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Everything posted by rickjake

  1. Yes, I use it in VR. As long as you know what to say. It is very simular to Pilot2ATc if you ever used that. Mic key assigned to a button on my yoke.
  2. After reading all the comments, I decided to be purchase the EA . My first impressions was very good. Easy to set up, No voice training. It even had my trigger button I use on my yoke for voice, already mapped. I did a flight from KLAS to CYVR. It worked very well through all phases of flight. It did change my landing runway from simbrief from RWY 13 to 08L on approch. It did keep me a bit high on approch with some strange vectoring, but it did vector me for ILS 08L. I always fly in VR and used Pilot2ATC. I find BATC to be very simular to Pilot2ATC, but with much better voices and sounds (radio noise). I used the same phrases I use for P2ATC, and it understood everything I said the first time. So far very impressed with my first flight. For me, flying in VR, I like the fact it beeps to let me know i have pressed the PTT button and it understood what I said.
  3. For the most part, I have moved to MSFS and do enjoy it quite a bit. It's the Majestic Q400 and the FSL Concorde that keep me coming back to PD3 occasionally. You really should try out the Q400. It's a great aircraft to learn and fly.
  4. Good Question, I also would be interested in the answer.
  5. I use Edge and it happens on this browser as well, but not all the time. It happened quite a few times yesterday, while reading through the Active Sky thread.
  6. There was one from SoFly a PDF you could download and print, for MSFS, but not sure its available anymore. The big problem with paper manuals, is they go out of date with software like MSFS because its constantly evolving and changing. Edit. Found it. Still available on simMarket. COMPLETE GUIDE TO FLIGHT SIMULATOR 2023 Its not a paper book. Its over 600 pages. you could download it and print it out I suppose, or use an e-reader.
  7. Till next year when MS ends support for Windows 10. Including security updates. Unless they have a change of heart, Support ends Oct 14, 2025.
  8. I just run the "FSDT Live Update" or "FSDT Installer" I prefer the FSDT Installer, as it will tell you what version is installed and if there is a newer version available. Then update.
  9. Is that not the point of a beta? to test for issues?
  10. I use Acronis for backup and have no issues with MSFS backups. I just checked and all my files are available to be restored. Athough my MSFS installation is on a seprate SSD and not installed in the default protected file folder in Windows. If you have MSFS installed in the default location, maybe thats the reason Acronis cannot back it up, as this is a Windows Protected folder. Just a thought. .
  11. Interesting Youtube video. I agree with it, but use your own judgement.
  12. What comes with Windows 10, 11 works just fine for me. I used to use Norton, then ESET, but the last 5 years, I have just used Windows Defender. It's lite on system resources and have had no issues. I use my computer everyday all day long, for work and pleasure (flightsim).
  13. I am sure glad I took the plunge to to VR a few years back. I only fly in VR for all the reasons everyone here has stated. Nothing like the feeling of sitting inside the plane instead of looking through a window (PC monitor) to fly your plane. I have gotten so immersed into the sim, on occasion, that I have actually reached up with my hand to flip a switch, before realizing, this isn't real, I need to use the mouse. I went from the Vive Pro. HP Reverb G1, then G2, and now the Vargo Aero. The clarity is great. No screen door effect, no issues reading the gauges and no issues reading charts, etc. I think MSFS has done well with implementing VR. But there will always be room for improvement. The thing is, if you are waiting for the best, no-compromise solution, it will likely never come. Just like PC hardware, it's is always improving. The moment you buy your new computer, its already out of date. I think the same thing with VR technology, it is always improving. Sure, I would like a lighter headset, a wider field of view, but if I'd had kept waiting for the next best thing, I would have missed out on all the VR enjoyment I get now. In my opinion, "It exists now".
  14. Don't know if they are still available or not, but I've been using the Logitech Z-5500 sound system. Had if for around 10+ years or so. Been very happy with it. I also just use my speakers for flight sim, along with my VR headset. Having a subwoofer does make a big difference.
  15. I am happy with it. I have it automatically update everyday at 7pm. As another poster mentioned, I only interact with it, when there is a software update.
  16. I am fully aware of that, I have both the 32bit version and the latest 64bit version. On the 32bit version, I quite enjoyed managing all the fuel tanks myself during a flight. It was quite satisfying when you completed a whole fight successfully while also doing the flight engineer's job. I did not start out that way. I had to learn it over the years. So will new customers. My Point is, I am far from the only one on MSFS that enjoys flying complex airlines and therefore suspect FSL will do well with Concorde.
  17. Although I don't think FSL Concorde will sell copies like a more modern plane would, I do think it will still sell a decent amount. I would predict they would sell more copies in MSFS, then they ever did in P3D. The MSFS market is so much bigger. Even if only 5 percent buy it. Of course, this is only my opinion. Only time will tell. It will be a day one purchase for me. (And I also purchased the P3d version).
  18. I also have a 13900K. I don't bother with affinity masks. I never really seen a difference when I did play around with it. I think its better to just let windows decide what's best, in my opinion.
  19. I use it for Pilot2ATC, and when flying for my VA, ACARS and for saving my flight every 15min. But my MSFS has been very stable during fights, that I think I may have only needed to use a saved flight two or three times since MSFS been released. Did not find it that great for setting up flight controls and got used to using the profiles in MSFS. It was essential for P3d. I may look into it again or Spad, when MSFS 2024 comes out, as I do like the auto function when switching aircraft.
  20. Of course you are going to see a very positive response when the question is asked in a P3D forum. I have moved on several years ago and have not purchased anything since, until the FS Labs Concorde for P3D (v4,v5) was released. as I was too impatient to wait for the MSFS version. I still use P3d for the Majestic Dash 8 and now Concorde. I have lots of payware airports already, so I do not need to purchase anymore.
  21. Not required at all, but if your going to build/buy a new computer that you want to keep for a long time, and not have to upgrade it, then going with the latest technology like the RTX 4090 is a good investment in the long run. If your budget allows it.
  22. I use Pilot2Atc all the time in VR. I just get everything setup in Pilot2Atc first at the start of my flight, make sure I have the right freq for Clearance and my airline call sign setup, and click connect. I have a button on my yoke I press when I talk to Pilot2ATC. Once you know what to say, you don't really need interact with the Pilot2ATC screen. I start by listen to the ATIS. then switch to Clearance delivery. When I'm ready press the talk button on my yoke and say: 1. "(airline call sign) ready to copy our IFR clearance". As the controller reads it back, I dial in the assigned altitude, and squawk code assigned. No need to write anything down. 2. "(airline call sign) ready for pushback and engine start". 3. "(airline call sign) ready for taxi". Will give taxi instructions. This can be a bit challenging, if its a very detailed. I usually have a VR window with Navigraph open with the TAXI chart to follow. you can always ask "(airline call sign) say again" for atc to replay it again. Even if you don't follow the exact taxi instructions, Pilot2Atc does not care, as long as your arrive to your assigned runway. 4. "(airline call sign) holding short of runway XX" Most headsets have a built in microphone, mine does not. so I just us a small lapel mike taped to the center of my yoke. Seems to work ok. Even with the audio going through my loud speakers. Only time I run into problems with Pilot2Atc is when FS2Crew or Virtual airline starts talking (ex. crew announcements) while I am trying to talk to ATC. The mic will pic up the additional voice and ATC may not understand you. When that happens, just wait and try again. So far, for me, its the best ATC for VR use. Edit. Just re-read the OP post, Although I use MSFS now, the above should also work in P3D as well. Other then having a VR window with Navigraph in P3d, (not sure if that is possible in P3D), everything else is the same. I used to use P3D and Pilot2atc in VR a few years ago with success.
  23. That maybe so, but it doesn't really make any sense for PMDG to continue selling a product for a 17 year old simulator. I would imagine the market for new sales of PMDG products for FSX would be very very small and the support necessary would not be worth the investment. Considering that most serious simmers of FSX, that would be interested in PMDG products, would already own it. I would think that most new simmers would go with a more modern simulator like MSFS then invest their money on an old simulator like FSX. So I would assume that there really is no business case for PMDG. Life moves forward whether we like it or not.
  24. CTD can be very frustrating, for those that are experiencing them. Finding the cause can also be very difficult. Everyone's computer is different, different add-ons, different hardware, software etc. MSFS is so large, that having part of it get corrupted is quite possible. I have not noticed any increase in CTD with SU 13. Never had a CTD when clicking on Fly Now. or at the end of any flight. When I do get a CTD, and that is not very often, its always seems to happen about half way loading to the main screen for me. I also fly only in VR.
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