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Everything posted by carbonbasedlifeform

  1. Wouldn't allowing easy porting help helicopter fans get some quick products up and running before more complex products hit the market?
  2. What is alpha fading? Regardless of what stage of development we're at, aren't there going to have to be some tradeoffs if you're flying low? Isn't this just a current limitation of 3D graphics in general?
  3. There's also nothing to stop you from sticking with P3D. But like I said, I can see the arguments on both sides. It seems like there's certainly portions of old products that could be transferred over.
  4. I can see the arguments on both sides. Imagine if PDMG airliners could be used right now. Don't they have pretty good textures and so forth?
  5. Hopefully they will upload at the same time as their own site so watching the videos is a bit easier and faster.
  6. Most people would agree the camera system in FSX was really bad, right? I'm not a huge X-Plane fan, but they seem to have gotten it right for the most part. What do you want to see in MSFS2020?
  7. I'm more concerned with bandwidth caps then speed. People with unusually slow internet connections can download scenery overnight. Latency will be irrelevant outside of multiplayer. That's why worrying about using a cable over WiFi is not really the thing to focus on. On the other hand, if the download sizes are similar to Ortho4XP, that could limit the amount of scenery you can see per month. In terms of performance, graphics cards will still be the top factor IMO.
  8. Azure is not receiving input and sending output frame by frame. It's being used to create a 3D world based on satellite imagery and various data. That data is downloaded just like anything else, including Netflix. What Asobo is excited about is using Azure's power to create the world, not to send you it's calculations in real time. Netflix has an option to download files offline, as will this sim with scenery files. If you don't have enough bandwidth available, your Netflix video will start buffering. If you don't have a fast enough internet connection, you can't download 4K video. Online, many videos will simply lower the video quality to match your speed. That is why performance is dependent on Internet speed if you don't download the scenery ahead of time. The popping is from the local computing limitations, just like every other sim and game. The issue is how to hide what the computer can't render in time. Some games use haze for example. Developers are getting more creative, but video cards can still only push out so many polygons. Realistically there's going to have to be some limit. The fact that the game can be played offline once you've downloaded the scenery basically shows nothing's happening frame by frame via the Internet.
  9. Microsoft must know 90% of people who play games (or sims) use WiFi, so it should be fine. I wonder if some people think the entire game is going to be streamed online. The scenery will download in the background. The rest of the sim is going to be processed on your computer.
  10. More frames will require more hardware. They are at least targeting today's highest-end GPUs and RAM. Really, they could target even better hardware since this sim is supposed to be around for a while. People will be sad they can't max out their sliders, but that's the price of progress. As for X-Plane, better hardware will also get you better framerates, but they are also a smaller team and have less resources. Asobo's last game was oddly known for the number of rats (objects) that could be displayed on screen! So maybe that will help.
  11. Stumbling? Windows 10 is great. Maybe it's your setup?
  12. Nitpick: It's possible, but it wouldn't be based on Azure. Azure is about 2D placement and colors, and satellite imagery. FSX autogenerated hangar facades from a library of artwork. This game still has graphical artists. This sim will still do this. If there are hangars you could enter, that would be based on design and the game's programming, not Azure. (Theoretically this should be possible in FSX or X-Plane.) It's a cool idea. I am curious about the above segment from the E3 announcement. My initial guess is that it's some sort of universal hangar for players to manage their payload and so forth.
  13. They’re not competing shops on different sides of the street. P3D is based on the product MS made to begin with. They’re like people writing FORTRAN to keep an old program alive (and no 64 bit is not a giant leap forward). They’re never going to have access to Bing maps unless MS wants them too. Lockheed makes weapons, not consumer software. Can you imagine someone on CNBC saying, “Lockheed announced the creation of a new gaming subdivision today...”
  14. Is any AI up to creating models of animals at this time? I'm thinking those Flamingos and Elephants in the trailer were created by artists. You may think worrying about the animals is silly, but it's just one example of an object in the world that scenery creators should still be able to improve on or even create in the first place. If Asobo is using artists, then I'm sure other artists can come in and tailor and add models to specific regions.
  15. I use it for all games. Then I turn AA down. Reading text is so much better at 4K (provided scaling is properly set up) and you can't go back. The videos are edited? I think they cherry-pick the bests shots, which is natural, but I'm not aware of any brushing-up or similar. I don't see any reason to believe they're not in-game.
  16. A product made in partnership with Microsoft for Windows and X-Box that uses elements of FSX is probably going to be using Microsoft developer tools and retain the Windows file structure. Once you make some shortcuts, it's not that bad. And in my experience X-Plane's setup isn't that great once you introduce things like LUA and scripts, etc.
  17. You rotorcraft guys have it rough. Is it possible a third party could inject their own flight model into the sim?
  18. If I don't get into the alpha program, I might have to make an effort to ignore news about this sim. 😑 It's a ways off.
  19. I used think it would only be airports but like Domkle says there is a niche market for certain areas.
  20. It’s just a discussion. I don’t expect Asobo to release every plane in existence and I don’t expect them to model every type of regional objects that matter to a lot of GA fliers.
  21. There are some niche games/sims out there. There’s one about off-road industrial vehicles. They simulate extra mud physics. Granted, FS2020 may end up with addons that match that experience and I wouldn’t be surprised if Deadstick folds.
  22. So how far do you take this? X-plane has about 2 types of trees. Is that enough for you if you’re into GA? This is not really an issue for MS/Asobo. I don’t expect them to create region-specific objects for the entire globe. Its also not about satellite imagery.
  23. My opinion is based on flying low and slow. Is Azure really going to model all the types of trees?
  24. Well I'm glad to hear Brazil was accurate. The comparison should be with FS2020 though.
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