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Everything posted by Jazzfan

  1. Unplugging, and then plugging in your controllers has a tendency to reset your assignments in P3D. Your options are to leave them plugged in, or buy the pro version of fsuipc. As for the spikes issue, those may be caused by dirty pots in your controller. Have you tried cleaning them and then recalibrating them in Windows or ch manager. There isn't anything LM can do about worn/dirty controllers. Jazz
  2. How does this interact with ffb sticks and yokes, though? Does it send any feed-back to hid devices? Jazz
  3. Thank-You, Jim. Your information has been most helpful, and much appreciated. And, thank-you, Ryan, for the cs2 tip. Will give that a google later. Jazz
  4. Could this effect be achieved using Gimp? aka, the poor man's photoshop? Jazz
  5. It took a while for me to get used to it as well, coming from the washed out look of fsx. Like Rich, I never turn the hdr, off. Likewise with the cloud shadows, and reflections, are a must have now. Jazz
  6. The beauty of 8 cores, is being able to assign UT2, ASN, or Opus, Q400, etc., to their own cores away from the main flightsim. Thereby reducing the bottleneck on the number 0 core. Jazz
  7. It's the HDR!! The new lighting system has given P3D the face-lift that everyone was looking for from 3rd party software. Jazz
  8. Buffalo Joe doing a little sightseeing, was he? Jazz ps, pretty cool show, that. Ice Pilots..
  9. The extra 2gb's of vram, plus the 384 bit bus width, will certainly help you with running P3D on multiple screens. Jazz removed the 295x2 reference as amd are not adding crossfire support for P3D.
  10. Thanks for the video. It looks pretty cool, can't wait to see what the final product will bring. Jazz
  11. +100 Mitch. I can't say it any better than that. I'll echo Rob's sentiments in saying, it's nice to see/hear someone focusing on the bright side. The bonus is, that LM are 'listening,' and we will get to see v2.4. Keep her straight, Skipper. See you in the wild blue yonder. Cheers, Jazz.
  12. The FSL 320 has been talked about for dogs age, but the Majestic Q400 took a little bit of time to develop as well. Check out this link; http://bathursted.ccnb.nb.ca/fanda/ FSLabs are just a tiny bit late... Jazz
  13. I would think that with the release of the ddr4 spec, most mobo maufacturers will be going that route moving forward. This will make ddr3 boards, like the z87, z97, obsolete in a short year or two, at the most. No point in trying to buy now for future upgrades, as it will be an entirely different tech. I would look at some comparisons of the 2 boards and figure out through reviews if the price difference vs performance increase is worth it. Jazz
  14. You need to have a ddr4 mobo, and ddr4 ram, both of which have only recently been released, to run quad channel. The performance difference between dual channel and triple channel is negligible, and not worth the extra cost of the triple stick sets of ram. Jazz
  15. WOW! Nice shots. After seeing these shots, especially the 4th, I can't help thinking that LM are pretty close with their hdr and lighting. Jazz
  16. I think you are correct, Hook. I have noticed the number of files in my shader folder increasing after every flight. It has gone from 375+ to over 1700 after several flights over the past week. As for my sound card, it's a creative X-fi Titanium Fatal1ty Pro series. Good card with lots of grunt. ;o) Jazz
  17. OK, now I'm on the same page as everyone else. I had those on my first couple of starts, but they have lessened to the point of non-existent. I don't know why, can't explain it or even show it in a photograph, or video. Once I had my settings where I wanted them, I stopped tweaking and adjusting sliders, and my on screen performance has smoothed out considerably. As for my previous comment, about comparing FSX and P3D, my sincerest apologies if it offended anyone. DX11 is a whole new ball of wax, and really has no direct comparison to dx9 or dx10. Dx9 and dx10 based add-ons will result in some performance loss, that much has been stated by LM from the get go. Jazz
  18. I am currently flying from Vancouver to Calgary, using, the Q400, Opusfsx, Orbx Pacific NW, and Northern Rocky Mountains, along with FSDT CYVR with GSX. My frames have gone from 23 at the gate in YVR to 36 passing CYLW Kelowna. I haven't had a single frame freezing stutter. I fly in the vc, not outside looking around, if that makes a difference. What more can anyone ask for. Endlessly comparing FSX to P3D is absolutely useless. They are two very different pieces of software. The fact that they are both 'based' on ESP, is where the similarities end. (end rant) Jazz
  19. More vram is really, only necessary when running multiple monitors or a monitor with a higher resolution. (>1080p) I'm running a gtx 670 2 gb card and also only see at the most 1.6gb being used, even with the gpu running at 99%.This is with cloud shadows on, water detail high, hdr on, volumetric fog on, reflection for aircraft, clouds and terrain on, aircraft shadows, inside and out are on. Zero stuttering in clouds with live weather. Jazz
  20. P3D is no different than any other flightsim. You have to make compromises on which settings you want to run. For low and slow, I crank it up; shadows, reflections, bathymetry, water detail to max, etc. For flying high and fast in a phd, I turn off or turn down the stuff I don't need, ie, reflections, and water detail set to off or medium, respectfully. P3D has never let me down in the immersion factor. Jazz
  21. Here is a link to some older repaints for the Majestic Q300; http://www.gjsmith.net/Textures/dash-8.htm Not exactly current liveries, but something to get you by. Jazz
  22. If you are using the autosave function of fsuipc (pro version) you have will have to disable it. As it does cause stutters in the Q400. I'm just throwing this out there, just in case. Jazz
  23. I agree with that. What are the odds that sli and x64, make their grand debut at the same time? I'm not expecting x64 anytime in the next 2yrs. And who knows what nvidia are thinking, as it isn't sli for P3D. Jazz
  24. Hey Mitch, you forgot your mask and snorkel for flying low and slow over Lake Onterrible. :Big Grin: :Just Kidding: jk Jazz ps, I agree with you 100%, P3Dv2.3 rocks!
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