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Everything posted by DylanC

  1. First time I went to the Philippines I took the long way. I flew from Boston at 7 AM arrived at LAX around noon. I had a ton of hotel points so I booked a room at a hotel since my Flight to Hong Kong was not leaving until midnight. I believe the LAX to Hong Kong flight was 16 hours due to head winds. Had a 2 hour layover there and then finally got on a flight to Manila. When all was said and done I traveled 27 hours. It was worth it. The next time I went to the Philippines, I was smart and bought a direct flight out of LAX. That trip only lasted 18 hours all together.
  2. Awesome post Waleed and great response Robert! Truly entertaining. And thanks for the update team PMDG!
  3. Thanks for the update Robert! I'm sure glad you were able to figure out what was wrong with Vin's head.
  4. I'm late to the party, but thanks for the update Robert!
  5. Thanks as always Rob and PMDG! About to pull the trigger now. Wife has been warned...
  6. If you're a driver, you'll understand where I'm coming from with this analogy. I liken the NGX to a BMW and the 777 to a Mercedes. The NGX is fun to fly, totally hands on and exhilarating once you master it, the ultimate flying machine. The 777 on the other hand, feels like you're floating effortlessly with barely a need for you to be present. The 777 is majestic and commands you to look at her when she flies past you. NGX all the way, but that doesn't mean I don't love the 777 as well, just a different kind of love.
  7. I'm with you there! That PAC-Sim scenery is coming along nicely. Probably run PAL's RPLL - CYYZ route myself.
  8. DylanC


    That's what I get for reading these forums on my phone lol.
  9. DylanC


    Have you tried turning your OC down a bit? Was your comp OC'd before you installed FSX?
  10. Any advances, fixes and issues ironed out of the 777 will surely help with the 747 V2 development. It's a win win across the board. Just need to have some patience.
  11. Yeah only a handful of pilots are certified to fly into Bhutan.
  12. I think that's an open challenge. :-) Someone needs to do it. I think that's an open challenge. :-) Someone needs to do it.
  13. I would like to see a 777 takeoff or approach into VQPR. Pics and vids please. Not realistic, but sure will be fun.
  14. As always thanks for the update Robert! Looking forward to release day.
  15. Just took a look at the Issue Tracking thread for the 777 and all I can say is wow! Definitely worth the wait.
  16. I know this goes against most of what is out there, but instead of externally limiting your FPS, lock it to 25 inside FSX and get rid of the Nvidia inspector limitation. It's becoming more and more noticeable that the internal FSX limiter is better than an external on some systems. Also have you done what Ian suggested regarding your affinity mask setting? Set it to 14.
  17. As always, thanks for the update Robert! Truly amazing and can't wait.
  18. Good show! I was stressed out just reading this. Would love if a real 777 driver or A&P would comment.
  19. I have to agree with you Martin. The first time I heard the sound of hail hitting the aircraft, I thought my computer was freezing up on me, but to my amazement it was ASN providing me some realism. I'm hooked!
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