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Everything posted by fakeflyer737

  1. I meant the actual 530 won't load rnav approaches in the 172
  2. Can you guys get the 530 to fly approaches properly ?
  3. That's the hold up? Hmm hopefully that gets resolved.
  4. We need a third=party GPS for this stuff. Any one heard from RXP or F1?
  5. Is the the Garmin 530 just the default MSFS Garmin?
  6. Is Live WX working for you guys? It did for me for about 10 min then stopped completely. I have restarted my PC after the update and tried 4 different servers to no avail.
  7. How do I view the entire Library ie; not use the search function?
  8. Yeah the more I fly the sim the more i realize we have a nig issue here especially if youre going to fly long xcty or airline flights. I use foreflight with msfs and the live wx never ever matches anything foreflight says. I think it was very disingenuous for MS to even call it Live WX when even if its working properly it still isnt live.
  9. 85% of the time the Live WX doesn't load any WX. Doesn't seem to matter what time of day or where I am flying. I have tried different servers and nothing seems to help. Any ideas? Regards
  10. Get SImRadio (free), works perfectly for connecting ForeFlight to MSFS. I used it last night to practice a RW flight I did this morning in the DA40.
  11. It’s both. I fly the DA20/40 and the C172 IRL and the default planes feel a hell of a lot better then any previous sim (xplane too). Yes it needs a lot of work and as the pay ware stuff comes out it will be even better but this is the best thing that has happened to this community in a long time.
  12. So I purchased Preimum Deluxe on windows store Can I pre-download MSFS? It downloaded something but it was only 900mb or so .
  13. Nope! In 15 days it isn't going to matter to ME (not you, ME) any more. PS: On the BETA
  14. I don't believe so. I just email myself a route and paste it into ForeFlight.
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