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Everything posted by kaydub

  1. Haven't tried it but the developer does not encourage flying it in XP 12...
  2. Jean-Luc blames the MSFS situation on the lack of access to the MSFS SDK. Let's see what happens with XP 12. Kdub
  3. I use LINDA with the latest 350i on P3d 4.5 HF3. No problems. I'm a LINDA beginner. Just followed the instructions. Kdub
  4. I can only supply my own story. When I built my Skylake PC, I bought 16GB of 3200 c16 on sale because I didn't think it made much difference and I was more interested in the faster CPU. My frame rates in KSEA were much faster but I had microstutters which I could only eliminate by lowering my scenery settings in FSX. I was not satisfied in my upgrade. I then bought some 3200 c14 and the improvement was very noticeable. I fly GA planes often VFR at lower altitudes and the stuttering is gone at the higher autogen and scenery settings. Kdub
  5. I have started mapping the autopilot to my GoFlight panel. You need to discover the Lvars that the MU-2 uses. It can be done, it just takes time. Kdub
  6. Well, it turns out that 620x480 won't work in FSX. I was able to follow the above method using 1280x960 and produce excellent results. Whew! Kdub
  7. If I ever make another hardware upgrade, like when my noisy hard drive finally crashes, I will contact you. I enjoy the software and don't mind paying twice for it. Kdub
  8. So, I am running on a networked PC and I thought that I would try increasing my memory from 4 GB to 16 GB to eliminate the stuttering voices that I was experiencing. To my surprise Pilot2ATC viewed the increased memory as a new PC and refused to run without a new registration. With a new registration the application does indeed run much smoother. Kdub
  9. I know that this is a stale topic, but I just encountered a problem with my DTA unit and it may help others to hear about this. So after three years I started experiencing screen flickering which made the GPS unusuable. The fact is DTA is no longer producing the 2450, I believe because the LCD screen is no longer in production. I was panicking because I really enjoy the unit. After some thought, I decided to use my nVidia control panel in Windows to set up the specified 620x480 resolution for the LCD and changed my fsx.cfg file to reflect this change. That solved the problem. The LCD is a 620x480 native resolution but Windows doesn't recognize this so using the nVidia control panel custon resolution menu is the only way to set this up correctly. A big sigh of relief for me. Kdub
  10. What about the database? is it the same as the GTN series? Kdub
  11. Yep. I don't worry about performance anymore. I worry about my overclocked CPU degrading because if it fails I can't replace it. The technology that I am on isn't available. If my motherboard fails I will have to buy memory, a motherboard and a cpu, and possibly a new OS if I can't get W7 to install. All for very little performance gain. Kdub
  12. I know that this was an old post, but I have successfully integrated the Flight1 EFD1000 into the A36 cockpit with the RealityXP GNS. Kaydub
  13. I think it has been repaired, now. Kaydub
  14. @denon75: I'm so sorry that I forgot to post this. I do have I have what you need. Message me an address and I will mail it to you. Kdub
  15. It was for me because the trim wheel was no longer on a USB. The USB conflicted with my sounds. It also left the trim setting wherever the autopilot had it at the moment that I disengage the autopilot so that there were no big pitch changes at crucial moments. Kdub
  16. I've heard this about the AS 350, which is the reason that I have not bought it. The Bell is not as bad, so I hear, and I have the 407. I can say that it is controllable, but still lacks inertia in the roll axis. I like the 407, but I've given up on X-Plane because of these roll issues. I prefer to do precision hovering and if you look at the YouTube videos of the Dreamfoil 407, you can see that it is constantly rolling in even the best conditions. I'm back to FSX and the Dodo. Kdub
  17. Hi all: I am wondering if the FMS popup for the UNS-1 works with FSUIPC mouse macros? The reason that I ask is that in anticipating the King Air release, I would like to know whether I will be able to use my cockpit hardware... Thanks, Kdub
  18. It depends. My 780 made a big difference in clouds and down low near autogen. Really smoothed out the stutters down low. Kdub
  19. The Flight1 does not require beta or any other manipulation to slow down on the approach. Flaps full and if you want to slow down in a hurry, full forward props does a good job. I normally land per the book, props at cruise setting to keep the noise down and full prop after touchdown...no problem to cross the threshold at 95 kts, even at almost gross. Kdub
  20. Just flew it "home" to KBFI. 31L on the G1000 was flawless, ATC asked for 180 knots up to LACKR because of a fast mover behind me. Intercepted the GS, pushed full props, approach flaps @ 170 knots followed by gear and then full flaps at 500 feet, crossed threshold at 96 knots and touched down just past the numbers and made second turnoff to clear runway for the heavy on final. It is a beautiful bird if you like G1000 King Airs. It is not a Proline model, and I am running an i7 at 4.8 with a GTX 780. Really, folks, if you want a King Air now, you should get this one. Rudder boost, prop governor, starter only to clear fuel from an engine that didn't light, generator switches with reset, engine anti-ice, autofeather...the list goes on! If these features mean nothing to you, well, try it! You may like it.
  21. I had a very satisfying flight tonight. KFHR to KGEG. 295 knots TAS nice transition to RWY 21 and NO problems with any aspect of the flight. A very nice plane, IMHO. I'm an F1 B200 fan for sure. Kdub
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