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Everything posted by 40track

  1. One thing not mentioned is the 980 pro firmware issue. First thing to do after driver install is grab the Samsung magician then run for the Updates to firmware then you're good to go. No OC And XMP on as mentioned.
  2. Issue isn't the PC or the Board it may be the Case length (4090 being 30.4 cm long and upwards). Using the PSU Cables you'll need 4 of them to the ATX 3.0 cable adapter connecter that's supplied with the GPU. Just check whether you have the extra cable/cables.
  3. Caved and bought it. Cockpit view. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=%2bMZsHxvP&id=0D56A6FA6B8A5C65D761D4EEF7DF149C285302E6&thid=OIP.-MZsHxvPBM4HU0FWiTssyQHaE8&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.f8c66c1f1bcf04ce07534156893b2cc9%3frik%3d5gJTKJwU3%2ffu1A%26riu%3dhttp%3a%2f%2fwww.austrianwings.info%2ffileadmin%2faw%2f2014%2f08%2fSteuerhorn-Cockpit-Boeing-737-900ER-El-Al-4X-EHE-Foto-PA-Austrian-Wings-Media-Crew.jpg%26ehk%3d0h%2bsnJ3zVp3jFqzfCWWRXLO%2fD4su%2f0w2GbO9Uyc09KU%3d%26risl%3d%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0%26sres%3d1%26sresct%3d1%26srh%3d800%26srw%3d1200&exph=380&expw=570&q=737-900+kf+er+cockpit&simid=607994797779469638&FORM=IRPRST&ck=CE80CC6BE5F43FE77CDEA0E9DC53FF5D&selectedIndex=13&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0
  4. Ok. Go through the official folder and modify the aircraft.cfg in cessna 152 172 Generic piston engine multi engine generic single engine and tbm folder from 1 to 0 one after the other until satisfied then restore your aig old settings. Beyond that im not sure.
  5. Did you try doing that to the official folder Cessnas or the aig ones. As i don't use aig can't tell if they use the same process as stock.
  6. Yep compatible liveries. No operation centre tho. So any ptp files wont extract.
  7. About to find out. See if the liveries are compatible with the standard installers.
  8. Yes. Recommended 1000W. 850W would be ok providing you have the 4 cables (To GPU) and a good PSU to connect. Risk maybe the card won't achieve turbo overclock and/or CTDs from this. Nvidia RTX 4090 officially asks for 850W, but your PC may need more | PCGamesN ATX 3.0 PSU info Comprehensive ATX 3.0 PSU List : buildapc (reddit.com)
  9. As you said there are better alternatives to it. However, it's now becoming a growing frustration to others and understandable too. Lol yeah keep the polish up and hopefully soon we see what's been happening in the background.
  10. EFB isn't a real issue and it'll come when it does. Also, Offline 700 .53 and 800 .54 files up on the PMDG website.
  11. Just be careful to plug the PSU cable in properly and maybe consider spending on an aftermarket connector to 4* cable to Power supply plug if the PSU doesn't have that new-fangled direct plug.
  12. 737-700 for its BBJ model as a start then Fenix A320.
  13. Or this if youre going to spend big money. ProYoke 6013930347354 ProYoke 737 Tabletop Yoke (aviationmegastore.com) Can not find any reviews on it tho but looks word not allowed good for any 737 pilot.
  14. No issues with the Leonardo W/SU11 non beta. Compiled a little bit longer first go and hope they launch an overdue update soon.
  15. See if the reverse axis box is ticked or not and untick or tick it and recalibrate.
  16. Setup takeoff config TCAS etc and save panel state and have startup state what you named it. Fuel and the BBJ version wont saveout to max but give you a total of only 44lbs*1000. So for the first restart after youll have to select fuel and set 100% then its set.
  17. Menu/Pmdg setup/Aircraft/Equipment/ next page button till you get to page 11 and select what Aux tanks you want then Goto fuel set 100% and make sure your about 70 lbs*1000 for max range. This limits pax/cargo loads. Military use the 700 BBJ as the C40 so its pretty close to what you would expect to the real world experience.
  18. Ok do you have the default A320 installed? If so go through that folder and make sure isAirtraffic =1 assuming you mean that A320 is the small green airplane which i assume isnt. If not undo everything youve done. No idea after that.
  19. Dont delete the folders but edit the 1 to 0 Also never mind the TrafficBGL file thing i said.
  20. Ok well i didnt do the rename however of you have the MSstore version goto the Official/Onestore/Asobo-generic-airliner-twinengines folder go through the folders till you see aircraft.cfg For the A380 do the same except Quadengines folder and go through it and edit from 1 to 0 Make sure you see this and edit to isAirTraffic = 0 ; airtraffic flag for variations
  21. sorry, do not understand? Do you mean with "which models?" that I want to disable the MSFS default AI models with the sharp nose? And why should I undo what I have done? A bit more explanation, please? You want to remove the pointy aircraft right?
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