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Everything posted by jabloomf1230

  1. You should have cut this off with his first post. Using the same logic, Tesla should stop building cars because their products share so much in common with a Model T Ford. As you know, I'm a proponent of MSFS, but it's not THAT much better than P3d5 and XP11. These threads produce nothing of value except for people that like to point out that their one is bigger.
  2. Before you added the second post I was under the impression that you were made to memorize the tidal tables.
  3. Win 11 is targeted at the enterprise as its main selling point is better security. It won't run on a large number of installed Windows PCs, so its adoption period will be prolonged, especially considering the ongoing chip shortage. Microsoft still has time to change its stance on PCs that are four years old plus. It has said that the hardware requirements could only be a soft floor where Win 11 will run but its use is not advised.
  4. The clouds are the same as far as the user can see. However as the injected weather changes, atmospheric conditions also change. LM has not implemented weather regions which would vary based on the METAR at a specific weather station.
  5. It means that the beta versions don't qualify for official support from HiFi. Beta users can still report bugs and get help on their official forums.
  6. VOXATC controls AI traffic. It's unclear exactly what this new ATC app does. That aside, it's good that someone is writing a new ATC add-on for the legacy sims, but the field is already crowded with capable entries like P2ATC and VOXATC. The former works with a range of flightsims which is a big plus. Both have been updated recently.
  7. I'd almost agree with you but I think the aversion to freeware models stems from the fact that many of the original models had limited polygons and awful textures. AIG fixed that by updating as many of them as they could get permission to do so. The payware FPSXAI models are still a bit better, but not that it's worth arguing about.
  8. It really makes far more sense for the app developer to include Polly voices rather than users since the initial installation process is so convoluted.
  9. I just installed Amazon Polly for Windows and VOXATC uses the voices. They show up in the VOXATC VoiceCFG utility and play correctly. The neural voices don't work consistently in VOXATC, so I would stick to the standard, newscaster and conversational Polly voices. The installation of Polly voices is overly detailed and keep in mind that even though it is a minimal charge for ATC speech on a single PC, it still costs something (and you have to give AWS your credit card info). The voices show up in the Windows registry at: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\Voices\Tokens Each voice has a token that looks like this: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Speech\Voices\Tokens\TTS_AMZN_CONVERSATIONALEN-US_MATTHEW IMO, for ATC speech these voices don't sound any better than either Ivona, Cereproc or most of the Win 10 voices. Note, I have not tried to add the VOXATC static and filter modification to the Polly voices.
  10. VOXATC (and P2ATC) check only specific sections of the Windows registry for 64 bit voices. This is the reason that certain Windows built-in "mobile" voices do not show up in the two apps unless you modify the registry. I don't have any Amazon Polly voices installed so I can't suggest how to make them work in VOXATC.
  11. https://swdlocal.wordpress.com/other-news/tragic-air-crash-at-belleville-ontario/tragic-air-crash-at-belleville-ontario/ Probably belongs in Hangar Chit.
  12. I'm pretty sure that I mentioned this on the FSUIPC official forums, so John and Pete should have reported it.
  13. That's been happening for a while. I get it too but I just ignore it.
  14. Well, today I'm getting the infamous error cannot initialize speech recognizer and I've changed nothing. It's still set to US English but I did have a Win10 update so I wonder if it broke VOXATC. EDIT: Duh, my microphone pulled out of the USB port. It pays to read my own previous responses to the this same problem.🙄
  15. I can't believe that there are people who didn't get the "more cowbell" reference. You can't drive a Tesla and not know about it either.
  16. https://docs.simul.co/programming/performance.html You probably set it at too high a value and performance is degraded. Or you just discovered a bug.😉
  17. I'm not saying that this is what is happening to you but blocking P3d from using every other virtual core does not prevent either the OS or other active processes from using those "blocked" virtual cores.
  18. Does it matter where you add the VOXATC lines in panel.cfg? If you didn't add them as the last of the gauge entries, try that.
  19. https://speecheloofficial.com/ It's a cloud-based, stand-alone text to speech app. If the voices are visible in the Windows 10 speech control panel applet they should also work in VOXATC. Else not.
  20. No offense to AVSim but Google search returns a lot more results: Google <topic> site:avsim.com/forums
  21. Yeah and then the same people come to AVSim to ask for help that they'll never get on either the two "screenshots" reddit subs, Discord or the official forums.
  22. Using similar IQ settings in each sim, the display of my HP G2 looks pretty much the same to me in both P3d5 and MSFS. Both are sharp and it's easy to read all the gauges. It isn't 4K monitor sharp, but it's definitely usable in both sims. The difference is that MSFS setup is effortless and the P3d5 setup required online reading and fiddling. As others have written in the ongoing HP G2 "farewell" thread, I find myself going back to Track IR/4K monitor. The VR headset gets uncomfortable after more than an hour of flying.
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