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Mattias Nordin

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Everything posted by Mattias Nordin

  1. I would say go for it! Personally I've never had so much fun in FSX!Chances you'll run into trouble I'd guess are pretty slim. Guess most people, just like me, are out there merrily surfin' around in their NGX's.And after a few tweaks FPS's are as good as ever!
  2. Just use the SID that's going in the right direction of your flight plan, and then usethe last waypoint in the SID as the first one in your flight plan. Usuallymultiple SIDs will bring you to the same waypoint, regardless of whichrunway is in use. Then do the same in the reverse order for the STAR. Of course you can alsomake a transition from the sid to your first waypoint. You'll have to guess which runway is in use at your destination, and be prepared to make a lastminute rwy change. Hope it helps.
  3. Those are some fabulous photos! Talented photographer.
  4. Maybe it's retro fitted then during service. Most seems to havethe Honeywell and the analog STBYs. I guess the HGSs are retrofitted too. Fortunately it' easy for us NGX flyers to swap! :-)
  5. i7 950 @ 4.0, never had a ctd, only one DU freezebefore the hotfix. Flawlesly since!
  6. Eeh...did you press Q twice in the cockpit. In that case I think the sound will be spot on!
  7. Yes, just slap those guards closed and the BATTERY switch will automatically go to the ON position and STBY power to AUTO.
  8. In the CDU that is. Just line select your desired flaps/vrefSpeed on the approach page and paste it into theBoxed line.
  9. Argh! You got my best Chad! Believe me, I know how hard it is to wait for these things! But I know good will come to those (good guys, like you ) who wait! Cheers!
  10. Just a shame that FSX's got no Ryanair callsign!
  11. Why not use the Ryanair livery and have everything available? That's gotta be an option, right?
  12. Good luck Chad! I'm confident they'll get back to you as soon as they can!And this thing is really worth waiting for! (easy for me to say, who got everything workin' right away!)Hang in there!
  13. I've been using the airstairs as default on Ryanair. They didn't spend any money on installin' any HUGS though! Been flying their route from ESOW to EGSS and back a couple of times. Only change I think I did was Lbs to Kgs.This babe's really good at VNAVin' I tell ya. It's never been this much fun flying STARs and SIDs!Armen - again - those sounds are really incredible! And the visuals, Vin! What can I say? And the systems which I don't know half 'bout yet, although I've been treadin' through those NP:s and SP:s.Still got a lot to learn, but I've never had so much fun in FSX! HUGS!
  14. Have you tried it on the FSX.exe in the root fsx folder? Cause I don't think it'll work on any shortcuts you have.
  15. Haha, forgot about that Google feature!Probably wouldn't come out right though going through that treadmill! :Party:Y'all sleep safe and forget about bad deeds, it's getting late in my part of the world, good night!
  16. Got a big addon fleet too! Although the NGX will be the peak of it, I promise I'll return to every single one of them!Love every category of aircraft, basically I'll fly anything that's got wings! (though none with rotating wings!)I believe there are good developers in each category, though no one like PMDG!Best
  17. [First comment removed by moderator]Secondly my admiration to Nick for making an unscripted video so inspiring and full of useful info 'bout the NGX.Thirdly, well you know who you are, represented by the flags on the aft fuselage of the NGX! Thanks! :(
  18. :( Nice Tuifly, keep up the great work Vin!I know a lot of effort is goin' into producing all these liveries!
  19. Please, please, please can we see the Scandinavian livery on the 800. Beautiful ones those posted so far btw.
  20. Fokker F-28Boeing:737-200737-400737-800747-400757-200Saab 340Airbus:A320A330-200 PWA330-300 RRMD-80Yakovlev Yak-52 flew aerobatics with a guy who did airshows withhis father, who was later killed in a Spirit of Saint Louis-replica crash in England.
  21. Only got one word for ya: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSMw5ReHgSnG61nb3phhY5Ed6bk6pQ3R2EcxptxzZCv2oiicv8F
  22. Is that before or after the explosive decompression?A wild guess would be 8.1
  23. I'd retract the gear and go for a belly on the grass. Then step on the rudder to head for the gate! If I was in New York I'd try the Hudson thing, or even more challenging the East River!
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