cheyenne II territory (260-280 kt cruise).
  6. The sim has a lot of odd restrictions like that. For example the flight model only uses a single pair of wings so biplanes etc must be fudged so that the overall effect of two pair of wings can be represented by just one.
  7. The AN-225 were built by the Soviets as a transporter for the Buran shuttle. With the collapse of the Soviet Union the Buran shuttle project was cancelled and there was no need at the time to finish the second AN-225.
  8. nah ... 6L6s or EL34s are the go - higher anode voltage ( EL34 valves are not to be confused with L34 valves which are car parts for 1970's small block Chevy powered V8 race cars here in Australia). In terms of CH pedals, I recall they snapped the little bitty thin brake pedal wires all the time and they were a PITA to disassemble to fix it.
  9. With a 210 knot cruise the Kodiak 900 will be a lot more practical in sim then the 100 which is a touch slow for longer trips.
  10. With the bonus that render scaling up around 120 -140 or higher improves the readability of cockpit text and gauges substantially. Makes no noticeable difference to the scenery of course.
  11. This make sense. if both GPU and CPU are working equally hard, neither will go to idle states and performance will be optimal.
  12. Saint Barts is famous. It is also nice and close to Princess Julianna Saint Maarten for scenic flights.
  13. Devs leaving FS.to has been anything but quiet. There has been a lot of controversy lately.
  14. You are taking off from the wrong end. The river end puts you in the bushes. When you load swap the departure point to the other end of the runway,
  15. Find it in the Start Menu, right click and select "Pin to Start" which creates a big icon to the right in the start menu. Click on that new icon and drag it out to the desktop.
  16. This would have been a better choice, Air New Zealand's very first aircraft:: Short Brothers S.30 C Class Empire Flying Boat ZK-AMA 'Aotearoa'
  17. Well it is very narrow near the river then widens out for a bit then gets more narrow again towards the lodge. Post us a screen shot!
  18. If you want an epic approach try Quinton Lodge (posted this in another thread as well) ...
  19. It is a hiking retreat not an airport. What are you trying to land there ?
  20. It does need a mow but you can land there ... here is a video ,,,
  21. I have been using the Neofly 4 beta. it is definitely still a WIP but actually quite good.
  22. Local legends are never free, they are always around the $20 mark and generally worth it - if the particular aircraft is of interest to you of course.
  23. I have Hobart YMBG and nearby Cambridge YCGB - they seem pretty good. But best to buy both as they are only a few miles apart and almost on top of each other. Coffs Harbour YCFS is also pretty good, I fly our of there in GA a lot and the airfield is accurate and they even have the Fishing Fleet and jetty area modelled. Also worth a look are Ballina YBNA and Sunshine Coast YBSU.
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