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Everything posted by Jure

  1. Yes, when I fly for my VA. Kinda fun to see on the map with all my flights how my mind works as I choose aircraft to fly the routes available. πŸ™‚ I also try and find the correct livery with correct registration for the flight. I did develop a bad habit flying for the VA, though. I found myself buying the airport I am flying to! That has to stop... Or at least find a freeware alternative! I am running out of space and money! 😁 No, when I fly GA or helicopters or a new aircraft. I just love to explore my home country, flying low and slow. Makes me see how little I know of my own backyard! Kind of embarrassing, really. I try to make amends and go visit an interesting place I discover in the sim in RL. Partially when using Neofly. I would cheat and edit the database, moving my chosen (usually) helicopter to the area of interest. Just yesterday I sent my UH-1H Huey to KDCA and had loads of fun doing Neofly missions around DC with a heavy thunderstorm approaching.
  2. This. Much easier in MSFS, I have a few profiles for different types of aircraft with just these two axes and camera views set up. The rest in Spad.next. I also learned to make a simple image of all controllers for each aircraft. All buttons and axes have their numbers/letters and function/command written next to their pictures. And of course, I write the name of profiles for each controller that are in use by each particular aircraft. Makes life much, much easier! πŸ™‚
  3. On Simbrief, under "Aircraft Type" select "B77W" and to the right under "Variant of airframe" select the PMDG entry EDIT: Sethos beat me to it! πŸ™‚
  4. I tried your route and everything checks out. I requested the route from Simbrief and went through complete pre-flight. Route: OERK/33R N0496F380 IVON1K IVONU M321 HLF N316 PASAM L677 CVO A16 RASDA M855 TOMBI UM855 KUMRU UA16 KFK UM855 OTSIX/N0503F280 M855 SISPI SISP2A LTFM/35R Where exactly does the sim freeze?
  5. Nope, all is well at my end. Yestreday I did a LCLK - LOWW flight and right now I am flying LOWW - EBBR. Flightplan, load and fuel imported from Simbrief: LOWW/34 N0471F360 BUWU1D BUWUT DCT DITIS DCT OKG DCT KOMIB DCT ESAMA T880 BATTY BATY6A EBBR/25L
  6. Yes, one of the essential add-ons! Keeps my MSFS lean, I only activate stuff that I will either a) fly with b) take off from c) land at d) enhance the region I'm flying through One of the features that stand out for me is the ability to assign dependencies, For example, a freeware airport needs a few libraries, then another freeware airport needs a few libraries and... who will remember them all? Simple. In Addon Linker connect the airport with the libraries it needs through dependencies and then it only takes one click to activate this airport and all libraries. Same with an aircraft and it's liveries. And so on... πŸ™‚
  7. Reminds me of Max Headroom! And it IS annoying, I've never heard this voice in MSFS and I do have a few add-ons that try to talk to me. But none of them are so annoying! This guy has an agenda, I'm telling you! 😁 Good day to you!
  8. The iconic helicopter is released 😊
  9. Yes, I've noticed it too. It was OK in the morning but right now it's unplayable.
  10. Same here. Horrible stutters on final and when I went poking around I noticed that the rolling cache was turned on. Somehow it turned itself on. I turned it off and no more stutters.
  11. I saw that at FlyTampa EKCH Copenhagen and there is no Asobo airport there as far as I know? To make matters worse, one windosock points in the opposite direction to the other!
  12. I was surprised how easy it was to fly the Airbus when I first moved my T16000M to the left side. I built me a somewhat modular rig for all my peripherals and I can mount the T1600M on the left side. Alpha yoke replaces it when flying "yoked" (is that even a word??) aircraft and is mounted centrally with the Bravo permanently on the right side. What took some time to adapt to was a Warthog mounted on a long(ish) extension, sitting centrally between my legs. I thought it'd be super precise - which it is - but my right hand and brain weren't. πŸ™‚ Go figure.... I am mostly right handed, but kick my football with the left foot and my left hand goes forward on all tools with long handles. And brooms. πŸ˜„
  13. Three most beautiful from my perspective in no particular order: - Douglas DC-3 - Messerschmitt Me-262 - Supermarine Spitfire
  14. I am using FSHud with both, FSLTL and AIG, depending on when and where I fly. I've been noticing pretty empty skies mid flight, up at cruise altitudes. Just the other day I was flying from Manila to Singapore Changi. On descent, I was close to 10000 feet already, I only had 5 AI around me and I was using FSLTL for that flight. I thought it was a bit strange and restarted FSLTL. Lo and behold, all of a sudden, I had over 60 AI aircraft around me! And more on the ground, at the airport. Cannot do that if using FSHud + AIG, obviously. I also had an occasion when a major airport only had a few AI active while another major airport (think KORD, KJFK) had around 100. Before FSHud I had quite a few occasions when AIG traffic manager would shut down mid flight. Never happened with FSLTL, though. So obviously something happens that affects AI injection and is probably not "controllable" by FSHud? As it is, FSHud is still my ATC of choice right now and am quite happy with it.
  15. I am also flying in New Zealand these days, trying to complete the "Middle Earth" tour for the VA I am a member of. It's a beautiful country and there are many interesting and challenging places to visit. As Bobsk8 wrote, NZQN is not only beautiful, flying there can be a challenge. I flew the approach in the Fenix and it was a great experience! I got me the ATR just for this tour and combined with the Fenix for longer flights it's one of the best experiences I've had in MSFS2020. And something quite different after all the helicopter, DC3 and smaller aircraft flights I've done earlier. MSFS never ceases to amaze me... πŸ™‚
  16. So I am the only one. Might be a new bug, yes, I've never experienced this up until now. Thanks for all replies! πŸ™‚
  17. Hi, my ATR72-600 flight was scheduled at 00:00UT, NZNV - NZAA. I set up the sim time to 23:30UT, took off and after almost two hours into the flight already on final approach the screen suddenly went all dark. After the initial shock of thinking that the sim froze, I realized that sim time changed on it's own and I was in the middle of the night. I believe time was set to 14:10 UT and that was near to what the local time was supposed to be. But I changed the time back so quickly that I cannot be sure - I was flying for Star Alliance VA and I did not want to lose the flight! πŸ™‚ Has anyone experienced something like that? For the record, I had Volanta, LittleNavMap, VA ACARS, FSHud, Spad.next and FSLTL running but I really cannot see how any of these could have changed the sim time? Thanks!
  18. I am using FSHud at the moment but am also keeping an eye on BATC. And VoxATC, but as mmcmah wrote, they are very quiet. FSHud controlls AI - I am switching between FSLTL and AIG and in general it does a good job, I had zero problems so far. But I do miss Radar Contact every now and then...
  19. Same here.... enabled in EFB and turned on the PA knob. Just to be clear: PA knob is ON when it it is lit right? I tried both states, turned vol all the way up and nothing happens except for a short buzz prior to take off. What gives? Thanks! EDIT: it's working: PA knob on the Pedestal, not on the Overhead! I can be quite dense sometimes! πŸ™„
  20. I just had a CTD, flying Asobo B747-8i from KIAD to EDDF. Around EHAM or there abouts. I can't even remember when I had the last CTD and now this. And with a default aircraft! No beta, not many add-ons, flying with FSHud.
  21. That's exactly what I am doing. Really neat to have all available airports/heliports/water landings shown on a zoomable world map! I usually add the source of the addon in description.
  22. This is a tough one... I started my virtual flying on a C64, the program was called "Solo flight". After many simulators and "simulators" that followed in the following years, first on my beloved and still not forgotten Amiga 1200, FS2004 came around and that has been the ultimate sim for me for many years. I never wanted FSX or Flight, been looking at P3D and X-plane, but eventually I stopped simming for almost a decade. My FS2004 computer was geting old, Windows moved on and some of the essential FS apps did not work anymore. It's now a year since I have finally built a decent computer and after I was eyeing MSFS with a lot of suspicion for quite a while, I decided to, well, take a look. And I never looked back. While I have nothing but the fondest memories for FS2004, MSFS 2020 takes the crown. Maybe I am getting too visual, but flying in MSFS is just spectacular. I have never flown so many different types of aicraft - and enjoyed them all! I even got me a proper collective to fly the choppers! And as others have pointed out, never before did we have such in-depth aircraft with the default simulator. So, in the end, yes, MSFS is the sim and right now, this is the golden age for me.
  23. I read somewhere to keep the Precision mode OFF for a while once you start MSFS. F7 is the default keyboard shortcut. I have similar problems with TrackIR and this has helped. I start TrackIR, make sure Precision mode is off, then start MSFS and only after a couple of minutes I will go into Precision mode. Still, sometimes TrackIR will just stop working. Sometimes lights will go out completely or only the right green light remains on.
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