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Everything posted by Crewecut

  1. If you pierced your forehead and nose according to positions required for TIR, I see no problem ;-)There is also a clip-on-the-headphones thingy for TIR if baseball caps are right out. :-)B
  2. ******* has an automatic cfg tweakomat homepage, can't list it now I'm on the phone. With regards to overclocking you've got some studying to do. Lots of guides out there.Happy tweaking :)Bjorn
  3. Use AffinityMask=14 or 12 in fsx.cfg. If you bring up the proces list, right click on fsx and change priority to high. If you use TrackIR right click it as well, but change core from all four to core 1.Sure temperatures are ok?Bjorn
  4. That is how I'd expect any plane to react to rudder input. I use rudder to turn the nose into the wind with the exact intent to stay on course, not for turning aircraft. Surprized that the 747x seems to react like that, but I haven't flown it. Bjorn
  5. I´ve got an alternative halo.bmp that reduces the nuclear blast effect of lights. I can e-mail it to you, pm me your e-mail address.And I´ll recommend you edit your runway lights in the fsx.cfg.Under [Display] add these lines RUNWAY_LIGHTS_APPROACH_SCALAR=0.40RUNWAY_LIGHTS_STROBE_SCALAR=0.30RUNWAY_LIGHTS_SURFACE_SCALAR=0.30RUNWAY_LIGHTS_VASI_SCALAR=0.30Bjorn
  6. The Acer screen requires Win7 to work.B
  7. Try reducing to 6 gb ram, could be it. And make sure the right coloured slots are filled. Next, tweak the hell out of your fsx.cfg ;)Bjorn
  8. There are a lot of harddisk image copiers out there, Norton Ghost etc. You could also insert the fsx disc and try the repair option, may not work at all though ( been there).Bjorn
  9. Edited, didn't see your last post there. There's a switch on the yoke that's perfect for trim assignment btw :) Bjorn
  10. If it's modelled after real life civilian controller there wouldn't be a hat switch. So, to add to realism you could get a TrackIR and just turn your head :)Bjorn
  11. Try disabling controller in fsx and assign functions through FSUIPC. Bjorn
  12. An SSD is a great idea. I've added a single one exclusively for FSX. Crucial Real C300 120-something gb is not too pricy, and as far as I know, is maintainance free. B
  13. Hi Kim. A former pilot Mike Ray has made some e-books (checkride manuals) on how to get a 737 and others in the air. He uses an easier understandable English, and there are lots of drawings :( I can really recommend them. I must commend you (means I have much respect :( ) for taking such serious steps to learn English and how to flyBjorn
  14. FSUIPC has a repeat thingy for button presses.Bjorn
  15. What happens if you remove the recognized card? Does the other one show then? Perhaps the pci-slot is damaged? Bjorn
  16. PM me your address, and I´ll snail-mail one to you. Got my stuff screwd safely to the under side of the desk , so I don´t need ´em.RegardsBjorn
  17. Thanks for bringing this up, fellas, and for the explaination. Muchas gracias ;-)B
  18. Dont add more ram, will do nothing for fsx. Perhaps faster ram, if your mobo can handle it. Rudder is a must, I'd say. Add TrackIR 4 or 5 and put your head in the cockpit. Bjorn
  19. Hyperthreading and speedstep should be disabled. The former generates heat (so I've read) and ht is unnecessary for fsx. The latter will keep your cpu clock constant, it'll otherwise fluctuate, good if you want to save power, but not good for fsx. And enter ram timings and voltage manually, no auto. Bjorn
  20. You need to downclock the ram, set your oc, then stress test. Got a stable cpu overclock?...bring the memory up, stress test again. Make sure ram timings and voltage are set manually. Bjorn
  21. Can anyone explain why bp=0 requires high water setting?Bjorn
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