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Everything posted by fakeflyer737

  1. Too bad they didnt metion whether or not the 744 us getting an EFB yet
  2. Has LM said when the hotfixes are coming?
  3. I purchased their 757 years ago for FSX and I'll NEVER make that mistake again.
  4. The previous gen card prices never go way down, ever. The retailers sell off the stock at maybe a 2% reduction and then thats it.
  5. Im trying to figure out if i buy the Skarklets addon if I can use the EFB in a non sharklet 319/320
  6. I see. Well that makes me happy, even the REX clouds look awful in the sim in my opinion. One less addon i gotta worry about.
  7. So if we're using TRuSky, there will be no need for REX textures any more correct?
  8. I fly the Da20 about once a month, its a lovely machine and built right down the road from me in London, Ont.
  9. $10 says they'll offer an upgrade to V5 for free, everyone else is....
  10. I forget, I’m pretty sure you turn off the ORBX DL in the ORBX config app.
  11. I think the iniBuilds looks a lot better and the performance is WAY higher with it.
  12. I use the ORBX SAN + iniBuilds.com Dynamlic lighting profile. The ORBX DL has terrible performance but iniBuilds makes it a perfect scenery.
  13. I would think with the recent update from Asobo about the SDK that they're already full steam aheah on ATL for 2020.
  14. They have delayed it until they know what is going on with 2020. I talked to the Dev a few months ago.
  15. Ive emailed Ian several times with bug fixes etc but he hasn't responded so I have no idea what their plan is.
  16. I love it. I do not run the ORBX Socal with it, just Vector, OpenLC and Global. Its a challenging airport with the 320/737, shorter rwy, VOR approaches with high terrain around, just all around an interesting, good looking, good running and challenging airport.
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