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Everything posted by TheFamilyMan

  1. Thanks for that heads up about AccuSeasons. I'd really enjoy a better seasonal look but not at a noticeable performance hit. If they have a good black friday price I might get it anyways.
  2. For VR I strongly prefer (it's more like 'must have') MSFS running at 45 fps, NCP limited. If I ran at 30 fps vsync, running Ultra Clouds at all times wouldn't be an issue for me either, but VR at 30 fps is a solid no-go for me. Got all my other settings tuned for 45 fps, even in major urban centers. It's just that detailed clouds matter to me too (except when they tank my performance as described). BTW, it's really smmoooth for me running driver fps limited, without it MSFS stutters badly though I get "better" fps.
  3. My #1 cause of stuttering that seems to happen out of nowhere: Clouds being set too high for the weather I'm flying in. Usually I can get away with High or occasionally Ultra. But when I flying in low clouds Medium or sometimes Low is needed to preserve fps. Fortunately in those situations the lower settings really don't get in the way of the immersion, other than having to pause the flight and change the clouds setting. BTW I fly VR and GA exclusively, and as far as overclocking being a good thing...bring it on!
  4. How far we've come, a near miss of two worlds: This obvious 'shop of two MSFS versions I made about 5 years ago, and was originally posted in the screenshot forum. Sorry...couldn't resist the repost here. Enjoy, TFM
  5. Living in a dorm at CSU Chico while in the thick of my Computer Science undergraduate degree. Heck, at that time I thought that having a full screen editor on an ascii terminal was living the high life; having a personal computer was a luxury well beyond my means though I had a few friends that did. Dang, those seemed so impressive (and given the tech at that time, they were).
  6. In seeing my topic resurface months later, I am pleased to report that updates to both the sim and graphics drivers have alleviated a good percentage of the instruments blurriness in VR, at least with my Reverb G2. Currently I'm using DLSS Quality and for my needs it delivers the clearest image for the performance level I want, which is 45 fps driver limited which it runs very consistently. As it is now, the clarity is much better than when I made the OP. Sure, I can get it somewhat clearer but IMO the performance hit isn't worth it. Also, all this sort of stuff is 100% YMMV.
  7. As far as a dual purpose gcard/space heater goes, even my now lowly rtx 3080 ti FTW3 does a fairly good job. I was quite surprised by the amount of heat blowing out of that card when I first installed it and was running tests with my case open; calling it a space heater isn't hyperbole, that air blowing was HOT. Glad my build has a manual case fan speed panel, now it truly has a valid use. I can imagine for the 4090/4080 cards that using them in the summer might be problematic for some.
  8. I assume you're using DLAA to supersample a resolution that exceeds the res of the Aero. If that is true, very impressive to say the least (and with ultra settings too), and I'm curious what percentage is your supersample ratio. Personally, for VR I'll skimp a bit on image quality if it buys me a noticeable fps boost, hence the settings I use.
  9. Sure, DLSS 3 is nice for pancake mode, especially since it steps around being CPU bound and this vid proves its point, but I can't fly 2d anymore. Let's see how DLSS 3 pans out for VR (dang I've love to peg my G2 at 90 fps, now I'm sporting a solid 45 fps frame rate limited with DLSS Quality on a 3080 ti). Input lag...we'll see how that unfolds too.
  10. You, as in the OP author, mentioned that your MSFS CPU utilization is at 10%. For MSFS that 'rolled up' total CPU value can be very misleading. MSFS is a multi-threaded app, and its main thread can be pegging 100% utilization while all the other threads are doing nearly nothing. When the main thread is so pegged, MSFS is choking with too much to do and this causes stutters and low fps. Displaying the Windows Task Manager's Performance tab can show the loading of your CPUs cores by right clicking in the Performance window and selecting 'Change graph to -> Logical Processors'. This window's plots will show if your MSFS main thread is hitting 100% utilization when MSFS is running. If it is, this may be the start of unraveling your problems; I'm sure there lots of good advice out there to help you rectify this. Hope this sheds some light on your situation (but perhaps you already knew all this...oh well).
  11. I'll admit I was a bit harsh in my response, and not only that I agree that there is more than a potentially lacking PSU situation but failed to so state. When replacing an AMD gcard with an Nvidia one really needs a DDU deep cleaning for the new card's video driver. If I got a 4090, as a matter course I'd get a PSU to match its full capability, especially considering for that level of monetary buy-in l don't want to leave any of that gcard's power unexploited, and that's coming from an owner of a 850w PSU...hence my above post.
  12. Cutting corners rarily results in cutting edge performance. Com'on don't strangle your gcard and give the respect it deserves: a state of the art 1000w or greater PSU, and note that PSU headroom is a good thing.
  13. HP and their RPN syntax...totally forgot that that ever existed. Cool pics everyone, thanks for sharing. None of my old calculators survived being old enough to hang on to.
  14. Given in system (in my sig) running a Reverb G2 revised, I find that this driver is by far the best I've yet to use. Using DLSS Quality and DX12, everything looks fantastic and can run at a solid and smooth 45 fps even in heavy weather (though I'm not running full ultra settings nor motion reprojection). I can use ultra cloud and maintain 45 fps providing the cloud cover is not too dense. The glass panel displays aren't as smeared, but still not perfect. Beyond this problem, it seems that DLSS and DX12 use is highly system dependent and a YMMV kind of thing. AFAIK, my MSFS VR experience is now the best it has ever been...so back to flying.
  15. Isn't it great when actors can age gracefully into their roles throughout their lives..."they sure don't make 'em like they used to". Angela Lansbury RIP, you brought the world so much entertainment, comfort and joy.
  16. A good friend has his sights on a 4080 16GB to retire his 2080S. Hope his 9900k build can handle it. He's a solid G2 VR flight sim junkie and can't wait to get better than the 20 fps he gets now. With my 3080 ti FTW3 I get 45 fps with my G2. Other than being able to use ultra clouds, vs high, I see no point in a 4090/4080 upgrade. Currently running DLSS Quality and 100% render scale, it is smooth and looks fantastic, given the limits of G2 VR.
  17. Sorry for the misdirection of my post, should have included the following. DLSS and DX12 does nothing to fix the MSFS VR clarity issues. What it does do is provide the same image quality as the openxr toolkit's scale/sharpen while boosting fps, in my case 4 to 5 fps. I now only use the openxr toolkit for its performance displays hi and lighting adjustments.
  18. When I fly VR with my G2 in IL2 I'm always reminded about the overall lackluster clarity of VR in MSFS. Even using 100 render scale with TAA AA isn't crisp, even tried no AA and it's a little better but the jaggy edges ruin it. IMO DLSS and DX12 rock in VR. Sorry for those that have problems using these features.
  19. I also use MSFS vsync at 100% refresh for my 60 hz monitor, but I also set a fps limit to 45 in the graphics driver. This delivers silky smooth 45 fps performance without any screen tearing, with the added benefit of giving a little relief to both my gcard and cpu. In the past, this sort of setting resulted in stutters, but not now. I find running at 45 fps is much nicer looking overall than 30 fps of the 50% lock in MSFS.
  20. I exited the MSFS beta program via Xbox Insider this afternoon, as it instructs you do to with no issue. But when I started up MSFS afterwards, it immediately and automatically downloaded a 1.8MB update. When the update window later appeared to do the update, it showed the default MSFS install path for the install operation and informed me there was insufficient disk space. I use a custom MSFS install path (a MSFS dedicated disk), and after I directed the install window to use it rather the default, the install completed instantly and successfully (and seemingly installing nothing), and ending with all as it should be...Yay! I am guessing that when Xbox Insider finished it's undoing of my beta group participation, it set that default install path value, which afterwards triggered the (apparently unneeded) download operation. No big deal, but something to watch for.
  21. Umm...seems you didn't read correctly or understand what I wrote. Was what I wrote that opaque?
  22. For those SU10 beta user concerned or wondering about instaling SU10 final: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/beta-testers-new-information-on-joining-leaving-the-beta/543728 Essentially, all SU10 beta users had SU10 final pre-installed, and no further action is needed now. But if you don't opt out of the MSFS beta program on Xbox Insider, you will be privy to SU11 beta updates when they become available. I will be opting out of the beta. All I wanted out of the SU10 beta was DLSS for VR (a big Yay), though I did vote on SU10 beta issues that I found.
  23. Someone mentioned the scalpers already. Remember what happened two years ago...you've all been forewarned.
  24. I wasn't questioning the quality of EVGA cards, but in terms of performance and cooling they weren't always outdoing their competitors.
  25. Yikes! What a gut punch, though a bit late to this party. EVGA gcards may not always have been the best, but their warranty and quick and no hassle service were (from first hand experience from more than one instance). About half of all my gcards were EVGA gcards; enough to know what crappy and lack luster warranty service the other vendors have. Bought an EVGA 5 year extended warranty for my current $1500 3080 ti FTW3, we'll now see...but I won't be losing any sleep other this (note that my evga 1070 lasted me over 5 years, an astounding duration for a gcard to remain relevant).
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