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Everything posted by BigG433

  1. Tap the Z key twice to disconnect A/P and silence the warning. Suffered the same fate and it's much worse through headphones!
  2. Now that's funny! Your list pretty much checks all of the boxes!
  3. No question some developers do make attractive looking simulations. The stunning visuals just can't overcome the major flight model and system issues I've encountered and I've purchased a few of these "lookers". Personally, I couldn't give a rat's rear how the seat textures look. If I'm looking at the seat textures then I'm not looking where I should be. What I want is an experience, given the limitations, that approaches what I experienced when I flew the real thing. Unfortunately, I never got the chance to fly anything with real leather and most of the planes I did fly had interiors that were beat up, scratched and unremarkable anyway. For me, it's all about enjoying a satisfying GA VFR/IFR flying and navigation experience. I too fly VR only. Too each his/her own! My ex-wife was visually a stunner in my opinion but that overall experience didn't work out well either. But that's an entirely different discussion...
  4. A very Merry Christmas and a happier and healthier 2022 to all y'all from Texas!
  5. I tried multiple times last night to purchase and download the Kodiak from the developers site but no joy. Their server(s) need some tuning and/or upgrading! Purchased from an online sim retailer at a higher price but well worth the cost. The Kodiak is a remarkably fun simulation to fly in VR. Don't forget to set the DX11 option. DX12 caused CTD's on my machine.
  6. A suggestion for those suffering from a dark cockpit... go to Options/Lighting/Shadows and under "Cast" uncheck the "InternalVehicle" option. Previously, I turned off EA for a brighter cockpit but now I can run EA/HDR with this unchecked. This simple step made a huge difference on my system, especially in VR! Your mileage may vary.
  7. Please disregard as I am able to install Carenado aircraft in v5.3. I ran the install for a 3rd time today in an attempt to capture a screenshot I could forward to Carenado support. However the previous issues did not re-occur. I did run the Windows 11 update earlier today so perhaps that may have helped in some way. Moderators, please feel free to remove this post if necessary.
  8. Is anyone else struggling with Carenado installations in v5.3? I've tried 4 different aircraft installations and while the install completes with no errors, each aircraft is plagued with transparent panels/surfaces and controller issues. Only the throttle and prop levers are recognized using my TQ6. Tried setting up mixture levers in both P3D and FSUIPC... no joy. Submitted a support ticket with Carenado a couple of days ago. On a positive note, the Milviz KA350i is working flawlessly for me in v5.3! Unusable experience for my personally in v5.2 but performance in v5.3 along with Orbx scenery forced me to knock the dust off my P3D install. v5.3 has proven to be a true game changer for me!
  9. Hi Robert! Thanks so much for the update but most importantly pleased to hear you are feeling better. Prayerful your health continues to improve!
  10. I really enjoy Jumpseat Radio! Looking forward to its implementation in VR.
  11. Thanks for the heads up! I haven't installed the update yet but I do have the same 152 mod so I'll look to confirm your findings.
  12. Seriously? While I respect your ability to express your opinion, jetways and missing terminal roofs have little bearing on what this software is really about. This is after all a flight simulator. Some folks really need to learn to manage their expectations...
  13. I've just finished 3 Skypark missions (over 6 hours of flight time) using the TBM and Bonanza, each in VR and had absolutely fantastic flights. I did restart the sim between each flight. I'm enjoying the best performance I've had since the sim was released... settings somewhat maxed, no stutters, smooth, no CTD's. I fire up the sim, enter an IFR flightplan based on the Skypark contract, crank up Jumpseat radio and off I go. I'm not thrilled with the overexposed clouds and have had a couple of hiccups with ATC but nothing I couldn't overcome. I've been able to complete each IFR flight all while using live weather. My specs are below. Why is it that I'm able to get so much enjoyment out of this sim after the latest update yet others are struggling so much? My system is not that special when I compare mine to others. It might be helpful if more folks would include their specs in their signature. I can't see that I've done anything differently than anyone else posting here. I don't have a lot of addons in my community folder and the ones I have are updated to work with this update. I always start by renaming my Community folder before updating the sim. Why am I not suffering the same problems as so many are? There is no question there are issues but I'm certainly not struggling to use this simulator. I've had to adapt and overcome at times but I'm having the time of my life! I hope that others can get past their issues and find the same level of enjoyment that I have.
  14. I completely disagree but that's just me. With this update, I've maxed out my settings and I'm having the best VR experience I've ever had less the overexposed clouds!
  15. I'm very pleased with this latest update with the exception of the overexposed clouds. Bumped most of my settings up to ultra/high and everything is smooth as silk. I may be one of a few that really likes the highlighted dials/button functionality. I find I have much better control using the mouse wheel for spinning the dials and knobs. I also believe my loading times are improved as well. This is by far the best performance I've experienced to date! Very important to start with an empty Community folder initially then begin adding back updated mods.
  16. I just noticed that version 7.2.1 of Pete and John Dowson's FSUIPC7 released today.
  17. Thanks for the prompt response... throttles are throttling! One other question. How do I remove a "Key Up Event" if one is added but needs to be removed? It seems it can't be deleted once added, only changed. I've been deleting the button assignment and adding it back with only the "Key Down Event". I've read through the manual for a solution and filtered the simulator events for a "None" event but didn't find one. Not a big deal, just thought I would ask.
  18. Good morning, Not my intention to tattle on anyone but I need to know if AAO is supposed to be playing nicely with a CJ4 throttle axis as of r2.05? If so, someone needs a timeout! I'm still not able to bind an axis to any TQ6 throttle lever. The spoiler axis however seems to be getting along fine with all of the other TQ6 levers. Thanks in advance for any info! Regards...g
  19. I appreciate the information and need to reverse my sliders as well. I was not aware that these sliders would specifically affect outside/cockpit clarity in this manner.
  20. Thanks for the update! I am really looking forward to the release of your 310R!
  21. Agree completely with Gordon... start with the CJ4 with WT mod first. Workflow is much more involved than GA and you can easily find yourself way behind the jet which is not a good place to be! Best part you already have it. Aerosoft CRJ is nice as well but the CJ4 is a good tooth-cutter. Enjoy!
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