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Everything posted by carbonbasedlifeform

  1. There are different levels of quality. London seems like one of their top cities. Manchester might be a better comparison.
  2. The handmade/custom objects is what I'm getting at. I like low GA flying so I notice that stuff. I believe Seattle is an aerial city or at least one of the cities that gets more attention. I don't think the other cities have autogen (not placement but specifics) that matches. Someone mentioned that the Brazilian flyover wasn't that great) relative to OrbX.
  3. This is definitely not a criticism of the default regions. Everything looks amazing. I had no doubt OrbX could make better cities or airports than , but in the discovery series video, isn't it safe to say there's plenty of room for guys like OrbX in MSFS2020 for regions? For example, autogen for the Northern Rockies? The right kind of trees and objects for different regions, etc.
  4. Personally, this confirms the continued role of scenery developers at the regional level (and city level of course). Outside aerial cities, specific autogen will be needed. I don't think Azure has the ability to identify the types of trees or roads, 3D building autogen, in every region. OrbX would create all these things. Of course that doesn't mean the default is bad.
  5. Anyone have a direct link to the video? I can't seem to right click to download. Looking forward to the world preview, but we might have learned the most on Monday with the "influencer" reports.
  6. I don't know if it will show up in the game, but there are so many applications for have a virtual planet. I wouldn't be surprised if this is partially a way for MS to test such a virtual planet. The industrial and consumer applications have so much more profit potential.
  7. I want to know too but I'm afraid to start a topic about it. 😣 Per the development map, there should be an update today. It seems like they get released late US time.
  8. They can't be as bad as Google. Just curious with what other software MS has abandoned. They're pretty good about backward compatibility but I know that's a separate issue. I am hoping that given they're going to have an X-Box version that they will at least fix bugs for a fair amount of time. You essentially had to buy 3rd party software to get DX10 to work with it.
  9. In X-Plane, no seasons is a deal-breaker for me because I'm not that big of a fan of the sim in general. I don't find the sim immersive at all. At this point I don't see seasons upon release, but it's not a deal breaker. You can always fly in the Southern Hemisphere! In a recent poll, the request for four-seasons basically tied VR, so hopefully it will happen or hopefully OrbX and others can accomplish it.
  10. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the issue, but FSX saved your location in a flight right? Was the issue that the engines were off when you restarted the flight?
  11. No you don't. You are probably confusing the MS gamertag with the game pass. Yes, you need a Microsoft gaming account but that is not what the game pass is. Again, forget about "game pass", including with respect to the beta.
  12. Don't confuse people. 😉 The point of this thread is that game pass is irrelevant to the whole hypothetical subscription issue.
  13. No, right now MSFS2020 is not part of that beta program. Go here to register: https://www.flightsimulator.com/insider-home/ for the current alpha/beta program.
  14. X-Box Game Pass is the equivalent of Netflix. If you watch a lot of movies, Netflix can be great. It doesn't stop you from buying individual movies online. For X-Box games or for PC games, you don't need it to buy individual games. Even if something similar comes out for PC, it's going to be optional. You can still get it, but I imagine most AVSIM people won't be interested. And game pass is not the same thing as a gamer tag or a Microsoft gaming account. It's not relevant to a hypothetical MSFS2020 subscription one way or the other. So just get it out of your mind.
  15. First of all, forget game pass completely unless you have an X-Box and play a lot of other X-Box games. Really, almost everyone on AVSIM should just put it out of their mind altogether. In general, up-to-date PCs always beat consoles. Sometimes console to PC ports are poorly optimized, but they're starting with the PC version. We don't know much about add-ons yet, but there will be a presentation later this month, which suggests it will be an option. The real concern is that a lot of people in the community are worried that MS will take some of the share for addons, which is fine to me as long as it's reasonable. Add-on developers have gotten too used to paying nothing but if there is integration into a store it could be fair. Bottom line is we don't know much yet.
  16. I imagine it means help with papi lights and such? Source: source I also hope they include the option to disable the lightning flash in storms for photosensitive people.
  17. People really seem to be having a hard time with this. The Xbox Game Pass is like Netflix. You get access to a ton of games if you pay a monthly fee. That doesn't mean you can't still buy the movie on Amazon/Apple or a DVD. This is actually good for PC players because it will introduce a lot of newbies to the genre.
  18. There isn't even a jury because no charges have been filed. 😀 This subscription model theory just started on AVSIM for no reason as far as I can tell. Maybe there's confusion because X-Box has a subscription service where you get access to multiple games at once or because some versions of Office focus on subscriptions now. But really there has been nothing from MS to even suggest this is in the air. It's like if I say MS hasn't denied that there will a 50% add-on charge for developers to give their pilots sunglasses. And then a panel suggests the team wants to have a game where developers can give their pilots sunglasses for free Maybe some of the AVSIM worry is that it seems impossible for MS to stream so much scenery and make a profit? Or that the equivalent OrbX product would cost a million dollars? Azure AI is the game changer here. They have the bandwidth. However, you are right that these guys can't make any promises right now. Pricing is not their department. But reading between the lines I think it's likely there will not be a subscription fee.
  19. Depends right? I'd take the FSX ATC at release. I always thought it was pretty good for GA.
  20. Doesn't seem to be appropriate to discuss the salaries of the devs we know are reading this. Where does this idea of a subscription come from?
  21. I bet MS will have a lot of that covered. Even X-Plane does this well out of the box.
  22. My pure speculation is at least one aircraft and custom city/region with custom autogen.
  23. Does anyone know what kind of features might be coming up in the next version of X-Plane?
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