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1 hour ago, Dillon said:

Where do you want to start C172 or F/A-18 LOT B's for VAQ-34.  To be honest I only had the controls for a part of the flights I flew over the Red Flag area in our squadron's F/A-18's as I had to qualify for back seat rides. The B's were two seaters for this aggressor squadron.  VAQ-34 started out a Point Magu but ended up at Lemoore CA in the farthest hanger.  A friend of mine was the female pilot who landed the Southwest Airlines flight at KPHL after the blown engine.  VAQ-34 was the first squadron to allow women fighter pilots in a somewhat combat capacity.  I ended up in VFA-94 on CVN-72 just in time to help with the recovery effort in Samalia (if you don't know go see the movie Black Hawk Down).  Speaking of airliners when I was in MN and Northwest was still a thing they had a training facility in Eagan that contained Level-D simulators of their 7474's, 757's, A319/320's, and DC9's.  I flew all of them when given the chance.  The out the window view left allot to be desired by today's standards but it was fun just the same.  I've been GA flying since I was young starting with glider flying.  I have nothing to prove but this is a little history of my flying experience.  My son just got his IFR out of KISM.  He's going to fly me down to Vero Beach's airport restaurant for Fathers Day.

What's your aviation history?

Safe to say you just put every single one of us to shame.

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Dillon said:

Where do you want to start C172 or F/A-18 LOT B's for VAQ-34.  To be honest I only had the controls for a part of the flights I flew over the Red Flag area in our squadron's F/A-18's as I had to qualify for back seat rides. The B's were two seaters for this aggressor squadron.  VAQ-34 started out a Point Magu but ended up at Lemoore CA in the farthest hanger.  A friend of mine was the female pilot who landed the Southwest Airlines flight at KPHL after the blown engine.  VAQ-34 was the first squadron to allow women fighter pilots in a somewhat combat capacity.  I ended up in VFA-94 on CVN-72 just in time to help with the recovery effort in Samalia (if you don't know go see the movie Black Hawk Down).  Speaking of airliners when I was in MN and Northwest was still a thing they had a training facility in Eagan that contained Level-D simulators of their 7474's, 757's, A319/320's, and DC9's.  I flew all of them when given the chance.  The out the window view left allot to be desired by today's standards but it was fun just the same.  I've been GA flying since I was young starting with glider flying.  I have nothing to prove but this is a little history of my flying experience.  My son just got his IFR out of KISM.  He's going to fly me down to Vero Beach's airport restaurant for Fathers Day.

What's your aviation history?

Ohhh @Bobsk8 you just got burnt. First day of law school -  Don't ask a question you don't know the answer to pal. 

Edited by KL Oo
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Kael Oswald

7950X3D / 64GB DDR5 6000 @ CL30 / Custom Water Loop / RTX 4090 / 3 x 50" 4K LCD TVs

7 hours ago, GoranM said:

Safe to say you just put every single one of us to shame.

Honest question... How did he do that?  Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but it looks to me like he's not actually ever been a professional pilot, but simply had friends that are, gotten some rides, and gotten some time in the boxes?

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Andrew Crowley

On 6/8/2023 at 3:01 AM, Dillon said:

I did...😐

I'll bring it out the hanger when the EFB is completed.  No airliner flying today have pilots in the cockpit without one.

This is simply not a true statement.  There are plenty of airliners flying today with paper in the cockpit, all over the world.  Jeppesen keeps statistics on their paper vs electronic subscriptions, and there's a decent reason they're still printing paper...

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Andrew Crowley

Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Stearmandriver said:

Honest question... How did he do that?  Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but it looks to me like he's not actually ever been a professional pilot, but simply had friends that are, gotten some rides, and gotten some time in the boxes?

Word has it your a real world 737 pilot.  If I knew you better I'd say let's go flying the next time your in Orlando.😏 Coming off of what you wrote here it would be too much like proving something which I have no interest in doing.



Edited by Dillon
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Alienware Aurora R11 10th Gen Intel Core i7 10700F - Windows 11 Home 32GB Ram
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super OC 16GB - Pimax Crystal Light VR 


It might be a better idea if we all accept that we have different desires in flight simulation, and put all of this bickering to bed.

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Christopher Low

Intel i5 7600K CPU @ 4.3 Ghz / 32GB DDR4-4200 RAM @ 3600 Mhz / 6GB Nvidia GTX 980Ti GPU

UK2000 Beta Tester


23 hours ago, Dillon said:

As a pilot myself there's no argument anyone can come up with as this is how business is done these days in the cockpit (even in light sport aircraft).🧐 

It's not an argument or me coming up with it, it's a plain fact there are airlines that don't provide EFBs. I've recently worked on a freighter for example that was full of paper stuck to the yoke with no EFB in sight.


10 hours ago, Dillon said:

If you can't see the difference/advantages of using an EFB/tablet versus an FMC when brining in things like charts from Navigraph or fuel/load calculations there's nothing else to discuss here.:wacko:

I agree about things like charts and OFP, but I never understood the argument about doors, etc. In the FMC you go to menu, FS actions, doors and click on the door you want to operate. On an EFB you go to the menu, click on ground services or something like that and click on the door. You've now saved... one click, equating to less than one second.

I'm flying both the PMDG 737 and Fenix A320 and can't see any substantial difference going through either menu. It's all almost the same amount of clicks and number of submenus.

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17 minutes ago, Dillon said:

Let's put our money where our mouths are.  First are you a pilot?  Second next time your in the central Florida area hit me up in a private chat so we can go flying.  I'm not going to produce documents/my FAA license on an open platform like this to satisfy you.  I will say this, it would be cool for Avsim to require some form of documents then modify our account status to reflect who we are (much like Donor status or Commercial Member) so we can put legitimacy questions like this to rest. I've seen this kind of gas lighting before and I for one am not going to fall for it.😏..



I'm jealous of the experience you've had - your son flying you for fathers day sounds awesome. I just finished reading Fate is the Hunter and feel like I was born at just the wrong time in just the wrong place haha. Out of interest, do you still enjoy the simulators despite the fact you're able to fly pretty easily in real life? And do you use DCS too?

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12 hours ago, Stearmandriver said:

Nope, no sense at all.

You're claiming one menu-driven system has some sort of inherent, objective advantage over another menu driven system.

We're talking about the same number of mouse clicks on a computer screen either way, aren't we?

He has a point. Putting all non-original / non-realistic stuff into an EFB, which is not "part" of the aircraft, and keeping all real stuff in the aircraft/FMC, makes sense, if only for immersion reasons.

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For transparency: I'm a community mentor at the BATC discord. However, I do not get paid for it in any way.

2 minutes ago, Nixoq said:

It's not an argument or me coming up with it, it's a plain fact there are airlines that don't provide EFBs. I've recently worked on a freighter for example that was full of paper stuck to the yoke with no EFB in sight.


I agree about things like charts and OFP, but I never understood the argument about doors, etc. In the FMC you go to menu, FS actions, doors and click on the door you want to operate. On an EFB you go to the menu, click on ground services or something like that and click on the door. You've now saved... one click, equating to less than one second.

I'm flying both the PMDG 737 and Fenix A320 and can't see any substantial difference going through either menu. It's all almost the same amount of clicks and number of submenus.

Let me clarify again what I was meaning.  Pilots as a standard these days use IPAD tablets and/or their IPhones for navigation when in the cockpit as we all for the most part use Foreflight.  I don't know anyone that doesn't use Foreflight.  I can't speak for all companies as to what they provide but we use our devices for information, cross checking with our Garmins in the cockpit etc. 

I'm making no argument about doors, etc in the EFB, it was just a nice little thing that was added by some developers I thought that worked.  I'd rather have an EFB in the cockpit modeled after Foreflight in the real world and we are not that far from it.

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Alienware Aurora R11 10th Gen Intel Core i7 10700F - Windows 11 Home 32GB Ram
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super OC 16GB - Pimax Crystal Light VR 

42 minutes ago, Dillon said:

Let me clarify again what I was meaning.  Pilots as a standard these days use IPAD tablets and/or their IPhones for navigation when in the cockpit as we all for the most part use Foreflight.  I don't know anyone that doesn't use Foreflight.  I can't speak for all companies as to what they provide but we use our devices for information, cross checking with our Garmins in the cockpit etc. 

Fair enough, but I'm not sure if you realize I'm talking about the airlines, not GA.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Bigbluss said:

I'm jealous of the experience you've had - your son flying you for fathers day sounds awesome. I just finished reading Fate is the Hunter and feel like I was born at just the wrong time in just the wrong place haha. Out of interest, do you still enjoy the simulators despite the fact you're able to fly pretty easily in real life? And do you use DCS too?

I actually enjoy both.  I don't fly much now because of fuel costs.  I go up with my son these days and put more money in him getting his certifications and time. FS these days with VR scratches the itch perfectly without the costs for me.  Actually 2D works as well concerning MSFS because we are not fully there with VR. The downside is you don't have the feel of the aircraft.  It catches you off guard sometimes in VR.  Where I enjoy simming more than real world flying is you get all the fun without the technical side.  Seeing airports around the world that I will never have the chance to go to in real life is another aspect that's fascinating.. 

Not to get long winded I was going to omit this but what the heck😏:

The huge advantage of FS for any real world pilot that's been there done that is experiencing different flying you've never done in the real world.  Pilots are specialized in the real world and it all depends on what your qualified for.  Even flying different GA aircraft you have to be checked out in each in order to operate it.  You can't just jump in an aircraft anywhere in the world and just fly, in FS you can.  If your a GA pilot you may never experience any aspect of bush flying in Alaska but with FS you can.  It's fascinating seeing the various operating environments if that makes since.  If you want to see what it's like flying over the training desert of Nevada in an F/A-18E I can tell you it looks very convincing in FS now. If you've never been in an airliner cockpit in a flying capacity you can experience it in great detail in the sim.  Within reason it's a great option for those wanting some kind of idea what it's like.  I remember my time in the Northwest simulators and can tell you hands down FS in VR is just like being there. Sitting in an F/A-18 in VR looks exactly the same as it does in the real aircraft.  I've sat in these birds more times than I can count.  The WWII birds is a blast.  Looking at these birds in a museum now is not the same.  In everything I described here VR is the game changer.  The same can be said about DCS as well.  


Edited by Dillon


Alienware Aurora R11 10th Gen Intel Core i7 10700F - Windows 11 Home 32GB Ram
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super OC 16GB - Pimax Crystal Light VR 

2 hours ago, Dillon said:

Let's put our money where our mouths are.  First are you a pilot?  Second next time your in the central Florida area hit me up in a private chat so we can go flying.  I'm not going to produce documents/my FAA license on an open platform like this to satisfy you.  You have an account that has little to no info, can't even see what region of the world you live in yet it seems your questioning peoples legitimacy and qualifications (not the first time I've seen you do this). Why not be more transparent yourself.  I will say this, it would be cool for Avsim to have the option to upload some form of documents then modify our account status to reflect who we are (much like Donor status or Commercial Member, it could say 'Verified Pilot') so we can put legitimacy suspicions like this to rest. I've seen this kind of gas lighting before and I for one am not going to fall for it.😏..



I mean it seems like your accusing him of what you did..... You used lots of words to inflate your experience and an actual airline pilot called you out.  You basically work in aviation, have been up in the air as part of that in 2nd seats or jump seats, flown private pilot in small piston aircraft, and have friends who are professional airline pilots......

When I was an engineer at Boeing myself and some other people have flown jumpseat on flights with our customers.  I'm sure I could use some very colorful wording to make it seem like I'm super qualified on a 737,757 etc. and an expert pilot, add that to the fact I've flown C172 myself and BOOM all of a sudden I'm super qualified.

Stearmandriver works for a major US airline flying the 737 professionally.    I don't think this is the fight you want to pick.

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Nick Running

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