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Everything posted by Longranger

  1. But you have to show that you were the first one with this idea, Most ideas that stand behind software were developed years before. Your extremely simple description doesn't really work. If this would be the case the diesel engine would have been a simple copy of the steam engine, which is not the case. But it is nearly impossible to get into more details without giving roadmap how to modify a program, to get around this patent.Software patents are so generic that they are more or less stupid. In a computer you only have rules, but I can simply redifne the rules. You can protect an idea for the real world, which has fixed rules, but in a computer there is no reality. If I invent an idea that I only have to redefine certain values and get a very goot solution for a real problem, I can protect this idea, but not the code that describes this solution. Computer code is best protected by copyright law. And you can easily prove that someone copied you code by the pattern of its systemcalls and values.
  2. Not in the Software business. Patents were invented to protect people that put a lot of ideas and money into the development of this idea. When people simply stole their plans they had a real advantage. In the software business most ideas and principles are rather simple. You get and develop the idea in a single day. The tricky part is the implementation of this idea. This depends totally on your environment and methods. This implementation takers years of development and testing. So the simple idea doesn't really help you in any significant way. It is much easier and faster to develop an idea on your own way than to look into a databank and look igf there might be an idea that might help you. The basic ideras and principles are so common that it would be a pretty good idea to simply ask someone.Even if you would listen to his ideas the end result would be something completly different. In fact mjany of the patent trolls simply register well known methods or even standards that were established to allow the communication between programs. The main reason why they don't dare to go to court with software patents is in fact that it is especially permited to even reverse engineer another program if you need this information to properly connect to the other program.. The second reason isthat the judge can decide that one side wanted to abuse the justice system and that he has to pay a penalty. So a patent troll would often loose money in court.
  3. These settings are more or less targeted toward your input devices. The ArtStab are normally not needed anymore. The only Addon that I know, that offers an override at ist the AirFoilLabs C172.
  4. I don't know if we are really talking about a couple of weeks longer.I think some of these items are more on a To Be Determined schedule. If is extremly hard to predict how long it will take to solve none trivial problems. If you wait too long it wouldn#t be ready before X-Plane 11, which would mean: rewrite parts of the plane...
  5. Nope. Not even the Beta will start this weekend.
  6. Not only Carenados. Most planes can't do anything without their Plug-ins anymore and most of these plug-ins use SASL. Often the computers lack one of the necessary redestributables of the used compiler: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2977003
  7. Use a better mesh like the HD Mesh V3 ( http://www.alpilotx.net/downloads/x-plane-10-hd-mesh-scenery-v3/ ) from AlpilotX (who also was responsible for Laminars original mesh). The original mesh was limited since it had to be shipped on DVDs and X-Plane was limited to 32 bit and the mesh creation had several bugs.
  8. In its directory is a directory "Groundtraffic Instructions and Options" that contains three sub directories. GroundTrafficLite, airport vehicles only and fullanimations. Each of them contains a groundtraffic.txt file. You have to copy the wanted txt level to its main directory.
  9. At the moment one of the best if not the best GA plane for x-plane. Only the engine options and checks are still missing.
  10. You obviously didn't set up Quick Views. If you have a view that you like press Strg and a number from 0-9 on the numpad. This stores this view. If you wan't to return to this view press the key on the numpad and X-Plane brings you to the stored view. Every plane has 10 of these hotkey views that are stored with this plane.
  11. Sceneries like norway pro or denmark pro have to be above the photo sceneries and such solutions like Urban Maxx.
  12. 1) I have both the Engine Management and Sound and Effect Inhtegration of the A2A is a bit better. But the AirFoilLabs is still in development. From the Flight performance they aren't so different from each other. 2) Sorry I don't have the Beaver X, but the SMS DHC-2 is really nice. Not necessarily the most realistic engine management, but everything feels nice and works well. The author also took care with the water landings. Normally they don't look so realistic, but with the beaver they do. It can even lower the height of the waves and anchor the aircraft. The Centurion is a bit faster, can fly higher and is pretty touchy with its landfing gear. The Bonanza is lower, since it has the same engine but no Turbo and so it can't fly as high and it zhas a very tough landing gear. The plane doesn't really care if it has to land on gras. The REP plug-in significantly ußpgrades the sound effects and together wit the free HeadShake Plug-in they also simulate engine vibrations. It's menus don't look as good as the A2As but otherwise they are not so far behind. They also offer now outside inspections and you cahn tow the planes. In the next update of the REP plug-in it will no longer modify X-Planes engine logic but replace it..
  13. In OpenGL that's the Job of the OpenGL driver (by NVidia) Laminar and so on can't even determine where parts of the code will calculated.
  14. Could it be, that you bought the Stream Version? The additional Sceneries are stored as a separate Download content. The whole earth means a download of about 70 Gbytes.
  15. Sounds like your X-Plane runs in demo mode. If it is the boxed version of X-Plane the first 1 DVD has to be in the drive, when you start X-Plane. Otherwise it will refuse to load sceneries outside the demo area.
  16. Well, in this location it wouldn´t work anyway since the mesh would block anything under it. It´s correct location would have been above the Demo Areas. But without the world_models library it can´t work, and thats what your computer complained about.
  17. Well the RAM questiopn isn´t such a big problem as it sounds. When they prepared the extended DSF loading Laminar feared that most of the scenery data would stay in the RAM. In reaity todays Operating systems can handle this situation pretty well. The computers don´t load the complete tiles, instead they look into the tiles and give every object space in their virtual address space. Since we are working with real 64 bits this space is huge. Compared to our real RAM more or less unlimited. It only needs memory for the areas that you really see. So in reality 16 GB of memory are at the moment more than enough. Everything else is already allocated in the virtual address space, while it is still on the HD. If you get nearer to these locations it loads this data into the RAM, while opther areas, that are no longer visible drop out of it. This works rather smoothly in the background since the computer can predict which areas it will probably need in the next few seconds.
  18. But the clouds are based on the same technology in FSX and P3D. X-Plane uses a totally different technology for their clouds. And they have more or less passed the number of acceptable API changes for X-Plane 10. We don´t know what they will do with their weather engine for X-Plane 11.
  19. Yes. This is obviously the RotateSim MD-80 ( http://store.x-plane.org/Rotate-MD-80_p_441.html ) Southwest Florida International ( http://store.x-plane.org/KRSW--Southwest-Florida-International-Airport-_p_436.html ) Drzewieckis New York City ( http://secure.simmarket.com/drzewiecki-design-new-york-city-xp-for-x-plane-10-%28de_9766%29.phtml ) and Drzewieckis New York Airports ( http://secure.simmarket.com/drzewiecki-design-new-york-airports-xp-%28de_8957%29.phtml ). At least I think it is.
  20. Those are not rumors. It simply depends on your settings and the sceneries, that you use. If you use UHD Mesh and extended DSFs and w2xp sceneries and good settings it is very likely that your RAM will not be enough in some areas or with some planes.
  21. Well, it isn't easy to really debug an FMS, since a lot of things depend on the route and settings. It would be extremly unfair to compare The MD-80 with the FlightFactor 767. It has the huge advantage, that it is builkd on successors. The CRJ-200 nhad a lot of Bugfs and even crashes, as well as the FlightFactor Boeing777, that inherited a lot of components from the CRJ. The4 757 was build on the Base of the 777, while the 767 is based on the 757... It will be interesting how many bugs the IXEG 737 will have since they had to write the FMS from scratch too. I wouldn't ask if the FMS will have bugs, it is more a question of how many. Then there was the upcoming Christmas and the threat by the upcoming IXEG 737 which is more or less based on the same era as the MD-80
  22. VRAM becomes a bottleneck with high definition textures and scenery tools like w2xp. 2 GB VRAM is more or less the current minimal Standard. There are many planes that more or less demand at least 2 GB VRAM. But if you want to have many scenery files and things like HD, UHD Mesh or Sky Maxx Pro, you will get into trouble. Then you need more than 8 GB RAM and 4 GB VRAM.
  23. Well, W2XP needs more RAM and VRAM. What says your Log.txt when you tried to load W"XP. And do you have installed the needed world models database?
  24. Well, with a better GPU it can run decently. I use a i7-950 with 18 GB RAM and a NVidia 770 with 4 GB RAM..
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