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Everything posted by Crewecut

  1. So far resizing the OH panel worked fine, thanks. But, the main panel is something else. Where other panels have two values, I suppose x and y axis, the main panel only has one value. In this case 1600. An attempt to reduce the value has not led to it´s visibility. It has made the Sim Icons panel bigger, that´s it. If I enter two values, FSX won´t start up, saying out of memory. Is there a work around for this sort of thing?Bjorn
  2. Have you tried lowering vcore until oc or boot fails? Then add a notch or two of voltage for stable oc. 70 degr. is not a problem at all during test. Bjorn
  3. I find the phenomenon to occur after having installed Multi Crew Experience trial version, which has also disabled some vital 2D functions, so far main panel and over head panel (I drag 2d stuff onto a touch screen). Now seeking ways to safely remove MCE and await eagerly to see if the "egg-timer" disappears and 2D stuff reappears. Some add-ons may seem to struggle with TH2G.I´m running firmware 2.3.40, video table version 6.56 and PowerDesk version 1.09.0031.0521 on a 64 bit W7. I haven´t checked in a while, is there a more recent firmware update? Which is your firmware version?You should be able to roll back to previous version, the update tooly keeps the old versions as far as I recall.Bjorn
  4. Perhaps they posted in The Pilot´s Lounge, in there most stuff goes. I recall someone posting a really nice video in there that did include other products.
  5. Is there a site where you can download recorded fighter pilot cockpit chatter?
  6. If you Google Sim Samurai you'll find a good tutorial on FSUIPC, it's endorsed by Mr. Dowson. Bjorn
  7. It's not that technical inside. Have a look see. You would have to insert springs that are more lax, or replace with quality rubber bands, but longevity of rubber bands...Bjorn
  8. You enter your values directly into the limiter´s cfg, see one of the early replies on this.Bjorn
  9. This looks interesting. Still testing. But which value should be set in FSX, unlimited or equal to value in the limiter cfg?BjornEdit: So far values 0 and 30 with unlimited frames in FSX seem to smoothen my flight better than the other limiter. Thumbs up!
  10. FSX tends to favour nvidia cards. Gtx460 is supposed to be good bang for bucks. Prices are reasonable I think. They come factory overclocked, Palit platinum is some of the highest oc you can get. And a few are on a shorter board that fit more easily into the case. If you Google reviews you'll know more.
  11. Gtx460 often comes factory superclocked and runs cooler than the 465, Gainward has good reviews on their Golden edition. And they tend to still have margin for further oc.
  12. SLI with the GTX 4xx series seems to have no ill effect at least. For a TH2G I'd recommend a 2GB card. Gainward have made a good one, getting it myself. I'm using Mushkin Redline 1600mhz 6-8-6-24, I'm quite happy with them.
  13. The E8600 will overclock to 4gHz or more, you should overclock it. If your mobo will allow a quad core, I'd recommend a Q9650 and settle for a gtx285 1gb, or, if funds allow it, a gtx 460, they come superclocked cheap-ish.
  14. You could probably get them shipped from Denmark if it is. I´ll look up a trusted vendor, you could e-mail them and explain the situation. I don´t belive there will be any tax added since we´re inside EU-borders.Edit: http://www.bj-trading.dk/newshop/default.asp?pv=998805&pn=Mushkin&vare=461235&f=edbp
  15. Regarding ram, if it´s for FSX only, 6 GB is all you need, and more. 12 gigz if you work heavily with video editing and photoshopping. Of course go for 1600 Mhz, Mushkin Redline have the lowest CAS latency of 6. I can recommend those. FSX seems to favour geforce cards. Don´t know how much SLI will do. Before the 400-series cards it was mosly agreed on that SLI would even reduce FSX performance. But I´ve seen more and more posts on 400-series cards in SLI, that seem to work well. If you´re not going for a three screen or more setup I´d say two 480´s is overkill and VERY power consuming (and you could heat your home with them :Just Kidding: ). The 460s are more power saving and seem to get good reviews, and are overclock friendly. I´d concider a SLI with two of those.
  16. Hi Luc. Best logic would be to find out which of your components that are failing. Since it could be overheating, check the heatsink for dust thoroughly. Run OCCT and look for voltage insufficiency. Run memtest to see if your ram is faulty. If you must upgrade, and that would most probably give you better performance, I think Gigabyte is a wise choise, typically big bang for bucks. Just got one myself .
  17. It´s my experience that mobo-manufacturers don´t go out of their way to test ALL the ram available, the list in the user guide is usually pretty short. The ram manufacturers do, in my experience, have a more thorough list of available mobos. On the Mushkin forums they´re running a thread where users themselves list of compatible hardware. So, I can recommend Mushkin Redline, they´re at 1600 MHs with very low CAS Latency of 6 (and that´s fast).My 2 c
  18. The i7 950 has just turned very cheap, only 30£ or so more than the 930. I´m just in the proces of making that same switch. I´ve turned to Gigabyte mobo now, they usually a tad cheaper than Asus, I´ve heard several positive opinions on this forum about that brand. And I can recommend Mushkin Redline ram, they are very fast, CL 6, they run at 1600MHz. And I´m keeping my GTX 285 for now, and when funds allow it I´ll go for a GTX 460, perhaps a 2 GB edition. Good luck with the build!
  19. Sorry, I have short attention span :( . What I meant to say (back in March) was, go to http://fsuipc.simflight.com/beta/SIMSAMURAI+FSUIPC+TUTORIAL.pdf for a great FSUIPC tutorial. Even Pete Dowson recommends it.
  20. Make sure your BIOS will allow overclock, often brand name pc's are locked in that respect. An E8600 should still be very affordable, runs 3.33 GHz as far as I remember, and it's also a first time overclockers dream. There are some good tutorials out there. Got me started on overclocking :-)
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