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About YMMB

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  • Birthday July 25

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  1. Have you tried a Windows 11 Update reset first and then go back and try running updates again? Reset Windows Update in Windows 11 Tutorial | Windows 11 Forum (elevenforum.com)
  2. Maybe we should ask Fenix to make a P3D version and compare if it looks like a port 😂....serious note: I'm thinking it's more we've all seen B777 cockpits for 30 years whereas in my case I never really looked at any Airbus sim or real-world cockpit apart from the A380 in that whole time.
  3. If you run the installation again after it downloads the initial files in the default c:/ drive location, make sure you point the next step in the installation after you start the sim to the folder where MSFS is currently installed. If you have the current main installation in a different location to default you would need to point the program to this folder e.g. I have the essential core installation on my c:/ drive but the bulk of the program is on g:\MSFS2020\Official\OneStore so in my case I would point the second stage of the installation after starting the sim to g:\MSFS2020
  4. I have half your speed however remember a speed test is only a snapshot of time between you, your ISP and the test site which in all likelihood never has the same amount of traffic compared to MS servers and all it's global "clients/gamers" etc..". As mentioned above it's more likely to do with MS servers rather than your own connection. As a plumber once said to me, it's not just about how fast it travels through the pipe, it's also about how wide the pipe is or how many bends it contains 🙂
  5. FYI, I'm getting a lot of lag on this site and it's definitely slower loading.
  6. Thank you for your comparison shots.....really appreciate it.
  7. Sometimes you just have to hum to "Walk on By" ...look it up for those too young.😀
  8. What was the weather at the airport....wind direction etc...
  9. I always thought when PMDG list the price of an aircraft on their website a release of that product is imminent...and I don't mean PMDG's flight sim product price but rather Boeing's list price.
  10. Lockheed L-1049 Super Constellation
  11. Out of curiosity and I didn't grab a screen shot but did anyone else have a message saying an update is needed with the update notice and download progress appear in a text box overlaid rather than the progress bar at the bottom of the screen. I'm on PC/store version and opened MSFS by right clicking on the icon in my taskbar and selecting open as Run as administrator.
  12. Just out of curiosity is it upto Asobo to make MSFS run as best as possible on a stock setup only and then up to 3rd party developers to achieve their own best results? Or is it up to Asobo to build the best possible base sim and include every feature needed by 3rd party devs to achieve the "holy grail" in simming parlance? I don't play any other game or sim so I've lost touch which other games and whether there is an expectation for the developer to accommodate 3rd party devs as much as we flight simmers do of the MSFS devs.
  13. I have FlightSimBuilder's full G1000 hardware set of PFD, MFD and Audio panel and also use the increased functionality of Mobiflight to help map some buttons for G3000 equipped aircraft as well. If fact I've even mapped some functions using the FSB hardware while flying the PMDG 737. I love the hardware, seems of very good build quality and have readjusted my cockpit view height so that the top of the aircraft dash sits just above the physical hardware of FSB so that on my 43" monitor the display is mostly that looking out the cockpit. There is also a Facebook group for support on top of direct contact with the devs.
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