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Everything posted by FlyBaby

  1. Exactly...seems very fluid...I spent 10 minutes just doing Touch and Gos amazed at how the plane feels coming in for a landing. Best sim landing experience ever. Adjusting the controller sensitivity down made the stick feels just right.
  2. I was able to fix the issue... My TV is set to 30hz through Windows graphic settings (some people set Nvidia setting at 1/2 refresh rate, if 60 then it will be 30). In the sim, when I set Vsync, I had to set the limit 60...not 30 as I originally had it. For some reason the 30 limit has stutters no matter what...after I adjusted the render sclaling. However, by setting the limit in MSFS to 60 (although my monitor is at 30hz), I have my original smooth sim back.
  3. You and I have similar PC specs... I was running higher setting than you at 1080p. Smooth performance, no stutters. Everything was fine until I changed the Render scaling setting (was originally at 100). Since then, nothing but micro stutters even at the lowest setting. To me, render scaling broke something. May do a clean reinstall
  4. I flew MSFS for almost 1/2 hour with no stutters...making adjustment here and there... Running at 1080p (17, 32G RAM GTX 1080) with opitons high / Ultra with (mainly shadows turned down) default render scaling at 100. I was flying in Key West...on purpose to get away from many buildings etc...as I would later stress the settings in a heavier area. Finally, I decided to adjust render scaling to 200, things slowed and stutters were introduced....reset back to 100...still the same micro stutters. No matter what adjustments I made (low etc), these micro-stutters remained, and this all started when adjusting render scaling. Restarting the sim did not help. And believe me , I flew about 30 minutes in awe...very smooth... The stutters started when I touched that render scaling slider. I hope this info helps with resolving the issue, because the sim can run stutter free...
  5. You do realize that there are millions of people streaming internet TV / Movies (some in 4k) "all day"...Netflix, Hulu, Vudu, Amazon Prime....and the list goes on. How much data do you think that takes...per hour?
  6. There have been stutter issues with both P3D and XP...and tons of threads etc. And not just flight sims....train simulator, race sims and other PC games. I was always able to solve this issue by locking fps to my tv refresh rate @30. As long as I could achieve 30fps...I got smooth performance. You say that you get 40 fps....then are you able to lock your TV Monitor refresh to 30hz (through graphic option or Nvidia setting through the desktop right click option)? Then set vsync / 30fps limit cap in MSFS settings. This has always worked for me, for any game...to get a smooth experience. I set higher graphic settings to get me at least 30 fps, but the same can be done for 60. I am fine with 30 fps in every sim / game on my pc. I haven't tried MSFS yet, but I imagine that the same holds for this sim...worth a try anyway.
  7. I don't...for any of the 3 main sims...some say YT vids are bad for judging such things..
  8. He already started a thread there comparing screenshots...mentioning stutters. But he fails to mention how XP11 had a RC1 yesterday for their beloved Vulkan...that still has stutters as well....
  9. Hi All, Be sure to select the premium version (from the drop down list) when the flight simulator screen appears in the store (once you have selected it). For me, the store lists all 3 versions (in the drop down list), but the default was on the standard edition...I had to click in the box to the right to manually select the premium version to install.
  10. Well flight sims are robust programs unlike any other game / sim. There are many things to admire, and yes issues to point out. Will the average game reviewer be well versed in systems to get that detailed into the review? I heard some talking about using a mouse and keyboard...so they may not all have the appropriate controllers to speak on that end. There are flight sims out there today with issues for years, bug fixes and enhancement, and then more issues after that (Ahh Cha-Vulkan...excuse me). The bottom line is, will you buy it based on the reviews alone...or will you buy it because you have seen enough (beyond the reviews) and think that it is worth it...with an expectation that it will get better. Steam does give refunds...so you can buy it...see for yourself...and then get a refund if you don't like it.
  11. So what is that certain extent? A limit??? and what has LR done address it so that 3PD can achieve more when creating addons for their sim? I am sure that xEnviro would be interested. The question was rhetorical...for effect...given that Austin hasn't done anything for more than half a decade now with XPs limited clouds...
  12. I mainly paid the premium price for the SR22 and the Virus 121.
  13. But isn't this the ultimate issue? limitations posed by LR... How much longer will folk have to wait before LR finally addresses the issue...another 2 / 3 years? I wouldn't say it looks better than xEnvro... However, considering it works in VR (I don't use VR), and its free....I would definitely recommend this over xEnviro. As much as I like xEnviro's potential...it is not worth the money...and looks like it is still years off from being useful.
  14. For me... Virus 121 (closest to the trainer for my PPL) VL3 Icon A5 DA-62
  15. This sim is going to be epic. X-Check says that he was on medium settings....medium....and it still looks good.
  16. Too little...too late. And when is that "so called" XP12 release date??? Did you say Aug 18th, 2024? Sweet dreams while you wait on that.
  17. Uhmm, right...yeah...got it. We still on schedule for Aug 18? Then we are good to go.
  18. I am not sure if its all arrogance, or mixed with being defensive about a product meeting the demands that he isn't. To me, Austin depended too much on the "cult like" following and he thought that the things that set XP apart would suffice despite XP lacking in some major areas. That single-minded approach may work for Tesla, but Tesla is on the cutting edge of technology and performance....XP is not. Austin "knows" that the tide has changed...his dismissive comments in the OPs video about Microsoft "sort of coming back"...."hiring a french company"....shows just how "concerned" he is. He can't begin to address the weather / clouds, world modelling, or the dozen of other features that MSFS2020 is bringing to the table. In short...he has no response. His delusional comments / comparison of starting in 1995 when MS was around has no relevance today. This "aint" 1995, its 2020 and MSFS2020 is the only sim that has learned from, capitalized on and addressed the demands of flight sim community that have grown over the past 25 years. After seeing this video in 2017, I knew that XP was not going much further....and Austin's arrogant comments (at the 8:20 mark) seemed more like he was "defending" XP disguised as some unique approach / philosophy....with nothing substantial on the horizon. Yeah...he doesn't spend $$$ in market research....and it shows. Ironically MSFS2020 was behind the scenes...researching / investing & creating a sim that would sweep the community by storm.
  19. I have yet to see any in preview vids. Are there 2D popup panels for G1000 PFD, MFD etc.?
  20. True, but he raises an interesting point. If someone buys Orbx London, only to have MSFS update that area later, have they wasted their money? In general, I don't think so...because I paid for the best experience (from 3PD) available at that time. But if I pay $$$ today, and the sim updates next week for the same area, then I would have wanted a heads up from MSFS. So we should have some type of scheduling of sort...where MSFS can share (to the extent that they can) what areas are planned for updates over the next year...so Devs / users can know what areas to invest in and what areas to wait for. Now if MSFS is purposefully leaving some cities looking like word not allowed to create a market for 3P Devs....well, its a big world out there to model in detail. So I would like to think that there is enough room to play without any contrived demand for certain areas.
  21. So is he suppose to list all cities throughout the modeled world that has an issue? And what does this being a multinational forum have to do with anything? it seems like others have an issue with it....and Orbx looked to address it. So it looks like those who will buy the Orbx version have an issue with it as well. I think Orbx is counting on that. None of this takes away from the OPs issue with London, and the potential conflict of paying for scenery that may get improved later on by updates from MSFS.
  22. I did this about 2 years ago to fly XP exclusively...I Orbx (Global, Vector, landclass), Active Sky / Rex, GTN 750 module...etc...it all went. I haven't looked back. Just looking forward to a newer convincing sim without all of the addon hassles.
  23. I haven't seen those prices available...but the 3000 series is right around the corner so I'll get what I need eventually.
  24. True... I am forced to wait at this point....and that may be a good thing.
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