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Everything posted by Seven7

  1. All was fine since the begining (release of the game)... Now it stays stuck on the loading screen (Paris view), so no access to the sim. For me it's just like a.. downgrade, can't use the sim anymore (no addons in the community folder)...
  2. Thankies, Works well, low FPS impact. The autopilot can be used via the saitek multipanel. Great work, as usual 🙂
  3. I've both and nothing to complain about. Different performances but both are pretty good 🙂
  4. Same, perfectly fluid, in all Ultra/High, up cities or not, etc 🙂
  5. lol yes, i don't really see the interest to fly underwater..
  6. I don't think the down vote option is something good, it can just call issues between people. Really not a friendly option and I don't really see the interest to add this feature. It's agressive and nobody needs that.
  7. With V-Sync On - Frame rate Limit 60 FPS, i get all absolutely smooth with all in ULTRA Pic : https://gyazo.com/68c1192e0e9abeb1773c08741f6416e3 Config : https://gyazo.com/2b275373d315f4fe5add2dbda5d3f949
  8. hm yes, the model have it's importance, I have twoo 4 K screens, a Philips and a Sony Bravia. The Sony shows with no doubts way better images and colors.
  9. Well, when it's set in 3840 X 2160, it's set in 4 K. Now, the quality of the images will depend of the settings (high end, ultra and etc), it's why you don't have the same as some youtube videos. If I'm wrong, well anyone can tell me that and why 🙂
  10. Lhookins, you're right. I have a 3 years licence for FS-Flight Control (stays 2) but I will not update it after, I don't really like paying the same software several times. And yes, Little Nav Map do well the job.
  11. I do, only for the control of the camera, it's pretty easy with it... Otherwise, Honeycomb Alpha Yoke and Saitek X56 Throttle.
  12. The guild? And yes, you're right, supersampling at 8X works well and no fps hit with a GTX 1070.
  13. I noticed that pushing anisotropic filtering mostly don't affect performances, so it can be pushed to 16X. Better images for very low price 🙂
  14. I get this only and always when I load a saved flight.... Never with a new flight.
  15. Yes, I noticed this around India and Nepal (Himalaya area).
  16. You can create that on your keyboard. I have P for enabling it and CTRL P for disabling. You mostly must use the 2 key. If you use only one, P for example, your aircraft will have trouble when you'll hit the P a second time for disabling. So, P and CTRL P works perfectly 🙂
  17. Lot of things are missing, for example... the ability to save different graphic configurations...
  18. Did not see any news about it. For now you can use it with spad.next. It works but you'll lost some fluidity because the simmconnect is not working... perfectly.
  19. Pretty nice.. What are the settings (resolution, etc)?
  20. I found most of the animals in the north of Africa (Ethiopia).... Elephants and girafes. Some in canyons.... I don't know if the devs have traveled a little but this not really where people are going when they want to see theses animals... There was NONE at the places where theses animals are usually (and plenty) : Serengeti reserve, Ngorongoro reserve, Mara River, Mara Masai Reserve, Tsavo reserve, Kilimanjaro reserve, Nairobi reserve, Kruger Park in South Africa, Kagera Reserve in Rwanda and etc. I know it's goodies but it will be good to place the animals where they mostly are.
  21. You can maybe try 2560x1440.. It looks pretty good for me, with a GTX 1070 (30 - 35 fps)
  22. If you look at your aircrafts, you'll see theses included in the premium Deluxe. If no, just go on their Marketplace, you'll see "premium, etc" as owned, just click on it and then this will be probably fixed 🙂
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