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Everything posted by wiler

  1. my number 1 pick over anything right now!! looks incredible and this plane has soul.
  2. I dunno what some are complaining about, I see an upgrade to the weather depiction overall and clouds like the best they ever have on MY system. If they didnt change anything from here on out I would not complain too much at all TBH.
  3. watch your CPU and GPU timings, whats the bottleneck? Whatever it is then you need to reduce the load somehow.
  4. lock to 30 FPS and turn down the scenery till it runs stutter free. This sim requires serious horsepower CPU and GPU wise. I have a 5900x and 3080 and only run stutter free locked at 30 FPS and I only have the scenery at like 200/400.
  5. Well the thread I started had 0 to do with VR to begin with so not sure why you accuse me 'nothing to offer' since I gave my free advice and experience how to get better performance. You are the one who took it into the VR sphere sir. What did you offer to the thread other then try to instigate a problem? SMH
  6. Hey Dillon, no need to be a #$#$#. I wrote it because I cant test VR. I still wished the best for VR even though i wont be a VR user... smh.
  7. I get sick from VR so I cant use it! I wish the best for VR users!
  8. Hey all, I was one of the skeptics of another beta which will be a disaster but I have been pleasantly surprised to be honest. The weather is much improved and metar is VERY realistic, at least where I live and other areas where I have done some test flights. there are two major things I did to get better smooth performance. 1) lock FPS to 30 and either use v synch in MSFS or use G synch if your monitor/TV has it. This has COMPLETELY eliminated 99% of stutters I can honestly say. 2) Upgrade to win11 and get all the latest drivers(been CTD free since I did this). So currently I have for the first time a stutter free smooth experience w 0 CTDs. Just trying to help those who have been struggling like I did before. It does help that I am running a 5900x , 3600 c14 ram + 3080 🙂 I really Hope Asobo does not break this sim now!!
  9. been building rigs (since 96/97) mainly to play FS. I never skimp on the PSU... make sure its a high quality brand and rating like gold or higher. Check the reviews for PSU on review sites, youtube and amazon/newegg. Ive used corsairs and EVGA PSUs mainly the past 10 years.
  10. sorry what? Im not a PMDG fan but trudging out Boeings that aren't in service?? The NG is still the backbone of many 737 fleets...lol. I do agree why not do a Max for MSFS instead of the NG series which has just been done x times but to say the NG is not a relevant aircraft today is off the mark.
  11. I think $50 base package and then $15-20 per variant is totally fair. I for one would buy the base and thats about it , I dont need all the derivatives but if someone wants them it should be an affordable path not buying the entire plane again.
  12. I undervolt my 3080 lol. 99% of the performance with much lower temps/fan noise and power consumption. Plus overclocking leads to CTD in MSFS and XP11.
  13. So I skimmed through that thread and there is literally no response from asobo about this major flaw... smh.
  14. Flew EGHI/EHAM today in the beta and the weather looks incredible and the winds seemed to be correct upon takeoff. At landing I was about 2500/3000 AGL and the wind was still 60knots , it dropped to like 20ish at like 500 feet. Seems the transition is messed up. anyone else notice this?
  15. im more excited about the maddog then the PMDG. But I grew up flying in dc9s/ md80s / 737 classics/ 747-200s/ dc10s. All this NG/airbus stuff is cool but its got no soul.
  16. considering the TwinOtter is half baked and the CRJ isnt exactly incredible Im not all that excited about anything aerosoft is gonna do TBH.
  17. I rather deal w a few textures issues then a CTD every flight, it totally kills the mood to even play it again... I try the 497.xx and its been ok so far and i did a flight w no issues. honestly MSFS has been such a disaster and let down. So many issues the past year....
  18. i was getting constant CTD in update 7 and the beta 8 so I rolled back to 497.xx drivers and seem stable for now. I had the 511.xx driver and it was a disaster for me.
  19. Really helpful, abit humbling that a 5800x+3080 needs to run @30FPS to get a smooth experience but thats on asobo.... After locking to 30FPS w vsynch no more stutters and very smooth. Sim looks great still so cant complain too much but dreams of a smooth 60FPS on the ground is VERY out of reach w the way this game is optimized.
  20. my fav airliner in xp11, its a really fun aircraft to fly and performance is good.
  21. fool me once shame on you , fool me twice shame on me. Ill pass this time
  22. game wont start w this xbox login server issue. Day off wanted to fly , cant. switching to xp11 for the day...
  23. same issue. So annoying. this sim is ruined by all these constant server issues.
  24. There is the ignore button for these types. People were just complaining about fenix disapearing the other day , release a sweet teaser video and then complain. smh
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