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Everything posted by DylanC

  1. @Jim Young, just to clarify, when you say "Texture Filtering - AA Sample - ON", are you referring to Texture Filtering - Anisotropic Sample? It's the only option under Nvidia Control Panel "Manage 3D settings".
  2. My wallet still hurts from their holiday sale! I think Vector might be in my future.
  3. Thanks again, but I found the issue. Alternative Lighting for cloud groups was checked instead of "No popcorn" modifier. That got rid of the gray clouds for me.
  4. Curious about this response. HT on or Off make and significant difference? I run a 6700k OC’d to 4.5ghz with HT on, so just want to know if HT off is better in P3D. In FSX HT on was a must if you had it. Figured it was the same with P3D.
  5. Pacsim is right up there with all the other great scenery developers for FSX/P3D. Truly underrated and it sounds like they’re still a bit of an unknown in the community. I think many if not all who have bought any of their previous sceneries will tell you that this is an instant buy. Thanks for the heads up @Wise87.
  6. Thanks as always Oliver! This tool will come in handy.
  7. Thanks again Gerard. One last question. Are the dark clouds due to cloud directional lighting? I vaguely remember seeing a post on how to get rid of this, but can't find it. See below example: (Not of any significance, but sitting at KJAC ORBX)
  8. Would love to sink my teeth into this plane, but the lack of multi-crew support is the deciding factor for me. IMO, without that support, it lessens the simulation experience to a degree. However, it seems everyone whose bought this aircraft has a sort of visceral reaction to it, in a good way of course. I truly feel like I'm missing out.
  9. Great preset Gerard! If only I could figure out how to get the deepness of color inside of the cockpit and outside of the aircraft that the THOPAT 2_2 preset gives, this would make your preset absolutely perfect. THOPAT 2_2 was also pretty good, but the bluish hues just didn't work for me, but somehow the colors were really vibrant without it feeling too fake.
  10. As the title implies, FSElite's First Look Video.
  11. Here's also a Youtube vid of one of the beta testers with the maddog. Look pretty smooth to me.
  12. If our sims had a proper ATC built in with a prerequisite of maintaining separation and assigned airspeeds on approaches, the stigma of using the speedbrake would be a thing of the past.
  13. I can vouch for the Corsair H100i v2. It ran me about $100, a bit over your budget, but well worth it especially if you plan to OC. See pic of my comp below on how I have it set up. Sorry not the best pic.
  14. I suspect with the 4.2 version of P3D out, we'll see a flurry of releases within the next few weeks. Good times to be a flightsimmer right now! Not sure if this preview video was posted somewhere else on Avsim.
  15. I also would have to agree that a 250GB is too small. I almost believe 500GB is too small which is why I've had this little puppy sitting around for a couple of months.
  16. +1 on Lorby's. I forget how I stumbled across this piece of software, but honestly it's a must have for P3D.
  17. I can certainly vouch for this hobby being a lot cheaper than other options. Golf happens to be another of my hobbies. Kind of forced upon me with my career choice, but absolutely love the game now. I've been playing for a little over 13 years now and the money I've dropped over the course of that time, to still remain a handicap golfer would be considered insane to most of you. But as a few people have said, it comes down to what makes you happy and of course what you can afford. I for one was one of those folks complaining of the potential costs of switching, but in the end it didn't amount to much if you just factor in the cost of P3D and some addons. My switch cost me even more because I decided to concurrently upgrade my system. The benefits of switching really outweigh the eventual costs of doing so. Not to mention the peace of mind knowing you now have a stable 64bit platform vs. the old 32bit FSX.
  18. Took me a while to realize the grass is definitely greener on the P3D side. But I do not regret the decision.
  19. I agree and certainly a fun plane to fly. I'm afraid Feelthere has shifted all their focus to TOWER3D and left the airplane development to other companies.
  20. Would love to hear feedback once someone has some time to test the new hotfix. I've been holding out until some of the major issues have been fixed.
  21. I'm a big fan of the E-Jets and Feelthere's was certainly passable, however the port over to P3D4 lacks WXR as you've stated and Feelthere has said they will not provide a fix in the future. For me it's a no buy, but just my opinion.
  22. I don't remember how old I was, but it was in the 70's so I was probably 6 or 7 years old. Flew on a Pan AM 747 from JFK to POS. I can never forget two things about that trip: The old Pan AM Worldport or Terminal 3; as soon as you pulled up to it, you immediately felt like you were already on a vacation. Outside had a meticulously manicured lawn with trees surrounding it and if my memory does not fail me, there some trees and/or shrubs inside in certain sections of the terminal. I always remember running around and just absolutely fascinated with the chairs with little TV's attached to them. And finally the aircraft. For a kid whose father would always take him to a certain section in queens to watch aircraft land and particularly love watching 747's land. To finally have the chance to fly on one himself, it was simply a wonderful feeling. I didn't really understand how huge the aircraft was when we were at JFK, but when we landed in POS, we deplaned via stairs. I remember my Mother dragging me from the stairs all the way to the terminal because I refused to turn around away from looking at the 747. Simply fascinated by the sheer size and that something that big could fly. Some years later (1988), I flew back to Port Of Spain on another Pan Am 747 by myself and must of been the luckiest son of a gun because I was the victim of a seat dupe. Ended up being upgraded to business class on the upper level. I will never forget that experience.
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