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Everything posted by jabloomf1230

  1. Changing "wind" isn't going to work because it's a problem of context with most Windows TTS voices. It pronounces the word as a verb when it occurs at the beginning of a sentence. VOXATC would have to change its phrasing to "The wind is 22 at 280." for it to be pronounced correctly.
  2. Again, that's been said dozens of times, but that approach can't be as effective as having a shop that specializes in simulating a limited number of aircraft that the developers fly on a daily basis. I'm sure Asobo has people familiar with both aviation weather and ATC, but that hasn't prevented them from making mistakes with those features either. In my previous post in this thread, my intent was to point out that a consumer flight simulator is almost certainly going to have a wide variety of default aircraft that more or less mimic the behavior of their RL counterparts. The problem that Asobo created was not producing a robust SDK so that 3PDs could make up for these deficiencies.
  3. Speaking of credentials, IMO the best flight modeling is found in XP11 and various 3rd party aircraft from APA and PMDG for P3d5. I always attributed that to the developers having extensive first hand experience in flying those specific aircraft IRL. Some of those same developers also have a working knowledge of aerodynamics. It's unreasonable to expect Asobo to have that same experience with a wide variety of aircraft. They often stated that they had pilots on their development team, but that's not the same thing. The analysis presented by Alexis makes sense to me, but it actually illustrates how difficult it is to simulate aircraft dynamics. I guess the question is, would you rather have a limited stable of aircraft with realistic aerodynamics or a large collection of aircraft that may not handle realistically but provide a wider variety of experience?
  4. There used to be a revised file somewhere online for the RA Turbine Duke which used LUA scripts to assign key presses to those switches. Then FSUIPC could be used to create a joystick profile for any joystick which mapped buttons to those keystrokes. Try using Google to search for "RealAir Turbine Duke LUA script". It might work with the Piston version also.
  5. I haven't seen any other MSFS military jets for sale. Most are FSX models, poorly converted for MSFS "personal" use.
  6. The IndiaFoxtecho Aermacchi MB-339 is a military jet trainer available for MSFS on SimMarket.
  7. When AIG announced the new AI schedule format I was excited about the prospect of actually seeing rotorcraft take off and land realistically. But then when they started hinting at eventually replacing the BGL format entirely, I figured that I could always stop using AIG Manager and go back to manually creating AI schedules with AIFP, as painful as that archaic process can be. Fortunately, I've moved on to MSFS and I really don't care anymore what happens on the P3d side of things. Change is great, but there are always unintended consequences and we are already starting to see some of them with regard to AIG's decision.
  8. I really don't blame koala for being demoralized. AI Companion is an excellent add-on and now its future is in doubt. If I was giving him advice, I'd say that he should just stop all work on the the P3d version and focus on an MSFS version.
  9. I'm reading that same post as AI Companion for P3d is basically not going to be be updated either for a long time or maybe never. You've heard of the Tower of Babel and its aftermath? This is the Tower of BGL.
  10. There's always a possible drawback of adding one more EXE file running in parallel with the sim and then either causing a CTD or experiencing performance issues. For example, I was using REX WeatherForce with MSFS, but as the MSFS live weather option has gotten better (cough, cough, okay a little better) I stopped using REX WF. Why take a chance and run an add-on unless it provides a major benefit?
  11. I have to agree with Ray. Although I think that AIG Manager is a groundbreaking app. I have no interest in switching from BGL schedules. Other than for rotorcraft, whether aircraft fly direct from one airport to the next or not is hardly noticeable from the user's viewpoint. In addition, once one relies on the AIGFP app to manage enroute AI traffic, any connection to ATC and external apps is lost. There's a reason that Asobo stuck with BGL flightplans. Standardization means something in the flightsim world. Create your own formats at your own risk.
  12. Kevin might have a better feel for the answer but my experience has been that whatever one includes in the <ICAO>.xml file will override everything in the sim, including stock airports, fsaerodata, the Navigraph LevelD files and add-on airports. One caveat. Little NavMap will not recognize the information in the <ICAO>. XML file.
  13. Usually that's what I call it. Sometimes live weather. Occasionally I just use profanity.
  14. One thing that I've learned is to never believe anyone who tells you to never believe something.
  15. But that's because of a malady known as "freeware addiction". The addict sees a piece of freeware and downloads it just because it is free. Often the specific add-on is quickly forgotten.
  16. I agree, there is really nothing more to add and the thread should be locked.
  17. LOL https://www.businessinsider.com/denver-airport-conspiracy-theories-2015-10
  18. Duh, absolutely not. In my opinion the Star Wars franchise had been on a gradual decline and was not attracting enough new followers. Enter the Mandalorian, a simple tale about a latter day High Plains Drifter and a cute baby Yoda. It's been the star of the Disney+ network and probably set the network apart from the boring bunch of new streaming services. I liked the Mandalorian and I'm sad that it may not have a season three.
  19. Hey boys and girls. How about a bedtime story to lighten the mood? Once upon a time there was a community garden called Agraria where each farmer raised crops for their own personal use. One day the farmers got together and decided that since the harvest was so plentiful, that peasants could come to the fields and pick vegetables for free. For many years all was right in the happy little valley. Then one day, Farmer Alfalflai who ran a nearby farm had an idea to help people who were even too poor to afford a horse and buggy to drive the the Agraria farm. He went around with his big wagon to all the Agraria farm plots and collected carrots and cabbages and rutabagas and even kale. Then he took his harvest back to his farm and opened a farmstand by the side of the road. He put up a big sign reading, "Farmer Alfalflai's Farmstand. Free organic fresh vegetables." After awhile, all the farmers at the Agraria co-op heard about the farmstand and sent an emissary to talk to Farmer Alfalflai. The emissary was polite and said that Farmer Alfalflai could keep his farmstand open under two conditions. First he had to edit his sign to say that the vegetables were from the Agaria farm and second, he had to obtain permission from every farmer who had provided vegetables. Farmer Alfalflai balked at the latter demand because it meant literally asking hundreds of Agraria's farmers for permission. Farmer Alfalflai decided to just ignore Agraria's demands. And since the community as a whole was benefitting, Agraria's farmers kept grumbling but did nothing to stop Farmer Alfalflai's farmstand. But then other farms in the little happy valley got the same idea as Farmer Alfalflai. Soon there were dozens of farmstands dotting the valley, all providing vegetables from the Agraria Farm for free. Even Agraria set up their own farmstand. Finally one day, a few of Agraria's farmers decided that enough was enough. Honey hadn't worked so they tried vinegar. They told Farmer Alfalflai to shut down his farmstand and he had no choice, so he did. All the farmstands except Agraria's closed down except for a few online farmstands on the dark web. And a great darkness descended on the happy little valley. (To be continued)
  20. AIG has been politely complaining about other groups using their work and not only without providing proper credit, but also as in the case of FLAI, without even asking permission prior to the initial release. Until recently, this issue had been in a stalemate, but in the interim other groups started doing the same thing, so a group of painters finally said enough is enough. Keep in mind, these packages only automated the process of setting up AI. The paints and models are still readily available from the original authors and are still free. The same thing has started happening with MSFS AI, so it doesn't surprise me that the car finally went into ditch.
  21. Almost all AI aircraft models from reputable sources such as AIG have mipmapped textures, which means that unless the user is right next to the AI model, low resolution textures are being used for display. This is the main reason that AI aircraft do not impact VRAM usage that much.
  22. If I previously purchased all four individual seasons, how do I get the automatic version?
  23. You may be right but consider this. In P3d the SODE jetways at many payware airports look quite similar. That's because Jeffrey Stahl the author of SODE, provided a sample jetway with his SDK that developers used as a template. Further, there's a thread at FSDeveloper where a developer did the same thing with the sample MSFS SDK jetway. Developers tend to do the least amount of basic work as possible, especially when developing a complex object.
  24. Just another example that underscores how mods can conflict with each other.
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