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Everything posted by flibinite

  1. I run P3D 2.5 and FSX DX9 side by side. For me P3D's overall frame rates are marginally better, color is much more vibrant (almost too much so at times), most of my stutters are gone. However VAS use is significantly worse and frame rates take a big hit in clouds. Perhaps future 2.X updates will address these issues.
  2. Do you have high resolution textures selected in the Operations Center section for the 737?
  3. "I get out of memory with QW 146. Starts out real nice then after 5 min...OOM" This is a known problem with the QW high definition textures, watch out for those
  4. try here: http://forum.simflight.com/forum/75-fs-commander-support-forum/
  5. Yes, the engineer's panel is well modeled with functioning fuel pumps/dump, pressure controls, fire alarms, and so on. I have the original JF version. I would not come close to calling it "an already excellent package;" I parked it after a few dozen flights and have not upgraded to the "pro" version; afraid of throwing good money after bad. The flight model is OK (the CS' nose needs to be forced down on landing and she's more difficult to handfly) and the sound pack is from TSS, superior to the CS sounds. In the original version, the engineer's panel is virtually non-functional. The CS has better livery availability, the VC is very nice, and it has an INS which can be operated properly or coupled to a FSX flight plan. It seems to be considered one of their top three aircraft. Comments on the JF support forum for the pro version seem mixed to OK.
  6. Amazingly smooth with all that night lighting into a FPS intensive areal like LAX
  7. You cannot update the FSX nav database (or GPS) with Airac cycles. I don't think any payware GPS allows for that; AIrac cycles update flight management computer databases only. The link provided is the only system-wide update I know of (I've ot tried it myself; heard about some potential conflicts (duplication?) with the original FSX dataset. The Flight One GTN series GPS has a more recent database, but still a few years old I believe
  8. I have both. SimPhysics is uninstalled, i didn't find it added much of anything to the experience. AccuFeel has good and subtle effects but as noted above not all payware aircraft like it. It can, however, be disabled on a case-by-case basis.
  9. The answer to your issue is found in posts #5 and #10.
  10. I've found MyTraffic BGLs cause elevation problems at many add-on airports (payware or freeware like the Orbx packages), regardless of library location. As I run into them, I just rename the MyTraffic filename extensions to ".passive" as opposed to ."bgl." Inconvenient but a minor issue compared to other FSX headaches
  11. Search this forum a few days back for Metroliner mods that include a more functional autopilot and several other enhancements
  12. Love the new AP, thank you. Having an odd problem with the new EHSI though. It's is installed in FSX/gauges on the pilot's side, while the copilot's gauge remains original. I'm finding the pilot's NAV1 and ADF pointers are off by many degrees compared to both the copilot's gauge (which points correctly), and what I can see the proper direction is in FS Commander's moving map. However, the NAV1 course selector seems to be tracking accurately. I can't imagine how this could crop up at all, if both gauges are 'reading' the same navigation source..
  13. http://imgur.com/QRvoK0j This is after moving eyepoint up with Opus to clear the yoke
  14. No TrackIR here, but view adjustments with the Opus camera utility provide good gauge visibility
  15. My CH yoke left hat switch is set in FSUIPC to pan in 8 directions. I have, unlike you, set this as the default action for all aircraft. To be sure: - In FSUIPC you have checked the 'Profile specific?" box - For, say, a left pan, when you move the hat switch left the box below says "Pan left" - You have checked the "Control to repeat while held" box, and lastly - Is it possible you have assigned another command to this hat switch movement that is causing a conflict?
  16. Hi Ken- I'm afraid I never had to use the FSUIPC slope settings for this aircraft so I have no settings to share. The CH throttles seemed to work fine for me out of the box. As I recall I did not use the CH calibration software, it's been a few years now. For the slope setting, I'd just experiment with the mound, then the dip, and see which one gives the desired result. Similarly, the prop reverse position for me seemed to work fine with a simple FSUIPC assignment. Have you tried deleting/reassigning the FSUIPC settings for the AC in FSUIPC.ini? If this doesn't work I'll see if I can dig up the settings in my own fsuipc.ini file and post them next time i check this forum
  17. Ken, I have the exact same setup as you and I don't have that problem at all. I'd try deleting the FSUIPC profile and re-setting. Then I'd consider using FSUIPCs Slope settings in throttle calibration to dampen the response range.
  18. +1. The F1 B200 is nice but seems to lack the 'character' I find in the J41. (I'm also not partial to glass cockpits.)
  19. Probably basically a portover. Not sure what you mean by 737/777 standards. It's a more rudimentary aircraft.
  20. Don't feel too bad. Jut Flight knows Air Hauler V2 is slated to be released soon. They're just trying to wring a few last dollars from the original.
  21. KMDW and KORD activated together might be a lot of strain, like having KLGA and KJFK paywares active a the same time. Suggest try disabling KMDW and see if there's an improvement
  22. I have a pretty strong rig and always found this airport hard on frames
  23. After passing your check ride you can fly either aiframe on any route (so you have thousands of choices) at Delta Virtual, http://www.deltava.org. Very active VA
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