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Everything posted by NZ255

  1. I'd say that's more of a rendering issue/ GPU cycles. I suppose there's two options to pop-in autogen; you render it further out so you don't see it pop-in, or you use some transparancy and make them fade in. I remember LM saying they were going to make them fade in but then pulled it because of the lost frames I suppose.
  2. Just remember that you can only compare your MBP to a Windows laptop if they're similar in price. I've had family bash their old computer after moving to mac... they forget they paid about 4 times the price for the max so the comparison is hardly fair. I haven't tried to game on a laptop so I can't make a suggestion, but don't limit yourself to a laptop with an SSD. I found when shopping for my laptop that it's still not common place. You can always replace the HDD with one or get a computer store to do it.
  3. I can suggest FSLabs Spotlights as a solution Before and after: http://imgur.com/a/xbCeM Nick Botica
  4. When you ask to repeat, the controllers will usually speak slower and more pronounced. This can be mistaken as them getting grumpy with you.
  5. It's in the 737 as well.... it's how they do their dynamic lights.
  6. That's just how they do their 'dymanic' lighting.
  7. Go for FlyTampa. Besides being newer, you'll probably get higher frame rates with FlyTampa as the Aerosoft version was known to be a bit of a slide show.
  8. My thoughts... The camera moves too fast to see any detail, most of it's just all a blurry panning mess for me. There seems to be no thought as to what the camera operator is doing. Perfect example is 1:28 - 1:40 I found myself focusing on the aircraft a bit too much, which isn't what the is supposed to be showcasing. A lot of repetition. Could have shown off more locations instead of just (2?) airports. Small points that you can see the time preview box (screams amatur) Nick
  9. Assign a button to disconnect autopilot and autothrottle in the FMC settings. I think I use Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + X for autopilot and autothrottle. Don't forget to clear an assignment of those in the FSX/P3D controls. Just go to controls, add a new control (any one doesn't matter), assign it Ctrl + Z. (If there's a control bound it will ask to overwrite it, do it), then delete the assignment you just made. Then do it again to Ctrl + X Now when you need to disconnect, press control and Z, the woop woop will sound then press it again to cancel the alarms.
  10. It sounds like you know what you're talking about, haven't you thought about the LM have had the code for over 5 years and might have changed it by now? They did upgrade it to DX11 There has been talk at FSDeveloper about drawcalls impacting performance. So it may be a thought that 16 1k textures on a single 4K texture sheet making just 1 drawcalls rather than 16 will improve performance. I don't think anyone's done a "study" on it so whether there's a noticeable difference or if I'm not sure. I do know that a single 4K texture probably doesn't contain 16 1k textures sheets worth of content on it though, some of them like to go mad with the quality so make them very large.
  11. I wouldn't want to kill my grandparents by letting them use this
  12. For i From what I understand...for it to look any good each rain drop is animated and counted as one item.
  13. yeah looks like you print it to the Airbus "printer"
  14. Wouldn't it make sense to get a jump using the FSX version? Then some videos would be available before the P3D version comes along. It's always nice to study the videos before the product comes out. Unless the P3D version won't be far behind. Just thinking out loud
  15. So about the same? haha, just kidding around.
  16. Apparently the terrain.dll was responsible. Could be a one off, could be a corrupt mesh or bgl. Maybe try flying the same route and see if it happens again
  17. I have also found product names confusing. For what it's worth. Not very descriptive, I guess.
  18. Any improvement on full overcast performance? REX say they've sorted it (yet to be seen of course) just wondering if HiFi cracked it too.
  19. The 737 at the 30 second mark has scimitar winglets that weren't out at the time of the event. Literally unwatchable!
  20. Ah ok, perhaps I should've been more descriptive. You mean the sound that sort of winds down as they're slowing down is the tires? Particularly from this point in the video https://youtu.be/T8o9rS5pWhw?t=4m55s I'll have a look at those products you mentioned. Thanks!
  21. Hi there, Does anyone know of a product that gives you the low drone of the brakes when landing an aircraft. I'm not sure how often it occurs, I've seen it in a few videos, but I think it'll really add something to landings. Here's an example: https://youtu.be/T8o9rS5pWhw?t=4m25s . I guess it would have to be dynamic, so not something a simple wav file will simulate. Thanks
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