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Everything posted by NZ255

  1. So what file format did they change? I thought they said they broke compatibility in order to move forward. Sure doesn't seem like anything broken yet?
  2. I think it's more to do with the fact that we don't see in pixels.
  3. There was a post by the previous LM product lead .... what was his name... about how they couldn't figure out how to stop applying AA to clouds. (I think, I really want to find the thread and reread it because it was interesting).
  4. I thought to follow you have to pay to subscribe?
  5. Photoreal generally implies the building textures are real photos taken on site. And/Or the aerial image is the actual area rather than the landclass approach of using a generic sample of textures placed to represent the area.
  6. I thought I could do without it. Then last night my controls didn't feel right with the FSL A320, it was a new repaint so sure enough I ticked the profile specific box and loading my A320 settings. Perfect! It would be annoying to have to give up FSUIPC so thank you Pete!
  7. Hi do you know if they figured out how to remove AA from clouds?
  8. The tools and documentation plays a big part. Xplane has next to no sdk which might explain the lack of support
  9. Oh whoops - didn't realise I was in the wrong room. haha
  10. Wow, that's cool! I guess they can be a bit less aggressive with unloading textures when we're not looking at them now :)
  11. Looks like the ground poly in YSSY isn't working correctly. That should be a fairly easy fix by FT.
  12. How do you interact with them from a devs point of view. Ie if I wanted to place a spotlight on a high pole... do I attach a 'light' and define the colour, size, strength etc?
  13. Anyone know if clouds ignore AA?
  14. Literally unplayable. .... :D
  15. Really!? What about X-Plane? No one complains that has "old code". That's got to be 30+ years old.
  16. I may even get up at 5am to watch the stream....excited!
  17. Could they be using a 32bit "emulator" for the 32bit stuff and piping it in?? (Just making stuff up)
  18. ok... if you were going to do it though you'd want the software controlling it not a robot moving human interfaces. But that means Boeing implementing it.
  19. I think they avoided dx12 for now because it requires windows 10. Some people don't like it....
  20. I guess the software doesn't do it, or not to the level you expect
  21. I don't know how sloping runways would be implemented. Base mesh usually isnt high resulouton enough to have a smooth rolling runway. I've got some 1m mesh and even that gives a bumpy result. A dev really needs to model it in 3D I think The only issue is that AI don't respect them platforms and travels through them. So if the AI (and other sim objects like vehicles) just respect platforms then that would be a good solution.
  22. Might as well do the 737 as well while you're at it...
  23. I'm not to sure about xplane. i guess coding a solution might be better but the way I was thinking it could be done is to make the smallest mipmap fully transparent and go to fully opaque over a few mips. so when a texture has mip maps it has pre-generented smaller textures included. So a 512x512 pixel texture would have mips that go 256, 128, 64... down to 2x2 pixels. When an object is far away you only need the smaller texture to save rendering (?) time.
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