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  1. This is not a panic button. Auto-gcas automatically takes over the aircraft from manual flight without any pilot input. Which is the whole point for averting a crash if the pilot is unconscious from gloc.
  2. You should go work for yahoo news. They love to give their stories misleading and exaggerated titles.
  3. Old/new, FMC equipped ir not has nothing to do with whether qfe is used. That is a procedural or regulatory preference based on perceived needs and convenience of an operator. eg. operators that routinely engage in aerobatics at low level may prefer to use qfe around an airfield or operators who primarily employ former military pilots may prefer to use qfe for familiarity, etc. However there is nothing technical that determines whether an aircraft is required to use it.
  4. Typically the flap limitation is 20000' maximum altitude for deployment. So what happened in your sim is probably as good as anybody's guess on what would happen if extended there since they were probably never even tested in that regime. Having said that, I do know of an incident where somebody grabbed the flap handle instead of the spoiler handle on an airbus in a similar event and they survived with not much more than a rumble.
  5. But I'll bet the tickets were a bargain.
  6. Do you have an apu? If not, maybe move the special effects into the smoke section instead and leave the actual light section for the actual lights.
  7. How is 18 line items not enough for all the lights that a pilot would be concerned with?
  8. They don't require an engine running per se. What items like that do require is normal electrical power. Which would only be available if a generator was running or external power connected. Which, for the generators, would require either an engine or the apu to be running.
  9. http://pilotonline.com/news/military/local/navy-human-error-to-blame-for-march-cable-break-aboard/article_c4675c54-6cdc-5882-867a-68f961145c9d.html
  10. You completely misunderstood page 17. It says nothing about using greenwhich mean time, but rather meridian time. Meridian time is an equivalent of local time and that page explains how it is calculated, ie 1 hour difference from gmt per 15 degrees of meridian and also that it is stated on the table, ie EST and 60 west.
  11. I appreciate your sarcasm, wars have been waged for myriad reasons over milennia, but which does essentially always boils down to nationalism in various forms. Right wing nationalism versus left wing socialism is just an architecture of many modern countries, particularly in europe. The US has been free of this construct until recently, when one of the parties transformed and pushed far to the left, causing recent rise of a right wing style opposition.
  12. Well, that's what happens when you turn a thread political.
  13. Right wing nationalism is but a response to left wing socialism in any country. You will not have one without the other. And the extremity of one is also related to the other. So if you think there is a problem with nationalism here, then it is only because there is a problem with socialism here.
  14. They should have used Denzel instead.
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